An 18-year-old, chain of command policy that has been under attack in recent months and one that outlined how City Council members are supposed to communicate with city workers was scrapped at Monday’s meeting by a 3-2 vote.In Lake Worth, the City Commission directs the City Manager, City Attorney and the Internal Auditor, hiring and firing personnel in those three positions. In a weak Mayor, City Manager form of government, direction to staff comes from the City Manager and the Mayor and Commissioners communicate their desires and directions to the City Manager. I don't think there is a hard and fast policy here where Commission members can't talk with department heads and other city staff, it's just that they shouldn't be telling them what to do. I am sure that there are many meetings between one member of the Commission, the City Manager and a department head.
Council members Judy Dugo, Jonathan Pearce and Lisa Rivera voted to kill policy No. 14, while members Peter Noble and Paula Bousquet were in opposition.
“This policy is demoralizing and not constructive,” Dugo said. “I want a policy that allows for open communication.”
Drafted in 1997 when the city was having issues with the city manager position, the policy states that any council member who wants to discuss city business with a staff employee must get the OK from the city manager. It also says city employees can’t talk to a council member regarding city business without prior consent of the city manager.
Interestingly, there are two presentations on the Sunshine Law and the Open Records law to be made by the City Attorney at tonight's (5/5) City Commission meeting. The presentation is in the back-up material and is worth reviewing on your own. I will have video of the presentations up tomorrow morning.