Saturday, June 13, 2015
A Look Back: The Street Painting Festival and art celebrating the Lake Worth Centennial
Artwork commemorating the City of Lake Worth Centennial at the City's Street Painting Festival (photo courtesy of Jim Stafford).
From Kevin D. Thompson, City of Lake Worth beat reporter: "Looking for fun stuff this weekend?"
He has a list of events in the City this weekend you can peruse here. If you missed the reporters story on Tuppen's Marina you can catch up on that too. In a few days will update my readers with other articles he has done of late.
This is one event in particular he mentions happening on Sunday:
This is one event in particular he mentions happening on Sunday:
Some of you are familiar with the Alinsky-esque tactics used in the past to stop good news about our City from making it into the mainstream county press. The way to combat that is to TELL THE PRESS THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT OUR CITY! If all day long all they hear about is how 'crappy' our City is, then guess what the press is going to report? This is not rocket science.
Soon will compile a list of the local media contacts (emails/phone nos.) covering our City and have it on the blog for everyone to use. For now, here is our Post beat reporters contact info:
Twitter: @kevindthompson1
Important traffic news from Tony Doris: "West Palm Clematis intersection staying open"
From Tony Doris: The intersection of Clematis Street and Quadrille Boulevard in West Palm Beach will not be closed this weekend, after all. It was supposed to be closed Sunday through Wednesday due to All Aboard Florida rail work but that work has been postponed. The intersection will be open.
College Park Crime Alert
One of our neighbors in the 2000 Block of North Lakeside reports that she was assaulted and robbed Friday night as she arrived home in evening around 10:45pm. A man, described as large, black and medium height was concealed outside near a corner of her garage. The lady was knocked to the ground and her purse was taken. PBSO responded and is investigating. It is unknown at this time if anyone has been apprehended or not.
Please keep an eye out for each other and report any suspicious activity to PBSO immediately. We will share more details as they become available. The next College Park Neighborhood and Crime Watch meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 22nd, 6:30 at The Beach Club located at the Lake Worth Golf Course.
Please keep an eye out for each other and report any suspicious activity to PBSO immediately. We will share more details as they become available. The next College Park Neighborhood and Crime Watch meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 22nd, 6:30 at The Beach Club located at the Lake Worth Golf Course.
Eden Place Neighborhood Association in Lake Worth—Meeting tommorrow
The Eden Place Neighborhood Association will be meeting on Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 3:00 in the Parlor of First Congregational Church, 1415 North K Street.
In addition to updates on our activities and projects, we will discuss preparations for Hurricane Season.
Please pass the word to your neighbors and encourage them to attend.
Mark Pickering
Eden Place Neighborhood Association
[Note: if you're interested in joining your neighborhood association in Lake Worth send an email or message on Facebook.]
In addition to updates on our activities and projects, we will discuss preparations for Hurricane Season.
Please pass the word to your neighbors and encourage them to attend.
Mark Pickering
Eden Place Neighborhood Association
[Note: if you're interested in joining your neighborhood association in Lake Worth send an email or message on Facebook.]
Reader with a question: Did Dee McNamara, Lake Worth resident, "really use the 'N-word' at City Hall?"
[Answer: Yes. Below you'll find a blog post from April 14th where Lawrence McNamara, Dee's husband, confirms this did in fact occur. It's encouraging to see the people of Lake Worth fighting back against this behavior. On the other hand, it's discouraging to have The Palm Beach Post (the City's newspaper of record) do absolutely nothing to aid in this effort to rid the City of this racist behavior. The reasons are political. Without further ado, read of Dee McNamara's use of the 'N-word' in our Lake Worth city chambers the week after election day this year:]
This account appeared in a recently created tabloid published by Margaret Menge (Vol. 1/Issue 12). Considering her background in "community" news facts and calm analysis aren't high on her list of priorities. What's different here is she quotes Mr. McNamara, an eyewitness, on the incident:
What Mrs. McNamara's supporters fail to grasp are people such as Mr. Parrilla also have the same Free Speech protections as others, including Ms. Menge, who hold those principles in such high regard. Free Speech is a two-way street. At a protest by Mr. Parrilla none other than Margaret Menge showed up to express her displeasure with Free Speech on a public street:
What Ms. Menge fails to mention is this: Mr. Parrilla contacted Mrs. McNamara's former employer and informed them of Mrs. McNamara's two Facebook pages which have since been deleted. Here is one of those entries:
This account appeared in a recently created tabloid published by Margaret Menge (Vol. 1/Issue 12). Considering her background in "community" news facts and calm analysis aren't high on her list of priorities. What's different here is she quotes Mr. McNamara, an eyewitness, on the incident:
[Delores] Key walked up to Dee [McNamara], according to Laurence McNamara, and asked her to move, telling her the front row was reserved for the candidate's family.[and later. . .]
"She [Mrs. McNamara] pointed at her own skin and said, 'Are you calling me a n[----]r?' " Laurence remembers.So, there you have it. Confirmation from Mr. McNamara that the incident did indeed occur. Mrs. McNamara's supporters fall into two camps: one is the incident never happened and the other is Mrs. McNamara was exercising her Free Speech. The one camp, "it never happened", has now been debunked. Now on to Mrs. McNamara's use of the 'N-word' and Free Speech: she has every right to use the 'N-word'; whenever or wherever she pleases. (Although I wouldn't encourage her to do this in certain neighborhoods.)
