Saturday, August 9, 2014
A message from the United Nations on the Lake Worth 2020 Plan
In Spanish:
Desde la Ciudad con respecto a las garantías del dinero de la fianza será gastado como se detalla en el plan de bonos
"El referéndum para emitir los bonos es el marco legal para el contrato de fianza. Para la emisión de los bonos, la Ciudad tendrá que entrar en un contrato legal con los prestamistas. El contrato contendrá cláusulas legales que son vinculantes para el City sin cualquier cambio en la Administración o funcionarios electos. Los pactos contendría la información del proyecto y la ciudad tendrá que seguir los requisitos legales en el gasto de los ingresos de los bonos. los bonos no se pueden gastar en ningún artículo que no están contenidos en los pactos. auditor de la Ciudad de auditará el cumplimiento de los contratos de bonos cada año. Si la Ciudad no cumplió con el pacto que sería un defecto y no habría grave federal, estatal, legal, y las ramificaciones financieras ".
In Haitian Creole:
Soti nan Vil la konsènan asirans lajan nan kosyon pral depanse kòm detaye nan plan an kosyon
"Referandòm lan bay desizyon lyezon yo se fondasyon an legal pou kontra a kosyon. Yo nan lòd yo bay bon yo, Vil la ap gen antre nan yon kontra legal ak pretè. Kontra a pral gen alyans legal ke yo obligatwa sou Vil la kèlkeswa nenpòt chanjman nan Administrasyon oswa Moun Ki Eli. alyans yo ta gen enfòmasyon nan pwojè ak lavil la pral gen yo swiv kondisyon sa yo legal nan depans la nan lajan yo kosyon. Bond montan pa ka dwe te pase sou nenpòt ki bagay ki pa genyen nan yo nan alyans yo. oditè Vil la nan a ap verifye konfòmite a ak alyans yo kosyon chak ane. Si Vil la pa t 'konfòme li avèk kontra a ki ta ka yon default ak ta gen grav federal, eta, legal, ak ramifications finansye. "
In Finnish:
Kaupungilta koskevat takeet bond rahat vietti tarkemmin joukkolainojen suunnitelma
"Kansanäänestys antaa joukkovelkakirjoja on oikeudellinen kehys joukkovelkakirjalainan sopimus. Jotta liikkeeseen joukkovelkakirjoja, kaupunki on tehdä oikeudellisia sopimuksen lainanantajien. Sopimus sisältää oikeudellisia liittoja, jotka sitovat Kaupungin riippumatta muutokset hallinto tai virkaan valitut. kovenantit sisältäisi projektin tiedot ja kaupunki on noudatettava kyseisiä oikeudellisia vaatimuksia menojen joukkovelkakirjalainan tuotto. Bond hyötyä ei voida käytetty esineitä ei sisälly liitot. Kaupungin tilintarkastajan tulee tarkastaa noudattamista joukkovelkakirjalainan liitot vuosittain. Mikäli kaupunki ei noudattanut liittoa, joka olisi oletuksena eikä olisi vakava liittovaltion, valtion, oikeudellisia ja taloudellisia seurauksia. "
In Esperanto:
De la Urbo koncerne certigoj la ligilo mono elspezis pro detala en la ligilo plano
"La referendumo elsendi la ligojn estas la juran kadron por la ligo kontrakton. Por doni la ligilojn, la Urbo devos eniri en leĝa kontrakto kun lenders. La kontrakto enhavos juraj interligoj kiuj ligas la Urbo sendepende de ajna ŝanĝo en Administrado aŭ electos. The interligoj enhavus la projekto informo kaj la urbo devos sekvi tiujn leĝajn postulojn en la enspezo de la kupono procedas. Bond procedas ne povas pasigis en ajna erojn ne enhavita en la interligoj. The City aŭditoro La estos auditar la plenumon de la ligo interligoj ĉiujare. Se la urbo ne plenumas la interligo estus defaŭltan kaj estus serioza federala, ŝtataj, juraj kaj financaj ramificaciones. "
In Latin:
Ab urbe cautiones de vinculo pecunia consumpta est detailed consilium in vinculo
Per "edere referendum est ad iuris vinculo contracta vincula. Ut ferat vincula ad urbem inire liceret habere creditores contractus. Contractus urbem haberet iuris ratione tenentur conventiones manente administratione aut Sosius. Testamenta capere consequat ipsum et civitas sequi lege fuit in expendere vinculo pacis. Bond procedit non impenditur quis items continetur in testamentis. urbis auditor est obsequio et coagulo computum testamenta per singulos annos. in urbem si defaltam fecerit, et pactum, quod sit gravis esset foederati, status, legal, Lorem ramificationes. "
In Urdu:
بانڈ کی منصوبہ بندی میں تفصیلی طور پر یقین دہانی بانڈ کی رقم کے بارے میں شہر سے خرچ کرے گا
"بانڈ جاری کرنے کے لئے ریفرنڈم بانڈ معاہدہ کے لئے قانونی فریم ورک ہے. بانڈز جاری کرنے کے لئے، شہر قرض دہندہ کے ساتھ ایک قانونی معاہدے میں داخل کرنا پڑے گا. معاہدے کے قطع نظر شہر پر پابند ہیں کہ قانونی معاہدوں پر مشتمل ہوگا انتظامیہ یا منتخب حکام میں کوئی تبدیلی. معاہدوں منصوبے کی معلومات پر مشتمل ہو گی اور شہر کے بانڈ آمدنی کے اخراجات میں ان قانونی تقاضوں پر عمل کرنا ہوگا. بانڈ آمدنی معاہدوں میں موجود نہیں کسی بھی اشیاء پر خرچ نہیں کیا جا سکتا. شہر کے آڈیٹر کی ہر سال بانڈ معاہدوں کے ساتھ تعمیل سے آڈٹ کرے گا. شہر ایک پہلے سے طے شدہ ہو گا اور سنگین وفاقی، ریاست، قانونی، اور مالیاتی نتائج ہو گا کہ عہد کے ساتھ عمل نہیں کیا. "
In Thai:
"การลงประชามติจะออกพันธบัตรเป็นกรอบกฎหมายสำหรับสัญญาพันธบัตร. เพื่อออกพันธบัตรเมืองจะต้องป้อนเข้าไปในสัญญาทางกฎหมายกับผู้ให้กู้. สัญญาจะมีเงื่อนไขทางกฎหมายที่มีผลผูกพันกับเมืองโดยไม่คำนึงถึง การเปลี่ยนแปลงในการบริหารงานหรือการเลือกตั้งใด ๆ . สัญญาจะมีข้อมูลโครงการและเมืองที่จะต้องทำตามข้อกำหนดทางกฎหมายผู้ที่อยู่ในการใช้จ่ายของเงินพันธบัตร. เงินตราสารหนี้ไม่สามารถใช้จ่ายในรายการใด ๆ ที่ไม่อยู่ในข้อ. ผู้สอบบัญชีของเมืองของ จะตรวจสอบความสอดคล้องกับข้อผูกพันทุกปี. หากเมืองไม่สอดคล้องกับพันธสัญญาที่จะเริ่มต้นและจะมีรัฐอย่างจริงจังของรัฐบาลกลางกฎหมายและมีเครือข่ายทางการเงิน ".
In French:
De la Ville en ce qui concerne l'assurance de l'argent obligataire sera passé comme indiqué dans le plan de liaison
"Le référendum d'émettre les obligations est le cadre juridique du contrat de cautionnement. Afin d'émettre les obligations, la Ville devra conclure un contrat juridique avec les prêteurs. Le contrat contiendra des engagements juridiques qui lient la ville indépendamment de tout changement dans l'administration ou élus. Les covenants contiendra les informations de projet et la ville devra suivre les exigences légales en la dépense des produits obligataires. Bond produit ne peuvent pas être dépensés sur des éléments qui ne figurent pas dans les engagements. vérificateur de la Ville de vérifiera la conformité avec les clauses restrictives chaque année. Si la Ville n'a pas respecté l'alliance qui serait un défaut et il serait grave fédéral, état, juridique, et les ramifications financières ".
