Sunday, June 7, 2015

Drew Martin and The Palm Beach Post: perfect together

The "POINT OF VIEW" (POV) in The Palm Beach Post is prominent on the editorial page. It is on the same page as the daily editorial and right below the 'Letters to the Editor'. Drew Martin has a nuanced and erudite POV in the printed edition published on Wednesday (6/3/15) titled, "Stop seismic testing off Florida coast"; here is a short excerpt:
[O]ffshore seismic blasting would create so much noise in the oceans that sophisticated Navy sonar might not be able to locate hostile underwater crafts along our shores. This could put Navy bases and Cape Canaveral at risk.
     Right whales traveling along our coast could suffer permanent hearing damage. This testing can even impact the fish population because, during seismic testing, explosions would be generated every 10 seconds.
It is comforting to know that Mr. Martin has strong concerns for our country's Department of Defense and is on top of this matter. Recalled though it wasn't long ago that Mr. Martin had another POV published in the Post and thought that a bit odd; 2 POV's so close together? A search brought up 5 POV's by Mr. Martin in just over a year:
Kudos to Mr. Martin for having the ability and connections to have his points of view so prominent in the county's paper of record. However, if a mayor let's say in Palm Beach County somewhere, unhappy about an article that portrayed a city in a bad light, what would have to done to get that POV published in the Post? Just wondering.