Dolores Key, who is white, took offense.
"She [Dolores Key] got all bent out of shape," said Laurence, and told Dee about seven times to apologize.
What Mrs. McNamara's supporters fail to grasp are people such as Mr. Parrilla also have the same Free Speech protections as others, including Ms. Menge, who hold those principles in such high regard. Free Speech is a two-way street. At a protest by Mr. Parrilla none other than Margaret Menge showed up to express her displeasure with Free Speech on a public street:
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Ms. Menge (on left) angrily confronts Serge Jerome, Jr. at a protest in front of Mrs. McNamara's house. |
The irony is people like Ms. Menge, who claims a prestigious career in journalism, wrote the following on Mr. Parrilla's preparation (request for emails) for his protest in front of Mrs. McNamara's house:
Those emails were dug up by a private citizen, says Mark Parrilla—Himself.[and. . .]
[Mr. Parrilla] did a public records request for all of the emails Dee McNamara ever sent to the city. And then he started organizing a protest, inviting everyone, via Facebook, to join him in protesting in front of the McNamara's home on North Lakeside Drive.So? And the point is exactly? Here is more creative writing by Ms. Menge:
He [Mr. McNamara] said Dee [Mrs. McNamara], a former fashion designer turned real estate agent, lost the listing at 402 North Lakeside Drive due to Parrilla's calling the owners and blasting her as a racist. The McNamaras [sic] have held open houses at the home for months, and spent many hours painting and fixing up the property so that it could be sold. The home was listed for $745,000.You can see that property here and the new listing agent.
What Ms. Menge fails to mention is this: Mr. Parrilla contacted Mrs. McNamara's former employer and informed them of Mrs. McNamara's two Facebook pages which have since been deleted. Here is one of those entries:
There are so many more points to make but will end with this: the incident with Mrs. McNamara's use of the 'N-word' occurred on Monday, March 16th. Within hours it was the buzz of the town. However. . .
- In Vol. 1/Issue 10 (March 20) Ms. Menge writes nothing about the incident
- In Vol. 1/Issue 11 (March 27) still no mention of the incident
- The following week she takes the week off "to reflect"
If you wanted to find out the facts about what happened in City Hall on March 16th you had two choices: this blog and The Lake Worth Herald.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Lake Worth Comm. Ryan Maier, under fire in the press, defended by supporter using KKK images as distraction
Lake Worth Commissioner Ryan Maier, recently elected on a platform of transparency and respect, is defended by one of his most ardent supporters in the image above. Lynn Anderson is no stranger to taunting and racial insensitivity. Below is an image of Ms. Anderson soon after a picture of Michael Brown was released using a gang symbol:
Here are a few other images from Ms. Anderson's blog:
And here referencing
Now she pulls out the big guns to salvage the reputation of Ryan Maier: the KKK. Note that Maier is gay. So is Commissioner Andy Amoroso who Ms. Anderson portrays in KKK garb.
Lake Worth is one of the most tolerant and gay-friendly cities in all of Florida. It is home to Compass, has one of the largest gay pride festivals in the state, and has no issue with electing gay officials to office. Now one of Maier's biggest supporters, Ms. Anderson, portrays Vice-Mayor Scott Maxwell and Commissioner Andy Amoroso in KKK garb.
Maier needs to denounce this and quick. His recent alleged improprieties need to be answered; not distracted by racism or hatred. Having a supporter defend him using racist, sickening images is the wrong way to go. Remember, Maier claimed when elected he would be taking the high road:
And also note that The Palm Beach Post endorsed Maier for commissioner. Will be very interesting to see how they respond to this; more than likely they'll ignore it which is the same as condoning it.
My favorite part of The Palm Beach Post: Page R4, the "New Home Locator"
Last week the coastal City of Lake Worth was featured in the New Home Locator (NHL). Lake Worth is near another coastal city called the Town of Palm Beach (33480); you may have heard of that town. Of course, everyone knows Lake Worth is a vibrant City recovering quite nicely from The Great Recession. The City has a gorgeous public "BEACH!", a hip and artsy downtown, and an activist community on the cutting-edge of performance art. In fact, an iconic B&B is for sale in the City; check it out.
Here is the new community in Lake Worth featured in the NHL last week courtesy of Palm Beach County's (PBC) newspaper of record:
What the NIMBY's in the video above are protesting is a 'forest' in Palm Beach Gardens located immediately adjacent to I-95. You can find this general area looking for #3 on the map above.
How successful have they been? Incredibly so. First, note the #8, #9, and #10 on the map (area in pink) are in Martin County and will not be addressed. PBC is separated on the map into North county (in green) and South county (in yellow). Here are the numbers:
Here is the new community in Lake Worth featured in the NHL last week courtesy of Palm Beach County's (PBC) newspaper of record:
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Homes complete with resort-style pool and cabana. |
This week another coastal city in PBC is featured, Juno Beach:
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A lovely couple going fishing on a pier along the Intracoastal (the Lake Worth Lagoon). |
The closeout is quickly approaching and these "limited Intracoastal Waterway views will remain if buyers ACT NOW [emphasis added]." On the map below look for #7 for the Bay Colony location:
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Bay Colony (#7) is located between North Palm Beach and Jupiter. |
Now let's explore one of the most successful efforts in PBC: the NIMBY's along Florida's eastern coast in the county. Below is a video showing NIMBY's in action (these particular NIMBY's are mostly composed of NIMBY's borrowed/shared from another coastal community in PBC (they like to share resources):
What the NIMBY's in the video above are protesting is a 'forest' in Palm Beach Gardens located immediately adjacent to I-95. You can find this general area looking for #3 on the map above.