In German:
Von der Stadt in Bezug auf die Anleihe Zusicherungen Geld ausgegeben, wie in der Bindung Plan zur
"Das Referendum die Begebung der Schuldverschreibungen ist der rechtliche Rahmen für die Anleihe Vertrag. Um die Begebung der Schuldverschreibungen, wird die Stadt haben, in eine rechtliche Vertrag mit Kreditgebern geben. Der Vertrag wird Rechts Bündnisse, die auf der City ohne verbindlich sind enthalten jede Änderung in der Verwaltung oder gewählte Beamte. Die Covenants würden die Projektinformationen enthalten, und die Stadt muss, um diese gesetzlichen Anforderungen in den Ausgaben der Anleiheerlös zu folgen. Bond Erlöse nicht für Artikel, die nicht in den Covenants enthalten ausgegeben werden. Die Stadt der Abschlussprüfer wird die Einhaltung der Covenants Bindung jedes Jahr zu prüfen. Wenn die Stadt nicht mit dem Bund, den ein Standard wäre und es würde ernsthafte Bund, Ländern, rechtlichen und finanziellen Auswirkungen sein einhalten. "
In Indonesian:
Dari Kota mengenai jaminan uang jaminan akan dihabiskan sebagaimana tercantum dalam rencana obligasi
"Referendum untuk menerbitkan obligasi adalah kerangka hukum untuk kontrak obligasi. Untuk menerbitkan obligasi, City yang harus masuk ke dalam kontrak hukum dengan pemberi pinjaman. Kontrak tersebut akan mencakup persyaratan hukum yang mengikat dari Kota terlepas dari setiap perubahan dalam Administrasi atau pejabat terpilih. The perjanjian akan berisi informasi proyek dan kota harus mengikuti persyaratan hukum dalam pengeluaran hasil obligasi. hasil obligasi tidak dapat dihabiskan pada setiap item yang tidak tercantum dalam perjanjian. Auditor City ini akan mengaudit sesuai dengan perjanjian obligasi setiap tahun. Jika City yang tidak sesuai dengan perjanjian yang akan menjadi default dan akan ada serius federal, negara bagian, hukum, dan konsekuensi keuangan. "
In Hindi:
बांड योजना में विस्तृत रूप में आश्वासन बंधन पैसे के बारे में शहर से खर्च करेगा
"बांड जारी करने के लिए जनमत संग्रह बंधन अनुबंध के लिए कानूनी ढांचा है. बांड जारी करने के लिए, शहर उधारदाताओं के साथ एक कानूनी अनुबंध में प्रवेश करना होगा. अनुबंध की परवाह किए बिना शहर पर बाध्यकारी हैं कि कानूनी प्रावधानों के शामिल होंगे प्रशासन या निर्वाचित अधिकारियों में कोई बदलाव. वाचाएं परियोजना जानकारी शामिल होगा और शहर बंधन आय के खर्च में उन कानूनी आवश्यकताओं का पालन करना होगा. बॉण्ड आय वाचाएं में निहित नहीं किसी भी आइटम पर खर्च नहीं किया जा सकता है. शहर के लेखा परीक्षकों की हर साल बंधन वाचाएं के अनुपालन लेखा परीक्षा होगी. शहर के एक डिफ़ॉल्ट होगा और गंभीर संघीय, राज्य, कानूनी और वित्तीय असर होगा कि वाचा का पालन नहीं किया है. "
In Chinese:
In Japanese:
「債券を発行する国民は、債券の契約の法的枠組みである。債券を発行するためには、市は、貸し手との法的な契約を締結する必要があります。契約にかかわらず、市を拘束する法的な条項が含まれています管理または選出議員の変化が。条項はプロジェクト情報を含んでいるでしょうし、市は債券の収益の支出のそれらの法的要件に従わなければならないでしょう。ボンド進み、契約条項に含まれていないすべてのアイテムに費やされることはできません。市の監査人の毎年債券条項の遵守を監査します。市はデフォルトになり、深刻な連邦、州、法務、財務波及効果があるだろう契約を遵守しなかった場合。 "
In Javanese:
Saka City gegayutan jaminan dhuwit jaminan bakal ngginakaken rinci ing rencana jaminan
"Ing referendum kanggo ngetokake obligasi punika framework legal kanggo kontrak jaminan. Supaya ngetokake obligasi, Kutha bakal kudu ngetik menyang kontrak legal karo tukang kredit. Ing contract bakal ngemot legal prajanjian sing naleni ing Kutha preduli saka pangowahan apa ing Administrasi utawa Kapilih Pejabat. Ing prajanjian kang ngemot informasi project lan kutha bakal tindakake iku syarat legal ing mbuwang saka neruske jaminan. Bond neruske ora bisa ngginakaken ing sembarang item ora ana ing prajanjian. Kutha kang auditor kang bakal audit tundhuk karo prajanjian jaminan saben taun. Yen City ora tundhuk karo prajanjian sing bakal dadi gawan ana bakal serius Federal, negara, legal, lan financial ramifications. "
In Russian:
От города в отношении заверений деньги облигаций будет потрачено, как указано в плане облигаций
"Референдум о выпуске облигаций является нормативно-правовая база для договора облигаций. Чтобы выпуске облигаций, Город придется заключать юридический договор с кредиторами. Контракт будет содержать юридических заветы, которые обязательны для города, независимо от любое изменение в администрации или избираемых должностных лиц. Заветы будет содержать информацию о проекте и город будет следовать те правовые требования в расходовании облигаций выручки. Выручка Облигации не могут быть потрачены на любые предметы, не содержащихся в заветах. аудитор города сайт Будет проверяться соблюдение заветов облигаций каждый год. Если Город не соответствуют такой завет, какой бы по умолчанию и там будет серьезная федеральных, государственных, правовых и финансовых последствия ".
Desde la Ciudad con respecto a las garantías del dinero de la fianza será gastado como se detalla en el plan de bonos
"El referéndum para emitir los bonos es el marco legal para el contrato de fianza. Para la emisión de los bonos, la Ciudad tendrá que entrar en un contrato legal con los prestamistas. El contrato contendrá cláusulas legales que son vinculantes para el City sin cualquier cambio en la Administración o funcionarios electos. Los pactos contendría la información del proyecto y la ciudad tendrá que seguir los requisitos legales en el gasto de los ingresos de los bonos. los bonos no se pueden gastar en ningún artículo que no están contenidos en los pactos. auditor de la Ciudad de auditará el cumplimiento de los contratos de bonos cada año. Si la Ciudad no cumplió con el pacto que sería un defecto y no habría grave federal, estatal, legal, y las ramificaciones financieras ".
