Friday, July 31, 2020

Hurricane Isaias Special Update 4

City staff have secured many of the buildings and are working to secure the pier for Hurricane Isaias. At this time continue to follow updates from NOAA and the National Hurricane Center and continue your personal preparations. 

Make sure you secure your refuse containers by either bringing them in to your garage or filling them a quarter full of water while empty to stop them blowing away. Recycling containers should be secured indoors if possible.

Please continue to watch for updates and follow the advice of the Governor and other officials.

City staff have been working hard to prepare the City in case the storm is to hit Lake Worth Beach. You can expect multiple information releases to come from the City before, during, and after the storm.

If you haven't already followed us on social media please click the links below and look out for regular updates.

We are all in this together! We are Lake Worth Beach, a strong and resilient community that will stick together no matter what the weekend brings!