How successful have they been? Incredibly so. First, note the #8, #9, and #10 on the map (area in pink) are in Martin County and will not be addressed. PBC is separated on the map into North county (in green) and South county (in yellow). Here are the numbers:
- There are a total of 37 "New Communities" on the map
- Number west of I-95: 26
- Number west of the Turnpike: 10
- Number east of I-95: 11
- Number east of I-95 and north of Northlake Blvd (#14 on map): 9
- Number east of I-95, south of Northlake Blvd, and all the way south to Boca Raton: 2
Willie Howard at The Coastal Star on lighting at Lantana Beach
Here is an excerpt from Willie Howard at The Coastal Star:
With no discussion, the Town Council on May 11 unanimously approved a $39,700 contract with low bidder Wilco Electrical to install 16 concrete poles with decorative light fixtures at the town beach.
The contract covers only the cost of installation. The council in December approved the $48,000 purchase of the light fixtures and poles from Municipal Lighting Systems Inc.
The new lights will replace those that were removed when the beach parking lot and drainage improvements were done last year.
"Clematis by Night" 20 years old: news segment by CBS12/WPEC's Al Pefley
Click here for video. From the text of the news segment:
Clematis by Night was started by then West Palm Beach Mayor Nancy Graham as a free event, to get people out and introduce people to the downtown area who might not otherwise visit.
West Palm Beach Community Events Manager Mary Pinak says it started as a grass roots event in June 1995 with only 20 people the first night. Now it attracts a couple thousand every Thursday evening.
It costs the city about $160,000 a year, paying for the bands, the equipment and clean-up.
An event spokeswoman did not have any specific information on the economic impact of Clematis by Night, or the amount of money that those who attend spend in the downtown area on Thursday nights. But Pinak says it does have a definite economic benefit to merchants.
Vacations and Tourism in Palm Beach County not just for Fall and Winter
A very nice promotion put together by Discover the Palm Beaches:
Advisory Legal Opinion - AGO 84-32: Date: April 2, 1984 Subject: Inspectors entering private property
Concluding paragraph of this opinion below:
"Therefore, it is my opinion that a municipal code inspector is without authority to enter onto any private, commercial or residential property to assure compliance with or to enforce the various technical codes of the municipality or to conduct any administrative inspections or searches without the consent of the owner or the operator or occupant of such premises or without a duly issued search or administrative inspection warrant. The procurement and issuance of administrative inspection warrants is governed by the provisions of ss. 933.20-933.30, F.S. However, owner-occupied family residences are exempt from the provisions of ss. 933.20-933.30, F.S., and as to those residences a search warrant or the prior consent and approval of the owner is required."
Jim Smith
Attorney General
"Therefore, it is my opinion that a municipal code inspector is without authority to enter onto any private, commercial or residential property to assure compliance with or to enforce the various technical codes of the municipality or to conduct any administrative inspections or searches without the consent of the owner or the operator or occupant of such premises or without a duly issued search or administrative inspection warrant. The procurement and issuance of administrative inspection warrants is governed by the provisions of ss. 933.20-933.30, F.S. However, owner-occupied family residences are exempt from the provisions of ss. 933.20-933.30, F.S., and as to those residences a search warrant or the prior consent and approval of the owner is required."
Jim Smith
Attorney General
Thursday, June 11, 2015
NBC5/WPTV and Palm Beach Post reporter cite wrong location
Two recent stories at Channel 5 got the location wrong: this one and this one. A Palm Beach Post reporter also got the location wrong (City vs. suburban Lake Worth):
The City of Lake Worth needs a Public Information Officer (PIO) to correct mistakes in the press. Until then sloppy and inaccurate news reports will continue.
From the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code and Lake Worth Land Development Regulations
Click here for link to Article 7 - Landscaping.
Click here for link to Article 14 - Environmental Standards Section.From the City of Lake Worth Landscape Regulations in the LDRs:
Click here for information from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission regarding Australian Pines. Do you know your angiosperms?
Lake Worth Herald: Code Complaint Stirs Controversy In City—Commissioner Ryan Maier is Target
Here is an excerpt from The Lake Worth Herald this week on this huge story:
A code complaint against the property owned by Lake Worth City Commissioner Ryan Maier was filed in April by Jessica Teutsch.If you would like to read more on this breaking story you can pick up an issue downtown or subscribe here.
Teutsch’s complaint alleges Maier converted his single family home into a duplex without permits, and further alleges a bathroom, kitchen and a non-compliant wall were added without permits.
Teutsch said Maier collects rent of $600, which includes utilities from a yung woman named Lexie Sachlis.
Maier has been cited for two violations by Code Compliance. The violations were written by Code Compliance Officer Yolanda Robinson by letter on May 15. The letter stated Maier must obtain a city business license and provide permits for all mechanical, electrical and plumbing work done on the property.
According to published reports, Maier claims to have done nothing wrong.