In Haitian Creole:
Soti nan Vil la konsènan asirans lajan nan kosyon pral depanse kòm detaye nan plan an kosyon
"Referandòm lan bay desizyon lyezon yo se fondasyon an legal pou kontra a kosyon. Yo nan lòd yo bay bon yo, Vil la ap gen antre nan yon kontra legal ak pretè. Kontra a pral gen alyans legal ke yo obligatwa sou Vil la kèlkeswa nenpòt chanjman nan Administrasyon oswa Moun Ki Eli. alyans yo ta gen enfòmasyon nan pwojè ak lavil la pral gen yo swiv kondisyon sa yo legal nan depans la nan lajan yo kosyon. Bond montan pa ka dwe te pase sou nenpòt ki bagay ki pa genyen nan yo nan alyans yo. oditè Vil la nan a ap verifye konfòmite a ak alyans yo kosyon chak ane. Si Vil la pa t 'konfòme li avèk kontra a ki ta ka yon default ak ta gen grav federal, eta, legal, ak ramifications finansye. "
In Finnish:
Kaupungilta koskevat takeet bond rahat vietti tarkemmin joukkolainojen suunnitelma
"Kansanäänestys antaa joukkovelkakirjoja on oikeudellinen kehys joukkovelkakirjalainan sopimus. Jotta liikkeeseen joukkovelkakirjoja, kaupunki on tehdä oikeudellisia sopimuksen lainanantajien. Sopimus sisältää oikeudellisia liittoja, jotka sitovat Kaupungin riippumatta muutokset hallinto tai virkaan valitut. kovenantit sisältäisi projektin tiedot ja kaupunki on noudatettava kyseisiä oikeudellisia vaatimuksia menojen joukkovelkakirjalainan tuotto. Bond hyötyä ei voida käytetty esineitä ei sisälly liitot. Kaupungin tilintarkastajan tulee tarkastaa noudattamista joukkovelkakirjalainan liitot vuosittain. Mikäli kaupunki ei noudattanut liittoa, joka olisi oletuksena eikä olisi vakava liittovaltion, valtion, oikeudellisia ja taloudellisia seurauksia. "
In Esperanto:
De la Urbo koncerne certigoj la ligilo mono elspezis pro detala en la ligilo plano
"La referendumo elsendi la ligojn estas la juran kadron por la ligo kontrakton. Por doni la ligilojn, la Urbo devos eniri en leĝa kontrakto kun lenders. La kontrakto enhavos juraj interligoj kiuj ligas la Urbo sendepende de ajna ŝanĝo en Administrado aŭ electos. The interligoj enhavus la projekto informo kaj la urbo devos sekvi tiujn leĝajn postulojn en la enspezo de la kupono procedas. Bond procedas ne povas pasigis en ajna erojn ne enhavita en la interligoj. The City aŭditoro La estos auditar la plenumon de la ligo interligoj ĉiujare. Se la urbo ne plenumas la interligo estus defaŭltan kaj estus serioza federala, ŝtataj, juraj kaj financaj ramificaciones. "
In Latin:
Ab urbe cautiones de vinculo pecunia consumpta est detailed consilium in vinculo
Per "edere referendum est ad iuris vinculo contracta vincula. Ut ferat vincula ad urbem inire liceret habere creditores contractus. Contractus urbem haberet iuris ratione tenentur conventiones manente administratione aut Sosius. Testamenta capere consequat ipsum et civitas sequi lege fuit in expendere vinculo pacis. Bond procedit non impenditur quis items continetur in testamentis. urbis auditor est obsequio et coagulo computum testamenta per singulos annos. in urbem si defaltam fecerit, et pactum, quod sit gravis esset foederati, status, legal, Lorem ramificationes. "
In Urdu:
بانڈ کی منصوبہ بندی میں تفصیلی طور پر یقین دہانی بانڈ کی رقم کے بارے میں شہر سے خرچ کرے گا
"بانڈ جاری کرنے کے لئے ریفرنڈم بانڈ معاہدہ کے لئے قانونی فریم ورک ہے. بانڈز جاری کرنے کے لئے، شہر قرض دہندہ کے ساتھ ایک قانونی معاہدے میں داخل کرنا پڑے گا. معاہدے کے قطع نظر شہر پر پابند ہیں کہ قانونی معاہدوں پر مشتمل ہوگا انتظامیہ یا منتخب حکام میں کوئی تبدیلی. معاہدوں منصوبے کی معلومات پر مشتمل ہو گی اور شہر کے بانڈ آمدنی کے اخراجات میں ان قانونی تقاضوں پر عمل کرنا ہوگا. بانڈ آمدنی معاہدوں میں موجود نہیں کسی بھی اشیاء پر خرچ نہیں کیا جا سکتا. شہر کے آڈیٹر کی ہر سال بانڈ معاہدوں کے ساتھ تعمیل سے آڈٹ کرے گا. شہر ایک پہلے سے طے شدہ ہو گا اور سنگین وفاقی، ریاست، قانونی، اور مالیاتی نتائج ہو گا کہ عہد کے ساتھ عمل نہیں کیا. "
In Thai:
"การลงประชามติจะออกพันธบัตรเป็นกรอบกฎหมายสำหรับสัญญาพันธบัตร. เพื่อออกพันธบัตรเมืองจะต้องป้อนเข้าไปในสัญญาทางกฎหมายกับผู้ให้กู้. สัญญาจะมีเงื่อนไขทางกฎหมายที่มีผลผูกพันกับเมืองโดยไม่คำนึงถึง การเปลี่ยนแปลงในการบริหารงานหรือการเลือกตั้งใด ๆ . สัญญาจะมีข้อมูลโครงการและเมืองที่จะต้องทำตามข้อกำหนดทางกฎหมายผู้ที่อยู่ในการใช้จ่ายของเงินพันธบัตร. เงินตราสารหนี้ไม่สามารถใช้จ่ายในรายการใด ๆ ที่ไม่อยู่ในข้อ. ผู้สอบบัญชีของเมืองของ จะตรวจสอบความสอดคล้องกับข้อผูกพันทุกปี. หากเมืองไม่สอดคล้องกับพันธสัญญาที่จะเริ่มต้นและจะมีรัฐอย่างจริงจังของรัฐบาลกลางกฎหมายและมีเครือข่ายทางการเงิน ".
In French:
De la Ville en ce qui concerne l'assurance de l'argent obligataire sera passé comme indiqué dans le plan de liaison
"Le référendum d'émettre les obligations est le cadre juridique du contrat de cautionnement. Afin d'émettre les obligations, la Ville devra conclure un contrat juridique avec les prêteurs. Le contrat contiendra des engagements juridiques qui lient la ville indépendamment de tout changement dans l'administration ou élus. Les covenants contiendra les informations de projet et la ville devra suivre les exigences légales en la dépense des produits obligataires. Bond produit ne peuvent pas être dépensés sur des éléments qui ne figurent pas dans les engagements. vérificateur de la Ville de vérifiera la conformité avec les clauses restrictives chaque année. Si la Ville n'a pas respecté l'alliance qui serait un défaut et il serait grave fédéral, état, juridique, et les ramifications financières ".
