Thursday, November 14, 2019

“A Florida Divided”

The image below is from the Facebook page,
Historic Florida X”.

Click on image to enlarge:
Learn why Florida was divided “by a line
drawn down the center of the state”:

“During WW II, Florida had many flying training bases with Navy and Army separated by a line drawn down the center of the state; Navy, Marine and Coast Guard bases on the east side, Army Air Forces on west side. If there had been no separation, mid-air collisions would have been much higher due to Inter-service rivalry between young men flying high powered, expensive machines and would have been worse than at Army-Navy football games. [emphasis added] Separation line was enforced by Gen. Hap Arnold, Chief of Army Air Forces.”

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

News in Lake Worth Herald: Lake Clarke Shores holding municipal elections on March 17th.

Do you know where the Town of Lake Clarke Shores is located?

Regular readers of LOCAL newspapers such as The Lake Worth Herald are informed each week about nearby news and developments in other LOCAL municipalities in coastal Central Palm Beach County. To become a subscriber to the Herald that information is at the end of this blog post today.

Lake Clarke Shores (see map below) is located west of City of Lake Worth Beach and east of Village of Palm Springs. West Palm Beach, a municipality that DOES NOT have a beach, is also in the vicinity of Lake Clarke Shores.

Click on map to enlarge:

The un-shaded areas in the map above are unincorporated (suburban) Palm Beach County.

Here is the news that appears in this week’s Herald:


The Town of Lake Clarke Shores, 1701 Barbados Road, Lake Clarke Shores, Florida, 33406, will hold a General Election on March 17, 2020 for the purpose of electing Council Members from Groups 3, 4 & 5 for a term of two (2) years. The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. If a Runoff Election is necessary, it will be held on March 31, 2020, utilizing the same times and precincts identified below. Candidates for Council Member must reside in the Town of Lake Clarke Shores. Candidate qualifying is from NOON November 19, 2019 to NOON December 3, 2019. Voter registration book closing is February 18, 2020 for the General Election. No person will be permitted to vote unless he or she is registered in Palm Beach County and residing in the Town of Lake Clarke Shores, Precinct #3014 & #2127.

Mary Pinkerman, CMC
Town Clerk

To learn more about the Town Council of Lake Clarke Shores click on this link.

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of LOCAL small town government.

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