Jennifer Sorentrue: front page above the fold in today's paper (6/11)
Jennifer Sorentrue has this huge news in the Post today. She sent this out on Twitter yesterday and appears was the first one in the press corps to get the news out.
Note Sorentrue shares the front page with Christine Stapleton. State Senator Jeff Clemens is not too happy about this:
SkyBike in West Palm Beach: new bike sharing program
No doubt in preparation for All Aboard Florida and on the heels of other good news in West Palm such as redevelopment in parts of the city, the bike sharing program SkyBike is up and running (pardon the pun).
This is a very big deal for Palm Beach County. It sends a message loud and clear that we are looking seriously at our dependence on the motor vehicle and taking steps to change that mindset. Congratulations West Palm.
This is a very big deal for Palm Beach County. It sends a message loud and clear that we are looking seriously at our dependence on the motor vehicle and taking steps to change that mindset. Congratulations West Palm.
The Invasive Australian Pine issue on agenda: Lake Worth City Tree Board, Today at 5:30*
You can read more about the terrible scourge called the Australian Pine at the City of Sanibel website. |
*Learn more about the Australian Pine here.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
The Other Blogger (TOB) finally caught on! What took so long? Is she "obtuse"?
TOB took one of my video's off my YouTube Channel and placed it in the right hand column of her blog which is fine by me. The video was originally titled, "Cara Jennings' comments on the ITN process". A while ago came up with a brilliant idea—go to my YouTube Channel and change the title of my video! This is the title decided was the best fit: "Lynn Anderson is obtuse".
Finally TOB caught on. It was a clever joke and meant no harm. Just hope she doesn't get too angry and decide to put my name on a bullet or a picture of me burning in effigy; that would be just plain vicious and mean-spirited:
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Changed the title of my YouTube video from "Cara Jennings' comments on the ITN process" to "Lynn Anderson is obtuse". She finally discovered this and is none too happy I'm told. |
TOB put the names Greg (Rice), Loretta (Sharpe), Mary (Lindsey) and Your's Truly on bullets. |
This was a GIF (moving image of flames) on TOB's blog with Mayor Pam Triolo "engulfed in flames". |
Broken Promises: "Transparency was at the heart of my platform"—Commissioner Maier's Inaugural Address
This is the headline in The Palm Beach Post print edition, which is different from the online edition:
Apparently, transparency does not include the allowing code enforcement to enter one's domicile, which was cited for two code violations related to subdividing his home into two units and renting out the other half.
As long as we're on the issue of transparency, Maier continues to claim he was a member of the Sister City Board in the City. Note that he cites this 'experience' as giving him the credibility to serve as an elected official for the City:
Ask yourself this question: "Why would an elected official continue to lie despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary?" |
Commentary: Michael Collins answers Eric Eikenberg, CEO of the Everglades Foundation
Last week the Post published a "Point of View" by Eric Eikenberg. Yesterday (6/9) a "Commentary" by Michael Collins hits back hard at some of the assertions by Mr. Eikenberg. Mr. Collins is the former chairman of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). The failed "Land Buy" is still a big issue and so is the projected cost of the reservoir that Mr. Eikenberg supports: $2.1 Billion (not including the projected $700 million in start-up costs). Here is an excerpt from Mr. Collins' commentary:
Suggesting that without a new reservoir, the Everglades will continue to “starve” for water? What does he think we have been doing for the past 60 years? [emphasis added] With the water management system put in place — at incredible expense — since the 1950s, the flow of water into the Everglades has grown from 200,000 acre-feet per year to more than 800,000 acre-feet. That’s a 400 percent increase, and more important, planned projects and work will continue to increase the amount of water flowing into the Everglades, without buying more land and building an expensive reservoir south of Lake O.
Everglades water supply is not the only progress being ignored. He says: “Communities are suffering. The Everglades is threatened. The public has been waiting for more than 15 years for tangible restoration of the Everglades and is demanding action — right now.”
It’s just wrong to so glibly dismiss the tremendous progress that has been made, the billions that have been invested and pledged, and the cooperative efforts that are making historic improvements in both water quality and quantity in the Everglades and related critical estuaries.
An image from map produced by the SFWMD demonstrating where water was moved to from Lake Okeechobee. Since last November over 308 billion gallons of water have been moved south from Lake O. |
Science writer Kavin Senapathy: How can science counter pseudoscience in public discourse?
About the video: "Kavin Senapathy discusses how science can counter pseudoscience in public discourse, and what the public and scientific community can do to help."
And Larry the Lenz did his part to quell the hysteria about rising sea levels:
Here it is! Margaret Menge's Letter to the Editor in the Post and she's big supporter for foreskin
[That circumcision story is back in the news again. The last time it was big news Margaret Menge (pronounced men-gā or men-gay) wrote an impassioned, emotion-based Letter to the Editor at The Palm Beach Post. Here again is that blog post from March 27th:]
Margaret Menge was the 'editor' and 'journalist' of a now-defunct tabloid in the City of Lake Worth. Back when she was publishing her "ALWAYS FREE" tabloid with hardly any advertising the big issues of the day were "THE BEACH!", Mayor Pam Triolo, people allegedly stealing her free rag, suicides, Mike Olive and his Common Ground (no 's') Church, and on it goes. Certainly not the content one would expect to find in a community newspaper.
But little did we know she had other major concerns such as circumcision and foreskin. She apparently has very strong concerns. So much so she penned a letter to The Palm Beach Post that appeared today (5/27) in the print edition.