In German:
Von der Stadt in Bezug auf die Anleihe Zusicherungen Geld ausgegeben, wie in der Bindung Plan zur
"Das Referendum die Begebung der Schuldverschreibungen ist der rechtliche Rahmen für die Anleihe Vertrag. Um die Begebung der Schuldverschreibungen, wird die Stadt haben, in eine rechtliche Vertrag mit Kreditgebern geben. Der Vertrag wird Rechts Bündnisse, die auf der City ohne verbindlich sind enthalten jede Änderung in der Verwaltung oder gewählte Beamte. Die Covenants würden die Projektinformationen enthalten, und die Stadt muss, um diese gesetzlichen Anforderungen in den Ausgaben der Anleiheerlös zu folgen. Bond Erlöse nicht für Artikel, die nicht in den Covenants enthalten ausgegeben werden. Die Stadt der Abschlussprüfer wird die Einhaltung der Covenants Bindung jedes Jahr zu prüfen. Wenn die Stadt nicht mit dem Bund, den ein Standard wäre und es würde ernsthafte Bund, Ländern, rechtlichen und finanziellen Auswirkungen sein einhalten. "
In Indonesian:
Dari Kota mengenai jaminan uang jaminan akan dihabiskan sebagaimana tercantum dalam rencana obligasi
"Referendum untuk menerbitkan obligasi adalah kerangka hukum untuk kontrak obligasi. Untuk menerbitkan obligasi, City yang harus masuk ke dalam kontrak hukum dengan pemberi pinjaman. Kontrak tersebut akan mencakup persyaratan hukum yang mengikat dari Kota terlepas dari setiap perubahan dalam Administrasi atau pejabat terpilih. The perjanjian akan berisi informasi proyek dan kota harus mengikuti persyaratan hukum dalam pengeluaran hasil obligasi. hasil obligasi tidak dapat dihabiskan pada setiap item yang tidak tercantum dalam perjanjian. Auditor City ini akan mengaudit sesuai dengan perjanjian obligasi setiap tahun. Jika City yang tidak sesuai dengan perjanjian yang akan menjadi default dan akan ada serius federal, negara bagian, hukum, dan konsekuensi keuangan. "
In Hindi:
बांड योजना में विस्तृत रूप में आश्वासन बंधन पैसे के बारे में शहर से खर्च करेगा
"बांड जारी करने के लिए जनमत संग्रह बंधन अनुबंध के लिए कानूनी ढांचा है. बांड जारी करने के लिए, शहर उधारदाताओं के साथ एक कानूनी अनुबंध में प्रवेश करना होगा. अनुबंध की परवाह किए बिना शहर पर बाध्यकारी हैं कि कानूनी प्रावधानों के शामिल होंगे प्रशासन या निर्वाचित अधिकारियों में कोई बदलाव. वाचाएं परियोजना जानकारी शामिल होगा और शहर बंधन आय के खर्च में उन कानूनी आवश्यकताओं का पालन करना होगा. बॉण्ड आय वाचाएं में निहित नहीं किसी भी आइटम पर खर्च नहीं किया जा सकता है. शहर के लेखा परीक्षकों की हर साल बंधन वाचाएं के अनुपालन लेखा परीक्षा होगी. शहर के एक डिफ़ॉल्ट होगा और गंभीर संघीय, राज्य, कानूनी और वित्तीय असर होगा कि वाचा का पालन नहीं किया है. "
In Chinese:
In Japanese:
「債券を発行する国民は、債券の契約の法的枠組みである。債券を発行するためには、市は、貸し手との法的な契約を締結する必要があります。契約にかかわらず、市を拘束する法的な条項が含まれています管理または選出議員の変化が。条項はプロジェクト情報を含んでいるでしょうし、市は債券の収益の支出のそれらの法的要件に従わなければならないでしょう。ボンド進み、契約条項に含まれていないすべてのアイテムに費やされることはできません。市の監査人の毎年債券条項の遵守を監査します。市はデフォルトになり、深刻な連邦、州、法務、財務波及効果があるだろう契約を遵守しなかった場合。 "
In Javanese:
Saka City gegayutan jaminan dhuwit jaminan bakal ngginakaken rinci ing rencana jaminan
"Ing referendum kanggo ngetokake obligasi punika framework legal kanggo kontrak jaminan. Supaya ngetokake obligasi, Kutha bakal kudu ngetik menyang kontrak legal karo tukang kredit. Ing contract bakal ngemot legal prajanjian sing naleni ing Kutha preduli saka pangowahan apa ing Administrasi utawa Kapilih Pejabat. Ing prajanjian kang ngemot informasi project lan kutha bakal tindakake iku syarat legal ing mbuwang saka neruske jaminan. Bond neruske ora bisa ngginakaken ing sembarang item ora ana ing prajanjian. Kutha kang auditor kang bakal audit tundhuk karo prajanjian jaminan saben taun. Yen City ora tundhuk karo prajanjian sing bakal dadi gawan ana bakal serius Federal, negara, legal, lan financial ramifications. "
In Russian:
От города в отношении заверений деньги облигаций будет потрачено, как указано в плане облигаций
"Референдум о выпуске облигаций является нормативно-правовая база для договора облигаций. Чтобы выпуске облигаций, Город придется заключать юридический договор с кредиторами. Контракт будет содержать юридических заветы, которые обязательны для города, независимо от любое изменение в администрации или избираемых должностных лиц. Заветы будет содержать информацию о проекте и город будет следовать те правовые требования в расходовании облигаций выручки. Выручка Облигации не могут быть потрачены на любые предметы, не содержащихся в заветах. аудитор города сайт Будет проверяться соблюдение заветов облигаций каждый год. Если Город не соответствуют такой завет, какой бы по умолчанию и там будет серьезная федеральных, государственных, правовых и финансовых последствия ".
Albert Einstein ["The World As I See It," 1930]
"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed."
Greenfield, CA Police Blotter
Breaking & Entering
200 Block 3RD ST & PALM AV
Vehicle Recovery
500 Block WALNUT AV & 7TH ST
Assault with Deadly Weapon
1 Block 5TH ST & MAPLE AV
Assault with Deadly Weapon
200 Block 3RD ST & PALM AV
Vehicle Recovery
500 Block WALNUT AV & 7TH ST
Assault with Deadly Weapon
1 Block 5TH ST & MAPLE AV
Assault with Deadly Weapon
Palm Beach County buses: Palm Tran routes will get green lights at intersections. - Sun Sentinel
This works only on two east/west routes, but one is Route 63 that goes from Lake Worth to Wellington. And it will only give buses preference if they are running late. It might save three minutes on the overall trip time. The article notes that bus travel in Palm Beach County currently takes about three times longer than a typical trip in a privately owned vehicle. Click title for link.
People who rely on public transportation to get to work and school need buses that run on time.
To make sure that happens, Palm Beach County will soon try out a system that keeps traffic signals green for buses long enough for them to get through an intersection, allowing bus drivers to shave a few minutes off their routes.
The system will debut on two of the county's busiest bus routes: One that travels betweenWellington and downtown West Palm Beach and another that travels betweenWellington and Lake Worth.
Good Advice - Have Questions on the Bond Issue? Email
Here is one happy customer from Facebook:
Click this link to compose your own questions.
Click this link to compose your own questions.
Uber car service coming to West Palm Beach, 27% cheaper than...
This is a revolution in transportation delivery made possible through wide adoption of smartphone technology. It allows ordinary drivers to list their car "for hire" and act as a taxi for around town travel or short trips. The arrangement is consummated on a phone app. Of course, this raises concerns from taxi drivers who are heavily invested and regulated who now have to compete with people who already own cars originally designed for their personal use. I personally think Zip Car is a good business model for something like this and other rental car companies are following more flexible models like this one. Click title for link:
The service allows users to tap the app on their smart phone to call for a vehicle, which can be anything from a swanky-looking limo to a regular car, in just minutes.
Uber’s northern push is drawing criticism from local taxi companies who argue Uber doesn’t follow the strict government regulations and safety standards that they they must meet.
Palm Beach County’s “vehicle-for-hire” rules require drivers of taxis, limousines and other vehicles to pass background checks and carry additional insurance. Taxis and other vehicles that are older than seven years or have more than 350,000 miles must be inspected twice a year.
Announcement: Phyllo Collection Drive
We are starting a collection of pre-packaged, frozen phyllo dough for the Sabal Palm House. E-mail me for drop-off locations throughout the city. The need is urgent. We are starting today.
It might be time to re-read the Palm Beach Post editorial on the Lake Worth 2020 plan - From May 2014
Click here for link to an editorial that came out on May 11th in support of our city rebuilding itself. Here are some key parts to remember:
City commissioners seem poised to ask voters in August for permission to issue $60 million in bonds to fix up the city’s dilapidated roads, sidewalks and sewers. They are calling the project Lake Worth 2020, which is as much a call for clear-eyed vision as it is a nod to the project’s time-frame. Indeed, for voters to approve this sort of debt – and the accompanying tax increases – they will need to understand the stakes very clearly.Do we really need to question whether or not the quality of infrastructure impacts the value of the private property around it? It surely does.
The stakes are these: Lake Worth, despite its considerable amenities and rising reputation, is mired in poverty. Among Palm Beach County’s 38 cities, only Belle Glade’s residents are poorer. Years of neglect and mismanagement have left this city of 35,000 behind as its neighbors prospered.
The city is so underdeveloped that miles of streets in its poorest neighborhoods have never been paved. Children grow up in houses several blocks from the nearest fire hydrants or sidewalks. The city’s industrial zone, the Lake Worth Park of Commerce, has too few roads and utilities and, consequently, virtually no industry. Even streets around the city’s downtown center are so corrupted by potholes and cracks that they present hazards to cars and pedestrians evocative of the Third World.
Congratulations Lake Worth Yes PAC
Thank you to all the generous contributors who have given to the cause of our city's great future. Click here for full report and amendment.
Friday, August 8, 2014
My "pothole" luncheon with Larry the Lenz...