If you don't have digital access to the paper I blocked out some of the text in the image below. Go buy a paper!
Notice the choices of words are similar to what she used in her defunct tabloid such as "thrown in jail" and a mother's rights "cannot be trampled". She goes on to compare circumcision (one of the most performed and safest surgeries in the world) to a lobotomy. And in making that case she writes, "the inventor of the lobotomy won a Nobel Prize"; which is half true. Dr. Antonio Caetano de Abreu Freire Egas Moniz was awarded half the prize. Walter Rudolf Hess won the other half.
She ends her letter questioning the integrity of Honorable Judge Jeffrey Gillen this way: "As for Judge Jeffrey Gillen, who ordered the arrest of Hironimus … When is he up for re-election?" The Post editor(s) did about three minutes of research and answered Ms. Menge's question:
[Judge] Gillen was elected without opposition in 2014 after having been appointed to the court by Gov. Rick Scott in 2012 to fill a vacancy. Circuit judges serve six-year terms.You see, it doesn't really matter what the topic is, when it comes to Ms. Menge it's all more of the same: weak analogies, straw man fallacies, appeals to pity, etc. The one thing in short supply are the facts sans the emotion.
Chris Wren: "Fort Lauderdale should welcome addition of All Aboard Florida service"
Chris Wren is the executive director of the Ft. Lauderdale Downtown Development Agency (DDA). He had this to say about All Aboard Florida (AAF) in the Sun Sentinel:
Earlier this week, All Aboard Florida unveiled their master plan vision for the area surrounding the downtown passenger rail system.In case you missed this video, this is the expected wait time for an AAF train on your way to the doctor's office, for example (where your not going to be seen on time anyway):
We should be very enthusiastic about the development and investment they are bringing to our city. Not only are they planning a world-class passenger rail system and station, but they are encouraging our elected officials to think outside the box [emphasis added] as it relates to transforming existing buildings and creating a much improved gateway on Broward Boulevard for our residents and tourists.
As executive director of the city of Fort Lauderdale Downtown Development Authority, I couldn't be more excited to see the continued progress to a world-class downtown. With development already occurring along the Wave streetcar route, Fort Lauderdale's future is bright with new tax base, improved open space and new residents living downtown.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
There was an invasion in Lake Worth yesterday
Of course am referring to the Food Truck Invasion in downtown Lake Worth. This latest event was covered by AnnaMaria on her blog, Lake Worth every minute. Check out the pictures of everyone having a great time. Here is her account of what happened:
Last nights Food Truck Invasion had to be the best to date. Usually you can see right through the crowd but not yesterday. It started with hula hoops and ended with them. As always don’t like sitting in the grass, or could not find a seat, South Shores is always welcoming to food truck foodies. Food Truck stop on the way home from the beach quick easy no fuss.AnnaMaria's blog is an excellent resource for what is happening in Lake Worth, especially the social scene and events both present and future. If you're new to the City make sure to check out her blog for what's going on.
[UPDATE] Proof: candidate Ryan Maier is lying
[NOTE: The post below was originally published on 2/28, 10 days before Ryan Maier was elected commissioner in Lake Worth. Stacey Singer at The Palm Beach Post endorsed Maier citing his openness and transparency despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It was all ignored. Time and time again he blatantly lied to the public. Now, of course, he's telling the 'truth' about his rental property. Read on about Ryan Maier's only 'public service' as a member (not) of the Sister City Board in Lake Worth:]
Twice on February 23rd, 2015, at a Lake Worth Candidate Forum, Ryan Maier lied again about his Lake Worth city board experience. Here is the truth:
Twice on February 23rd, 2015, at a Lake Worth Candidate Forum, Ryan Maier lied again about his Lake Worth city board experience. Here is the truth:
"Mr. [Ryan] Maier was removed from the Sister City Board for not participating in the mandatory ethics training and his membership was declared vacant due to excessive absenteeism on March 19, 2012." [From the Lake Worth City Clerk]
[You can read more about this here.]
On Sunday, August 26, 2012, Willie Howard of the Palm Beach Post wrote this article:
City commissioners will hold a special meeting Wednesday [8/29/2012] to fill four vacancies on the Sister City advisory board.[later...]
Applicants to be interviewed include Pierre Chery; Halle Cooper; Ryan Maier; Derelda Morgan; and Kauko Oksanen. Wednesday’s special meeting is set for 5:30 p.m. in the conference room at city hall.Here are the facts: Ryan Maier was removed from the Sister City Board on March 19, 2012. He was given a chance to reapply on August 29, 2012.
What happened? He didn't show up for his interview.
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Here is Ryan Maier before he took on a new appearance for his flyers, campaign photos, and knocking on residents' doors. |
“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”―Mark Twain
From the Bryant Park candidate forum on February 23, 2015, Ryan Maier attempts to explain (spin) the facts as outlined above:
Kevin D. Thompson: Doing the 'impossible' at The Palm Beach Post
Kevin D. Thompson at the Post has pulled off the impossible. The Lake Worth Neighborhood Association Presidents Council (NAPC) after a long media blackout has finally been mentioned in Palm Beach County's newspaper of record. It's a small step but all great efforts start small:
Hopefully in the near future we'll read about the many accomplishments of the NAPC. Would like to compile a list here but it would take much too long and would leave something out. Maybe someone can compile a list and send it to me?
Nevertheless it's a momentous day in Lake Worth and a heartfelt "Thank You" to Mr. Thompson at the Post for tearing down that wall.
Jennifer Sorentrue: "Coffee shops, book stores serve as offices for self-employed"
A societal shift is occurring when it comes to the "office" and has been for a few years now. An interesting read; here is an excerpt:
Small business owner Vanessa Calas commutes from her Wellington home most days to work in downtown West Palm Beach.A reader of my blog forwarded me this story along with some insightful observations. Would encourage everyone to read this reporters article and challenge your own biases of how work is done and, more importantly, where. Everyone is different and some would suggest not being able to work in an office is a lack of discipline or focus. Try that argument on a Millennial at Starbucks who is already at work while you're grabbing coffee on your way to 'work'.
But when Calas hops in her car, she isn’t headed to an office on Clematis Street. Instead, Calas, a marketing and public relations consultant for a start-up businesses, likes to run her company from a select group of downtown coffee shops and restaurants. [emphasis added]
“I just love the people there, and I get really distracted at home,” Calas said. “I really like working in public places. The noise and everything, it forces you to really zone in. When you have that, you can get more done then if you are in a room all by yourself just kind of staring off in space.”
Liz Balmaseda on Benny's on the Beach: One of the top 5 water views in Palm Beach County
Liz Balmaseda has an excellent story about restaurants with water views and Benny's on the Beach is one of them. Here is what she wrote about our iconic restaurant:
Craving a batch of fried shrimp or a fresh fish sandwich in a casual setting? You won’t get more casual than this on the beach – the setting is rustic, the service warm and the food pretty darn good, thanks to chef/partner Jeremy Hanlon. The view? Front row. Without a reservation, you might have to wait to get the best, wave-side view of Lake Worth Beach, but no matter where you sit, you won’t escape the oceanfront feel of the place. You can reserve a table online, and you also can find a decent panorama upstairs, albeit through plastic shades.To make a reservation go to their website or call 561-582-9001. In the short video below see the views and owner Lee Lipton talk about his wonderful restaurant in the vibrant City of Lake Worth.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Kevin D. Thompson, the Post beat reporter for Lake Worth, does it again
Mr. Thompson does it again. Another very interesting and well-balanced article; this time about the murals at Tuppen's. This may be in tomorrow's paper so don't want to give anything away. Subscribe to the Post or go buy a paper tomorrow. By the way the paper now costs $1.50 for the daily edition.
If you have good news you want to share with Mr. Thompson here is his contact information:
Twitter: @kevindthompson1
There's still the matter of the Post's news blackout of the NAPC. Michael Readling recently had a wonderful article about the community efforts in Wellington that sound a whole lot like what the NAPC is doing in Lake Worth:
If you have good news you want to share with Mr. Thompson here is his contact information:
Twitter: @kevindthompson1
There's still the matter of the Post's news blackout of the NAPC. Michael Readling recently had a wonderful article about the community efforts in Wellington that sound a whole lot like what the NAPC is doing in Lake Worth:
There are around 60,000 residents of Wellington and, sometimes, engaging each and every one of them can be difficult [emphasis added], if not downright impossible for village officials.The NAPC, of course, is not a government entity but rather citizen volunteers that rallied together to improve our City one neighborhood at a time. It really is an incredible story that needs to be told by the City's newspaper of record.
So, in a nod to the way things used to be, Wellington Community Services has found a way to get its message out to as many people as possible. In this age of emails and Internet, the department is turning off the computer and unplugging itself as it hits the streets.
Hearkening back to a time when town meetings were the norm, Wellington residents are invited to join staff from Community Services, Code Enforcement, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s department and other local agencies to neighborhood-specific talks about what’s going on around them.
These Neighborhood Watch meetings began Wednesday and will continue weekly, in different neighborhoods, into October. This year, the meetings will be held in community buildings in the neighborhoods, or the village’s Community Services Building, in an attempt to avoid early evening rain showers.
Email from concerned citizen about code enforcement, sent to city administration and Commission today...
From: Jessica Teutsch
Hello. I hope this email finds you happy and healthy.
As you know, Ryan Maier was reported to code for doing unpermitted work on his single family house in order to convert it to a duplex. I am the person that reported him. He did this all without permits (an additional bathroom, kitchen, and an illegal non code compliant wall). He collects $600 per month (utilities included) from a woman named XXX XXXX who works at YYY YYYY, for an unregistered illegal apartment. His house is Homesteaded, which he bought with $54K of CDC funds. Not to mention he allegedly illegally keeps an endangered species of turtle as a pet in his yard.
He OF COURSE chose to deny the Code Department access to his home for the 30 days, which speaks volumes about him and what he is hiding. He is brazen in his disregard for the law so this was no surprise to me.
What does come as a surprise is that his case is now being "swept under the rug" by The City of Lake Worth. It will not be pursued according to city staff.
Commissioner Maier ran a campaign on transparency. He swore an oath to uphold the laws of this city. How can we as citizens expect him to uphold and enforce laws and codes that he, himself, doesn't adhere to. Are there two sets of rules? Is there one set for elected officials and one for average citizens? Is this the standard that our city is setting?