Me, left, with Larry the Lenz, at our "pothole" luncheon. Larry is hidden by the chopsticks here. |
Larry got the greatest I idea to get in touch with the old Lake Worth, the part that will be going away once the bond passes on August 26th. What better picnic for a family-style meal than one of our famous potholes.
Here's me and Larry, condiments at the ready! |
Larry's originally from Hong Kong, says so on the bottom of his shoes. |
He's also got special needs on top of all his skills in other areas, like street photography. Here I am helping him with the tasty pothole fixin's. The chopsticks are a little much for Larry to handle, but he appreciates Asian cultures. In fact, these chopsticks were a gift to me from Larry that he found in Hong Kong. He went back to visit the factory where he was a made a few years ago. Someday, I'll show you the pics from that trip. Spellbinding!
Well, like I said, it was lunch on the "fly." Larry had another appointment to rush off to and so did I, so we quickly picked up our things and left the street as we found it. Hopefully, opportunities for this kind of event will be fewer and harder to find after August 26th.
As far as chit-chat, it wasn't "My Dinner with Andre", but we'll get together again soon. And watch for more of his work right here!
From a Libertarian reader of my blog...
Your friend, Ms. Anderson of a "Little Bit of Trivia", needs a history lesson. In her deluded construct of laissez-faire, "no more taxes" nonsense all wrapped in a pseudo-Libertarian bow she completely misunderstands the “proper role of government” to a true Libertarian and/or Tea Party supporter.
The father of modern Libertarian thought is Adam Smith, the man who coined the phrase, “the invisible hand” referring to the role of government. Ever since groups have misinterpreted or intentionally twisted what Adam Smith meant. If you delve into Adam Smith's “The Wealth of Nations” he goes on to list many, many roles for government. His famous quote about the role of government lists three, the first two are “protecting the society from the violence and invasion” and protecting “every member of the society from the injustice or oppression”.
Now it gets very interesting. Adam Smith's third role of government is:
..."that of erecting and maintaining those public institutions and those public works, which though they may be in the highest degree advantageous to a great society, are, however, of such a nature, that the profit could never repay the expense to any individual, or small number of individuals; and which it, therefore, cannot be expected that any individual, or small number of individuals, should erect or maintain. The performance of this duty requires, too, very different degrees of expense in the different periods of society.”
In conclusion, as a proud Libertarian and Tea Party supporter in Lake Worth I can with good conscience and sound logic vote for both Libertarian candidate for Governor Adrian Wyllie AND the Lake Worth 2020 Bond to improve the roads and infrastructure.
A Proud Libertarian in the City of Lake Worth (and I still like you Wes, and your blog despite your political flaws!)
The father of modern Libertarian thought is Adam Smith, the man who coined the phrase, “the invisible hand” referring to the role of government. Ever since groups have misinterpreted or intentionally twisted what Adam Smith meant. If you delve into Adam Smith's “The Wealth of Nations” he goes on to list many, many roles for government. His famous quote about the role of government lists three, the first two are “protecting the society from the violence and invasion” and protecting “every member of the society from the injustice or oppression”.
Now it gets very interesting. Adam Smith's third role of government is:
..."that of erecting and maintaining those public institutions and those public works, which though they may be in the highest degree advantageous to a great society, are, however, of such a nature, that the profit could never repay the expense to any individual, or small number of individuals; and which it, therefore, cannot be expected that any individual, or small number of individuals, should erect or maintain. The performance of this duty requires, too, very different degrees of expense in the different periods of society.”
In conclusion, as a proud Libertarian and Tea Party supporter in Lake Worth I can with good conscience and sound logic vote for both Libertarian candidate for Governor Adrian Wyllie AND the Lake Worth 2020 Bond to improve the roads and infrastructure.
A Proud Libertarian in the City of Lake Worth (and I still like you Wes, and your blog despite your political flaws!)
All Aboard Florida report; no significant impact to Palm Beach Co |
The 500 page report is out and it concludes no significant impact related to environmental impact, but noise considerations are important and they are being addressed. Kimberly Miller does a good job in this Post story summarizing some of the report's details and interviews neighboring property owners. Click title for link. From the article:
The evaluation was completed in June, and corroborated an earlier finding of “no significant impact” if All Aboard Florida takes measures to mitigate the bleating sound of train horns — something the Coral Gables-based company has committed to doing.And then there is this summary at the end of the article:
Safety upgrades at crossings through most of Palm Beach County will allow for less obtrusive wayside horns that are mounted at crossings. Crossings north of 30th Street in West Palm Beach will get added measures so trains can silence their horns all together, per Florida Department of Transportation requirements.
“The corridor has existed in the affected environment for more than 100 years, and consequently, communities have generally built up around and along the corridor,” notes the report, a 500-page document filed with the Federal Railroad Administration. Demographic details in this story come from the report unless otherwise noted.
Here’s what within 500 feet of the FEC tracks between Boca Raton and West Palm Beach:
40 schools
17 grocery stores
89 religious centers
157,874 people
47 percent of corridor zoned single-family
Source: AMEC Environment & Infrastructure
114 crossings in Palm Beach County
Each closed 1.7 minutes per hour for two 76 mph passenger trains
Each closed 2.4 minutes per hour for 39 mph freight train
Source: AMEC Environment & Infrastructure
114 crossings in Palm Beach County
Each closed 1.7 minutes per hour for 76 mph passenger train
Each closed 2.4 minutes per hour for 39 mph freight train
Source: AMEC Environment & Infrastructure
Citizens Against Unfair Taxation (CAUT) Treasurer Report - the Latest
Here it is, the weekly treasurer's report from the Palm Beach County PAC (Citizens Against Unfair Taxation [CAUT]). It seems as though they are trying to thwart the infrastructure repairs needed here in Lake Worth. CAUT are the ones putting out those red/white signs around town. Lots of contributions this week. Impressive. Their total contributions in this reporting period, 7/26/14 to 8/1/14 (P5 Report), show $1,613.29 raised. Good work!
Well, not really. Of that $1,613.29 there was a check from the CAUT PAC treasurer and Atlantis-resident Dennis Dorsey for $1,000. He pays almost $13,000 a year in City of Atlantis property taxes so he has some resources. (Lynn Anderson is no longer the top contributor. She has given the PAC more money than she pays in total taxes per year.) In perspective look at it this way, Atlantis-resident Dennis Dorsey now accounts for 31% of the CAUT contributions. Note that the town of Atlantis has very nice sidewalks and nicely maintained streets. Atlantis has not a pothole to be found.
And...drum roll please...big news. The CAUT PAC was formed on 6/1/14. It only took 58 days but John Rinaldi finally kicked in. He really stepped up to the plate in a big way making his presence known. Nothing says you care like a big fat check. Rinaldi wrote a check for $100. Which makes sense because Lynn Anderson pays no taxes to the City of Lake Worth and contributed $250.
Think of $100 this way: at $2.99 plus tax that would buy almost 32 packages of Phyllo dough.
There is one glaring addition error, but small and they'll fix it in next weeks report. But get this, the Chair of the CAUT PAC has an in-kind contribution for $1.17. For printing. Not $11.70. Not $117.00. Seriously, she has an in-kind contribution for ONE DOLLAR AND SEVENTEEN CENTS. This just might be the smallest in-kind contribution in modern American politics. If not, it is very close.
In conclusion Atlantis-resident Dennis Dorsey's contributions have made a big impact. Because of Atlantis-resident Dennis Dorsey's checks totaling $1,150 the daily, average contribution over the 62 days the CAUT PAC has existed is $60.70. Without Atlantis-resident Dennis Dorsey it would only be $42.15.
Atlantis-resident Dennis Dorsey has a big stake in keeping our Lake Worth streets and infrastructure in horrendous shape for as long as possible.
Well, not really. Of that $1,613.29 there was a check from the CAUT PAC treasurer and Atlantis-resident Dennis Dorsey for $1,000. He pays almost $13,000 a year in City of Atlantis property taxes so he has some resources. (Lynn Anderson is no longer the top contributor. She has given the PAC more money than she pays in total taxes per year.) In perspective look at it this way, Atlantis-resident Dennis Dorsey now accounts for 31% of the CAUT contributions. Note that the town of Atlantis has very nice sidewalks and nicely maintained streets. Atlantis has not a pothole to be found.