It is extremely disheartening for me that a person with a wicked sense of entitlement who lies with great ease, feels they are above the law, a person who does NOT pay their fair share in taxes and who condones a dangerous living situation can thrive in Lake Worth. He doesn't just thrive ... he is a sitting City Commissioner.
The fact that the Lake Worth Code Department refuses to pursue people like this sets a dangerous example. By this inaction, the City alienates law abiding, tax paying people such as myself. I try to maintain a level of honesty and decency and should hope I am a prime example of the type of people you want living, working, and raising children here. I strive to keep our City safe and clean, void of neglect and unsavory people. When the City denies a simple request to pursue a code violation for any unscrupulous landlord it hurts me… it hurts many.
As a mother, my greatest role in life is to protect my child and raise her to be a great person of noble character. I cannot raise my child here if the City turns a blind eye to unethical behavior like that of Commissioner Ryan Maier.
Please re-examine your code department and make decent people's concerns, like mine, a priority.
Thank you,
Hello. I hope this email finds you happy and healthy.
As you know, Ryan Maier was reported to code for doing unpermitted work on his single family house in order to convert it to a duplex. I am the person that reported him. He did this all without permits (an additional bathroom, kitchen, and an illegal non code compliant wall). He collects $600 per month (utilities included) from a woman named XXX XXXX who works at YYY YYYY, for an unregistered illegal apartment. His house is Homesteaded, which he bought with $54K of CDC funds. Not to mention he allegedly illegally keeps an endangered species of turtle as a pet in his yard.
He OF COURSE chose to deny the Code Department access to his home for the 30 days, which speaks volumes about him and what he is hiding. He is brazen in his disregard for the law so this was no surprise to me.
What does come as a surprise is that his case is now being "swept under the rug" by The City of Lake Worth. It will not be pursued according to city staff.
Commissioner Maier ran a campaign on transparency. He swore an oath to uphold the laws of this city. How can we as citizens expect him to uphold and enforce laws and codes that he, himself, doesn't adhere to. Are there two sets of rules? Is there one set for elected officials and one for average citizens? Is this the standard that our city is setting?
It is extremely disheartening for me that a person with a wicked sense of entitlement who lies with great ease, feels they are above the law, a person who does NOT pay their fair share in taxes and who condones a dangerous living situation can thrive in Lake Worth. He doesn't just thrive ... he is a sitting City Commissioner.
The fact that the Lake Worth Code Department refuses to pursue people like this sets a dangerous example. By this inaction, the City alienates law abiding, tax paying people such as myself. I try to maintain a level of honesty and decency and should hope I am a prime example of the type of people you want living, working, and raising children here. I strive to keep our City safe and clean, void of neglect and unsavory people. When the City denies a simple request to pursue a code violation for any unscrupulous landlord it hurts me… it hurts many.
As a mother, my greatest role in life is to protect my child and raise her to be a great person of noble character. I cannot raise my child here if the City turns a blind eye to unethical behavior like that of Commissioner Ryan Maier.
Please re-examine your code department and make decent people's concerns, like mine, a priority.
Thank you,
The new reef in Deerfield Beach that didn't quite go as planned
The comments under that accompany this video are very interesting.
Industrial-scale deforestation fixed by industrial-scale reforestation: science solves the problem
Came across this video on the website springwise:
From the article:
From the article:
The UAVs [drones] will first map the terrain of effected areas and then carry out precision planting of pregerminated seeds. Two operators are expected to employ multiple UAVs, which can shoot the seeds at a rate of 10 pellets per minute, totalling 36,000 trees in a day. The seeds would be covered with a nutritious hydrogel, making them more likely to flourish and BioCarbon Engineering hope to collaborate with local reforestation organizations to ensure they satisfy the biodiversity needs of each region, restoring ecosystems rather than creating fragile monocultures. The startup suggests that their method could cost 85 percent less than traditional methods.
The Great American July 4th Raft Race theme this year is "Reading Is Fun" (RIF): Official T-shirts on sale now
The July 4th Raft Race in Lake Worth is a BIG DEAL as you can see in the video below.
Below is the Official T-shirt of the NAPC* Raft Race this year:
*The NAPC for those of you unaware (or new to the City scene) is the Lake Worth Neighborhood Association Presidents Council. Here is their website, Facebook page, and email.
Sabal Palm House, one of the most popular south FL inns located in charming Lake Worth is For Sale
[UPDATE: Over the weekend this post from May 24th got an extraordinary amount of attention.]
The City of Lake Worth is rebounding quickly following the Great Recession. Recent good news about Lake Worth includes rising real estate values, a significant rise in population, the nearby popular Cottages of Lake Worth, a stable city government, infrastructure work is proceeding (street lights and drainage), a vibrant community of volunteers, a new "Welcome Center", a City known for its festivals and twice monthly "Evening on the Avenue", and on and on it goes!
You can find the listing here. Here is an image of this charming Lake Worth inn:
Here is a description from the listing site:
Come and be part of the Lake Worth Experience!
The image above is from the Lake Worth VisitFlorida website. |
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Drew Martin and The Palm Beach Post: perfect together
The "POINT OF VIEW" (POV) in The Palm Beach Post is prominent on the editorial page. It is on the same page as the daily editorial and right below the 'Letters to the Editor'. Drew Martin has a nuanced and erudite POV in the printed edition published on Wednesday (6/3/15) titled, "Stop seismic testing off Florida coast"; here is a short excerpt:
Kudos to Mr. Martin for having the ability and connections to have his points of view so prominent in the county's paper of record. However, if a mayor let's say in Palm Beach County somewhere, unhappy about an article that portrayed a city in a bad light, what would have to done to get that POV published in the Post? Just wondering.