And...drum roll please...big news. The CAUT PAC was formed on 6/1/14. It only took 58 days but John Rinaldi finally kicked in. He really stepped up to the plate in a big way making his presence known. Nothing says you care like a big fat check. Rinaldi wrote a check for $100. Which makes sense because Lynn Anderson pays no taxes to the City of Lake Worth and contributed $250.
Think of $100 this way: at $2.99 plus tax that would buy almost 32 packages of Phyllo dough.
There is one glaring addition error, but small and they'll fix it in next weeks report. But get this, the Chair of the CAUT PAC has an in-kind contribution for $1.17. For printing. Not $11.70. Not $117.00. Seriously, she has an in-kind contribution for ONE DOLLAR AND SEVENTEEN CENTS. This just might be the smallest in-kind contribution in modern American politics. If not, it is very close.
In conclusion Atlantis-resident Dennis Dorsey's contributions have made a big impact. Because of Atlantis-resident Dennis Dorsey's checks totaling $1,150 the daily, average contribution over the 62 days the CAUT PAC has existed is $60.70. Without Atlantis-resident Dennis Dorsey it would only be $42.15.
Atlantis-resident Dennis Dorsey has a big stake in keeping our Lake Worth streets and infrastructure in horrendous shape for as long as possible.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Pertinent Example
Estimated increase in tax for the Sabal Palm House, 109 N Golfview |
Estimated increase in tax for the Parrot Cove Inn, 119 N Golfview |
New "Calculator" Feature on City's Website
Click title for link. Follow the instructions and plug in your taxable value found on the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's website.
Do not copy and paste the taxable value with the dollar sign - it will not calculate correctly. This shows the impact of the city's three planned borrowings. Below is an example using my property's taxable value:
Do not copy and paste the taxable value with the dollar sign - it will not calculate correctly. This shows the impact of the city's three planned borrowings. Below is an example using my property's taxable value:
Urban League in talks to buy West Palm Beach “colored hospital” | West Palm Beat
The fate of a West Palm Beach historic building may be determined soon. Click title for link. From the article:
For a half century, the building was the only hospital for blacks in five South Florida counties. Integration shut it down in the late 1950s. It stood empty for decades, then was renovated in 1999 as low-income apartments. It later became the national headquarters for the Charmettes service organization.
It then went into foreclosure and was sold in 2010 to Broward County-based Real Estate Services and Management for $106,000. It closed about a year and a half ago after a water pipe broke, according to police and neighbors.
LeNeve said Wednesday that Mayor Jeri Muoio and Commission President Sylvia Moffett, whose district includes the building, have been working with all parties on a deal.
Palm Beach Gardens term-limit group sues over ballots |
Another one of the 38 Palm Beach County municipalities has a ballot issue, but this one is having trouble making it on the ballot. Click title for link.
Palm Beach Gardens Needs Term Limits has been collecting signatures for several months for two referendum questions: to amend the city charter to limit council members to two three-year terms; and to have that restriction apply to current council members.
The city council, following what it believed were the supervisor of elections’ requirements, approved a resolution July 10, authorizing her [Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher] to place the questions on Nov. 4 ballots, provided the group got the required signatures.
But Bucher wrote the city clerk July 16 that the resolution would have to be revised because it did not provide the language to appear on the ballot. “We have worked very hard to establish a professional working relationship with your office and that of our legal counsel; however, we are unable to accept documents that fail to meet legal requirements,” Bucher wrote. “I would appreciate a greater effort of review of your Code of Ordinances, Florida Election laws and our mutual contract, so we may avoid this happening in the future.”
Olympia, Washington: Nissan Dealership Attack in Solidarity with 5E3 Prisoners Resulting in $100,000 Worth of Damage | anarchistnews dot org
Anarchists keep marching on. Click title for link. Their message:
In the early hours of Friday, July 18th, we attacked the Nissan Dealership in the Olympia Automall by spraying brake fluid on and slashing the tires of new yet-to-be-sold cars. We did this in solidarity with Amelie, Carlos, and Fallon (Better known as the 5E3 Prisoners.).Click here for video.
These three were arrested in Mexico City in January 2014 in alleged connection the firebombing of a Goverment [sic] Building and Nissan Car Dealership in the center of the city. Whether these three be innocent or guilty, we know they desire a world that is free from domination, a world where anarchy has a potential to flourish and our enemies are forced to deal with consistent attacks. We know that Amelie, Carlos, and Fallon are brave individuals who will be able to handle whatever any state-force chooses to throw at them. We are inspired by their courage, and their confinement only make us wish to continue our attacks on institutions of domination, support for each other, desire for a world free of prisons and capital.
We attacked this dealership to let our comrades know that they are not alone, that despite their imprisonment the anarchist struggle still continues on. We hope to see more actions like this occur.
Remember; It's Easy To Attack!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Theodore Roosevelt
"In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing."
From the City regarding assurances the bond money will spent as detailed in the bond plan
"The referendum to issue the bonds is the legal framework for the bond contract. In order to issue the bonds, the City will have to enter into a legal contract with lenders. The contract will contain legal covenants that are binding on the City regardless of any change in Administration or Elected Officials. The covenants would contain the project information and the city will have to follow those legal requirements in the spending of the bond proceeds. Bond proceeds cannot be spent on any items not contained in the covenants. The City’s auditor’s will audit the compliance with the bond covenants every year. If the City did not comply with the covenant that would be a default and there would be serious federal, state, legal, and financial ramifications."
Andy Warhol
"The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do."
Spring training Astros Nationals West Palm Beach |
The baseball stadium is still in the air and it is just a matter of who catches it. Note that they mention other municipalities are still talking to the teams and the county. However, the focus still seems to be on the West Palm Beach site at 45th Street and Haverhill. Click title for link.
The Houston Astros and Washington Nationals still want to share a new spring training stadium in West Palm Beach, but other cities in Florida and Arizona are trying to court the two teams.
“I know that different municipalities have been reaching out to both teams, but it’s still the preference of the Nationals and Astros to make this happen in West Palm Beach,’’ Giles Kibbe, general counsel for the Astros, told The Palm Beach Post on Monday.
Without naming specific cities, Kibbe said several are talking about either a single-team or a two-team facility. “I get calls from both Florida and Arizona, but our preference is very clear about getting a deal done in West Palm Beach,’’ Kibbe said.
Greenfield CA; Stanton has her own police chief
Assault with Deadly Weapon
1 Block 5TH ST & MAPLE AV
Assault with Deadly Weapon
Assault with Deadly Weapon
900 Block CHERRY AV & 10TH ST
Assault with Deadly Weapon
100 Block 13TH ST & OAK AV
1 Block 5TH ST & MAPLE AV
Assault with Deadly Weapon
Assault with Deadly Weapon
900 Block CHERRY AV & 10TH ST
Assault with Deadly Weapon
100 Block 13TH ST & OAK AV
Scenic Greenfield, CA |
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
LW 2020 Ballot Issue "Yes!" Signs Now Available
Email me at with your name and address, saying you are requesting a sign. We'll make sure you get one.
Public Service Message: Formaldehyde Exposure
Medical Management Guidelines for Formaldehyde (HCHO)
Formaldehyde is a nearly colorless gas with a pungent, irritating odor even at very low concentrations (below 1 ppm). Its vapors are flammable and explosive. Because the pure gas tends to polymerize, it is commonly used and stored in solution.
For sensitized persons, odor is not an adequate indicator of formaldehyde's presence and may not provide reliable warning of hazardous concentrations. Odor adaptation can occur.
Adverse effects on the central nervous system such as increased prevalence of headache, depression, mood changes, insomnia, irritability, attention deficit, and impairment of dexterity, memory, and equilibrium have been reported to result from long-term exposure.
Formaldehyde poisoning can cause permanent alterations of nervous system function, including problems with memory, learning, thinking, sleeping, personality changes, depression, headache, and sensory and perceptual changes.
For more information, contact:
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Division of Toxicology and Human Health Sciences
1600 Clifton Road NE, Mailstop F-57
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: 1-800-CDC-INFO · 888-232-6348 (TTY)
Fax: 1-770-488-4178
Formaldehyde is a nearly colorless gas with a pungent, irritating odor even at very low concentrations (below 1 ppm). Its vapors are flammable and explosive. Because the pure gas tends to polymerize, it is commonly used and stored in solution.
For sensitized persons, odor is not an adequate indicator of formaldehyde's presence and may not provide reliable warning of hazardous concentrations. Odor adaptation can occur.
Adverse effects on the central nervous system such as increased prevalence of headache, depression, mood changes, insomnia, irritability, attention deficit, and impairment of dexterity, memory, and equilibrium have been reported to result from long-term exposure.
Formaldehyde poisoning can cause permanent alterations of nervous system function, including problems with memory, learning, thinking, sleeping, personality changes, depression, headache, and sensory and perceptual changes.
For more information, contact:
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Division of Toxicology and Human Health Sciences
1600 Clifton Road NE, Mailstop F-57
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: 1-800-CDC-INFO · 888-232-6348 (TTY)
Fax: 1-770-488-4178
Mr. Herman Robinson, the Chair of the Lake Worth Yes PAC and the second part of his letter, "We are WORTH it!"
Mr. Herman Robinson, the Chair of the Lake Worth YES PAC supporting the City's LW2020 Bond Vote this August 26, wrote a letter to me supporting the City's Plan. He titled the letter, "We are WORTH it!" I posted the letter in two parts and this is the second part (you can read the first part here)
"We are WORTH it!", by Herman Robinson
The discussion should center on how to pay for the needed repairs [to the infrastructure]. One way would be to take any available, unobligated funds and only do what that money would pay for. The problem is there are too many priorities. A 'Band-Aid' approach such as this exacerbates the problem and also doesn't generate a "real bang for the buck." This Band-Aid approach also may have the unintended effect of visible improvements like street lights and sidewalks getting completed while the unseen water pipes, sewers, and drainage continue to degrade.
The City of Lake Worth CANNOT produce enough revenue to tackle BOTH major infrastructure improvements AND meet operational expenses. It is simply not possible. Which brings us to General Obligation Bonds (GOBs), the reason I ask for your support on August 26.
Municipalities issue GOBs to finance major projects much as you, a voter in Lake Worth, would finance a major purchase (such as a car, house, home improvement, etc.). GOBs are used to launch most major community improvements in the United States; they are a springboard if you will. The first such bond was issued in the United States in the year of 1812.
The City of Lake Worth has been very conservative with bond financing and our City has never defaulted. The money acquired using bonds has been used as stated and paid back appropriately. When the issue of bond financing comes up in our City there are some who always seek to instill fear and mistrust in the community using phrases as "bonds are an 'open checkbook' for those 'running the show'."
As stated in the paragraph above, the City's history using bonds to finance projects has been excellent. The current bond plan on the ballot this coming August 26 is as basic as a bond could possibly be: keep our water pure, dispose of the sewage properly, and keep the streets safe for all our fellow citizens.
The parameters expressly limit what the money can be used for with legal requirements that give it 'teeth.' The City also has built into the LW2020 Plan an oversight component with quality control to be done by personnel not employed by the City.
I support the City's Bond Plan and encourage all my fellow Citizens to Vote FOR the LW2020 Bond Plan on the ballot this August 26. The need for infrastructure repairs is immediate. If we don't believe in our City no one else will either.
We are WORTH it!
Herman Robinson
Lake Worth YES PAC
Paid Political Advertisement Paid for By Lake Worth Yes P.A.C., 114 Ocean Breeze St., Lake Worth, FL 33460
"We are WORTH it!", by Herman Robinson
The discussion should center on how to pay for the needed repairs [to the infrastructure]. One way would be to take any available, unobligated funds and only do what that money would pay for. The problem is there are too many priorities. A 'Band-Aid' approach such as this exacerbates the problem and also doesn't generate a "real bang for the buck." This Band-Aid approach also may have the unintended effect of visible improvements like street lights and sidewalks getting completed while the unseen water pipes, sewers, and drainage continue to degrade.
The City of Lake Worth CANNOT produce enough revenue to tackle BOTH major infrastructure improvements AND meet operational expenses. It is simply not possible. Which brings us to General Obligation Bonds (GOBs), the reason I ask for your support on August 26.
Municipalities issue GOBs to finance major projects much as you, a voter in Lake Worth, would finance a major purchase (such as a car, house, home improvement, etc.). GOBs are used to launch most major community improvements in the United States; they are a springboard if you will. The first such bond was issued in the United States in the year of 1812.
The City of Lake Worth has been very conservative with bond financing and our City has never defaulted. The money acquired using bonds has been used as stated and paid back appropriately. When the issue of bond financing comes up in our City there are some who always seek to instill fear and mistrust in the community using phrases as "bonds are an 'open checkbook' for those 'running the show'."
As stated in the paragraph above, the City's history using bonds to finance projects has been excellent. The current bond plan on the ballot this coming August 26 is as basic as a bond could possibly be: keep our water pure, dispose of the sewage properly, and keep the streets safe for all our fellow citizens.
The parameters expressly limit what the money can be used for with legal requirements that give it 'teeth.' The City also has built into the LW2020 Plan an oversight component with quality control to be done by personnel not employed by the City.
I support the City's Bond Plan and encourage all my fellow Citizens to Vote FOR the LW2020 Bond Plan on the ballot this August 26. The need for infrastructure repairs is immediate. If we don't believe in our City no one else will either.
We are WORTH it!
Herman Robinson
Lake Worth YES PAC
Paid Political Advertisement Paid for By Lake Worth Yes P.A.C., 114 Ocean Breeze St., Lake Worth, FL 33460
Letter to Editor in Today's Palm Beach Post (8/5/14)
Click title for link. This about says it all:
Lake Worth needs what tax will give
I read with great interest Friday’s article, “Opponents spar with city over bond vote.” While I understand Katie McGiveron’s position and involvement, I fail to see what Dennis Dorsey has to do with any of this. Granted, at one time he was the mayor and also served as a commissioner, however, he does not presently live in the city, and according to my research, does not own any property in the city, which makes me wonder what his ulterior motive might be. Regardless, the residents of Lake Worth must vote YES on Aug. 26.
It is true that the owner of a single-family home in which he or she resides and is able to claim homestead exemption will see a slight increase in property taxes, but they should. Where else could we live so close to the ocean and pay such low property taxes? Instead, those who will be paying the most are the ones who should have been paying all along: owners of multiple properties in the city, a good number of whom do not even live here.
Another issue that hurts the city is the double homestead exemption that many homeowners are able to claim. Couple that with low property values and 50 percent of homeowners in Lake Worth don’t even pay property taxes. Perhaps, if we were able to eliminate the double homestead exemption it might make a difference, but that must be dealt with on a state level. In the meantime, we must do what we can on a local level. Otherwise, we will never collect enough in fees or property taxes to maintain what we have, let alone make improvements and upgrades.
Lake Worth needs what tax will give
I read with great interest Friday’s article, “Opponents spar with city over bond vote.” While I understand Katie McGiveron’s position and involvement, I fail to see what Dennis Dorsey has to do with any of this. Granted, at one time he was the mayor and also served as a commissioner, however, he does not presently live in the city, and according to my research, does not own any property in the city, which makes me wonder what his ulterior motive might be. Regardless, the residents of Lake Worth must vote YES on Aug. 26.
It is true that the owner of a single-family home in which he or she resides and is able to claim homestead exemption will see a slight increase in property taxes, but they should. Where else could we live so close to the ocean and pay such low property taxes? Instead, those who will be paying the most are the ones who should have been paying all along: owners of multiple properties in the city, a good number of whom do not even live here.