[O]ffshore seismic blasting would create so much noise in the oceans that sophisticated Navy sonar might not be able to locate hostile underwater crafts along our shores. This could put Navy bases and Cape Canaveral at risk.It is comforting to know that Mr. Martin has strong concerns for our country's Department of Defense and is on top of this matter. Recalled though it wasn't long ago that Mr. Martin had another POV published in the Post and thought that a bit odd; 2 POV's so close together? A search brought up 5 POV's by Mr. Martin in just over a year:
Right whales traveling along our coast could suffer permanent hearing damage. This testing can even impact the fish population because, during seismic testing, explosions would be generated every 10 seconds.
Kudos to Mr. Martin for having the ability and connections to have his points of view so prominent in the county's paper of record. However, if a mayor let's say in Palm Beach County somewhere, unhappy about an article that portrayed a city in a bad light, what would have to done to get that POV published in the Post? Just wondering.
A tragic homicide but an opportunity for some to further the agenda
There was a homicide in the City of Lake Worth yesterday and that is a tragedy. But don't think for one second that some will not try to capitalize on this crime and take advantage this 'opportunity' presents. That is a brutal reality in Lake Worth. For some in our City any tragedy, especially a homicide, can be an opportunity to advance the anti-PBSO agenda.
The focus needs to be solving this crime and bringing the person(s) responsible to justice. Very little is known at this time about what occurred. What will be interesting to see is how this story is spun in the coming days and weeks.
There are many new residents in the City who have no knowledge of those terrible days in 2008 and 2009 which is the reason the LWPD was disbanded and PBSO brought in to patrol the City streets. If necessary, we'll revisit that period once again. It was not a pleasant experience to be a City resident back then.
The media will be falling all over themselves to get more information about this terrible incident. Illustrative though is not one single mainstream news media outlet in Palm Beach County showed up for this recent event (including The Palm Beach Post, the City's newspaper of record):
Aaron Wormus, aka 'a guy on clematis' with photo of C-51 Canal and sky over City of Lake Worth
Photo taken from West Palm side of the C-51 Canal. And check out other news of what's going on in downtown West Palm Beach at the 'a guy on clematis' blog. |
Borowitz Report: "N.S.A. Compensates for Loss of Surveillance Powers by Logging on to Facebook"
Andy Borowitz of The Borowitz Report has news about the N.S.A. and their enterprising efforts to keep the country safe:
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—The National Security Agency is compensating for the expiration of its power to collect the American people’s personal information by logging on to Facebook, the agency confirmed on Monday.
The director of the N.S.A., Admiral Michael S. Rogers, said that when parts of the Patriot Act expired at midnight on Sunday, intelligence analysts immediately stopped collecting mountains of phone metadata and started reading billions of Facebook updates instead.
“From a surveillance point of view, the transition has been seamless,” [emphasis added] Rogers said.
While the N.S.A. has monitored Facebook in the past, it is now spending twenty-four hours a day sifting through billions of baby pictures, pet videos, and photographs of recently enjoyed food to detect possible threats to the United States.
[UPDATE] PBSO lawyers: Emails showing "coverup" of shooting called fake in court documents
[UPDATE: This bombshell story wasn't mentioned one single time in the Post today (6/7). And neither was the "LINE OF FIRE", "Bullets, badges, and death on the street!", PBSO, or even Sheriff Bradshaw. Amazing. Here is the original blog post from yesterday:]
If this story isn't on the front page above the fold in tomorrow's Sunday paper (6/7) then that will be very telling. Stay tuned as they say and put on your seatbelt, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. Here is a short excerpt that appeared on page B3 in the Post today:
If this story isn't on the front page above the fold in tomorrow's Sunday paper (6/7) then that will be very telling. Stay tuned as they say and put on your seatbelt, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. Here is a short excerpt that appeared on page B3 in the Post today:
Two emails published on a local gossip website that implicated top brass at the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office in a coverup over the shooting death of Seth Adams are fake, PBSO’s lawyer said Thursday in a legal filing.
From the Sun Sentinel: "SeaWorld may be bouncing back from 'Blackfish' backlash"
Hugo Martin at the Sun Sentinel has this interesting article about SeaWorld. SeaWorld is fighting back at critics to reestablish their image with public relations campaigns. Here is an excerpt:
Joel Manby, SeaWorld's new CEO, told investors he was encouraged by the results so far.The video below is part of that PR campaign:
"It's very early, though, and it's part of a long-term, very targeted initiative," Manby said in a conference call discussing the firm's first-quarter financial results. "We have heard from our partners, our employees, most importantly, our guests that they're happy that we're out there disseminating the facts."
Analysts disagree on whether the counterattack will work, or whether the "Blackfish" controversy will permanently damage SeaWorld's future profitability.
Standard & Poor's credit analyst Shivani Sood said that negative press could hurt the park's ability to raise ticket prices and draw advertisers.
But Alex Petti, an analyst with Seeking Alpha, disagreed. Eventually, he said, customers will forget about the movie and it "will have less of an effect this year." [emphasis added]
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