Another issue that hurts the city is the double homestead exemption that many homeowners are able to claim. Couple that with low property values and 50 percent of homeowners in Lake Worth don’t even pay property taxes. Perhaps, if we were able to eliminate the double homestead exemption it might make a difference, but that must be dealt with on a state level. In the meantime, we must do what we can on a local level. Otherwise, we will never collect enough in fees or property taxes to maintain what we have, let alone make improvements and upgrades.
Monday, August 4, 2014
The City will give presentations for the LAKE WORTH 2020 plan tonight!
Monday, August 4th @ 6:30 pm Brogues Downunder hosted by Downtown Jewel NA
Monday, August 4th @ 7:00 The Mayan Center 430 N. "G" ST. Hosted by Tropical Ridge NA
Monday, August 4th @ 7:00 The Mayan Center 430 N. "G" ST. Hosted by Tropical Ridge NA
Condo developers, church, close sale of West Palm Beach... |
Despite a continuing court fight, the deal has gone through between the church and the future developer of the Chapel-on-the-Lake site. The total price the church received for the property is $21 million. Click title for link. Here is a summary of where things stand in the courtroom;
The developers and the city have moved forward with the process despite three separate legal actions on the project. Proponents have called it an attractive addition to the waterfront, while some residents decried it as an eyesore.
Citizens for Thoughtful Growth, a neighborhood group, filed two separate court actions asking the courts to declare that the city broke its own rules in January when it approved the project.
A judge later ruled GAK can partially intervene but cannot file any motions or counterclaims or take part in the gathering of facts. And on June 10, GAK filed its own suit against Citizens, arguing the group’s legal moves constituted “tortuous interference and abuse of process.”
Nan Rich: ‘They should know by now, I’m not going away’ | Post On Politics
I respect Nan Rich and am glad to see that she is keeping at it. Her campaign may end up being symbolic, but it is an important and sincere voice that needs to be listened to. I happened to see her when she made an appearance at St. Andrews Episcopal church here in Lake Worth a few weeks ago. You can check out the playlist below (about an hour long). There is also a video of her recent appearance in Delray Beach this past weekend as part of the article. Click title for link.
Lynn Anderson on State Senator Jeff Clemens and LW2020
In the right-hand column of this blog you'll find a quote from State Senator Jeff Clemens (former Mayor of the City of Lake Worth) on the Lake Worth 2020 Plan. Senator Clemens is a supporter of the plan and encourages its passage to help some of the nagging infrastructure problems we have in Lake Worth. Senator Clemens explained how getting money from the state works, he says:
"Asking the legislature for all the money to do a project almost never works. The City has to have skin in the game too."The Senator was referring to the 2020 Bond Vote on August 26. The Senator went on to say, if the 2020 Vote passes:
"I will then be able to go to the legislature and say 'the citizens of the City have made the commitment to do it,' now it's up to us to try to find a way to help."Most people would have a positive take on what the Senator said, right? The Senator being a former Mayor, now a State Senator, is in a unique position to help the City. Someone with a keyboard doesn't agree.
Not surprisingly, in one of the more disjointed and unhinged 'analyses' you'll probably ever read about the City's 2020 Bond, the "other blogger" attempts to convince you, the voter, to vote No on the City Plan using the following points:
- State Senator Clemens
- LW 2020 Plan
- Progressive
- Liberal Democrat
- Religion
- Abortion
- Education funding
- Grant money
- Potholes
- Politics
And she did it all with JUST 87 WORDS!!!!!!! Amazing.
In her own words:
Sunday, August 3, 2014
From the LW2020 Facebook page...
"71.5 miles of city streets will be reconstructed under the Lake Worth 2020 Program = 73% of the 98.1 miles of city-owned roads."
Click here for Fire Ant's latest, playing with straws...
Here we go again, another lead balloon from “Fire Ant” at the Broward New Times, click title for link. Most of us are familiar with Fire Ant and his efforts to fairly (hey, stop chortling!) report the issues here in Lake Worth and environs. After his last feeble attempt to scuttle the Lake Worth 2020 Bond Vote by raising 'sea level rise' failed to gain any traction, he's still treading for a way to convince people to vote against improving our City of Lake Worth. Remember the exact sort of work (water/sewer/fire hydrant and road replacement) that will be part of the LW2020 plan is taking place right in front of their wunderkind Commissioner McVoy's non-homesteaded property, independent of potential rising seas.
In his latest piece, he curiously writes, “No one can travel the length and breadth of the city without seeing the need for repairs to streets and sidewalks -- particularly in poorer neighborhoods. Underground, the water and sewer system has decayed.” So even “Fire Ant” can't ignore the obvious and is apparently capable of brief, lucid moments.
Those of you familiar with “Fire Ant's” style of making multiple points, drawing imaginary lines and then he tells us what he thinks is really happening. Save your time and go directly to where he cites Law Professors Stanley Langbein and Joseph W. Little. The two professors confirm for “Fire Ant” that ballot language in Florida is limited in length and specificity because: “1) Ballot measures, by law, are limited as to length, leaving little room for detail. 2) Municipalities, reasonably, want flexibility in projects as they unfold.”
Powerful stuff “Fire Ant,” intellectually you want the voters of Lake Worth to vote 'Against' because the language of the City's ballot is limited “by law” and the ballot also provides the City some “flexibility.”
Maybe “Fire Ant” is not using his real name for a reason? If it comes as any surprise, he gets most of his information from former Commissioner Golden.
“Fire Ant” is not done by a long shot. One of his favorite tactics is coming out with a hit-piece days before an election or vote not giving the target time to respond or refute. Most notoriously he's known for his hit-piece on present West Palm Beach Commissioner Shanon Materio when he wrote on March 8, 2013, four days before election day:
In his latest piece, he curiously writes, “No one can travel the length and breadth of the city without seeing the need for repairs to streets and sidewalks -- particularly in poorer neighborhoods. Underground, the water and sewer system has decayed.” So even “Fire Ant” can't ignore the obvious and is apparently capable of brief, lucid moments.
Those of you familiar with “Fire Ant's” style of making multiple points, drawing imaginary lines and then he tells us what he thinks is really happening. Save your time and go directly to where he cites Law Professors Stanley Langbein and Joseph W. Little. The two professors confirm for “Fire Ant” that ballot language in Florida is limited in length and specificity because: “1) Ballot measures, by law, are limited as to length, leaving little room for detail. 2) Municipalities, reasonably, want flexibility in projects as they unfold.”
Powerful stuff “Fire Ant,” intellectually you want the voters of Lake Worth to vote 'Against' because the language of the City's ballot is limited “by law” and the ballot also provides the City some “flexibility.”
Maybe “Fire Ant” is not using his real name for a reason? If it comes as any surprise, he gets most of his information from former Commissioner Golden.
“Fire Ant” is not done by a long shot. One of his favorite tactics is coming out with a hit-piece days before an election or vote not giving the target time to respond or refute. Most notoriously he's known for his hit-piece on present West Palm Beach Commissioner Shanon Materio when he wrote on March 8, 2013, four days before election day:
“Tuesday's election -- a non-partisan affair between two Democrats -- will reveal whether the citizens of West Palm Beach see through her [WPB City Commissioner Shanon Materio's] muck.”As you, the voter, educate yourself on the Lake Worth 2020 Bond ballot question on August 26 I suggest you ignore the “muck” from the “Fire Ant” and ignore his next creative writing assignment before election day.
Wow, it's been a rough few days in Greenfield CA
Assault with Deadly Weapon
900 Block CHERRY AV & 10TH ST
Assault with Deadly Weapon
100 Block 13TH ST & OAK AV
Theft of Vehicle
200 Block 3RD ST & PALM AV
Assault with Deadly Weapon
200 Block 6TH ST & OAK AV
900 Block CHERRY AV & 10TH ST
Assault with Deadly Weapon
100 Block 13TH ST & OAK AV
Theft of Vehicle
200 Block 3RD ST & PALM AV
Assault with Deadly Weapon
200 Block 6TH ST & OAK AV
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