Saturday, October 22, 2016

Notes and observations from the College Park neighborhood meeting last Thursday, October 20th

The main item of interest was the presentation by the City on the upcoming November 8th bond referendum (more information about that below). About 30 people were in attendance at CWS Bar + Kitchen in the Downtown. Prior to the presentation there were other items discussed you'll find interesting.
  • The Sheriff's update reported there were no major incidents in College Park during the previous month other than residential and auto burglaries, mostly due to unlocked doors. We learned the Eagle (PBSO's helicopter) is now doing night patrols when there is not an active pursuit with a night vision camera to spot unusual activity. For example, people going around to different properties trying to open car or home doors. There was an apprehension in a grand theft case involving $10 million in artwork and paintings. We were reminded that the victim of a crime has to follow through and press charges in order to get a conviction.
  • City Manager Michael Bornstein gave another presentation on the street bond ballot issue. The ballots are printed and sample ballots are arriving in mailboxes. Important to note the Lake Worth ballot item appears on the back of the last page. Such a position may make it easy for some people to forget and not turn the page.
  • Brent Whitfield of ADA Engineering, responsible for the roadway assessment, talked about how they quantified the condition of the City's roadway network. For a more thorough description, you can click here for that presentation last Monday night at the Parrot Cove neighborhood meeting.
  • In short, after the survey performed in 2013 the average condition of all roads was around a pavement condition index (PCI) rating of 70. Ten percent of the City's roads are in a state of complete failure. The goal of this program is to rebuild roads under a 55 PCI. Whitfield reminded us the road project is made up of five components (click on photographs below to enlarge).
  • Whitfield also pointed out maintenance in the 15th year after a road is completed makes it less expensive to repair and gives the road a much longer lifespan. This is shown in the chart below:
  • This is the projected roadway maintenance budget going forward into the future. The increases will allow the City to keep up maintenance of the roads:
     There is a calculator for your particular property on the City's website you can access here. Follow the instructions to determine your property's taxable value (net of any deductions for homestead, senior, etc.).
     Regarding the County's proposed 1¢ sales tax increase for infrastructure, 50% will go to the school district, 30% to unincorporated areas of Palm Beach County, with the remaining 20% to be split proportionately among the municipalities. If the sales tax vote passes then more City roads can be added to the program.

Today at 3:00. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright will visit the little City of Lake Worth

Remember all the excitement when Hillary Clinton stopped by Commissioner Andy Amoroso's Downtown shop last month? Today Madeleine Albright will help kick off a local canvassing effort, details below:
The Hillary Clinton campaign office in the City of Lake Worth is located at 1828 N. Dixie Hwy.

Below is the news from Brett Lake, the Lake Worth ​Field Organizer for the Hillary Clinton campaign. To contact Brett call 818-314-5446 or email:

"Today, Saturday October 22nd at 3:00, Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright will be at our east Lake Worth Office on Dixie Hwy. to meet with volunteers and launch a canvassing event."

All are welcome to the event. To sign up use this link.

Friday, October 21, 2016

PBSO Above and Beyond Award October 2016

The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Foundation awarded the Above and Beyond Award to PBSO Deputies Shariska Monroy and Ernest Lowmaster III for their extra special effort in helping a needy Lake Worth family:

News from the Royal Poinciana Neighborhood Assoc. in the little City of Lake Worth

Evening on the Avenues is now every Friday in Downtown Lake Worth.

"We have the honor of hosting the Beer and Wine Garden tonight (Friday, October 21st) for Evening on the Avenues. The NAPC Front Porch is back along with several food trucks. If anyone can volunteer (2 shifts from 5:30–10:00) and help Royal Poinciana raise funds please contact Charka Shafer at 561-503-3142 or"

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Lake Worth's City Manager is guest speaker at neighborhood meeting today on topic of November 8th referendum

Use this link for more information and videos from the presentation given last Monday.
Please note: Everyone is welcome to attend any neighborhood meeting hosted by any NAPC Neighborhood Assoc.

The news (below) about this meeting appears in last week's Lake Worth Herald. From the article (links added):

     The College Park Neighborhood Association will hold it’s semi-annual meeting on Thursday, Oct. 20th at C.W.S. Bar + Kitchen, 522 Lucerne Avenue.
     The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a report from PBSO deputies on how to keep our homes and families safe. City Manager Michael Bornstein is the guest speaker and will present information about the road repair bond that will be on the ballot in November.
     Anyone from any neighborhood is always welcome at College Park meetings.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Thoughts on last night's (October 18th) City Commission meeting. . . and what's that about a Wawa on 10th Ave. North?

Use this link to see all the videos of last night's Commission meeting. At the top of the page is a red "Subscribe" button. Subscribers receive an email when new videos have been uploaded to YouTube.

Another benefit of these videos is you can see and hear for yourself what happened instead of being spoon-fed what somebody else thinks happened. For example, the self-described so-called experts on social media and other blogs.

Notable for its brevity the meeting adjourned well before 7 p.m. Those that attended heard widespread admiration and praise for how well the City staff and Electric Utility prepared for Hurricane Matthew. Crews were able to keep up even during the storm to the extent it was safe to do so. The City's emergency preparedness plan, we heard, developed during the past few years performed remarkably well.

This is a tangible example how the City has turned a corner, completing the transition to a more professionally-run organization. Something we all, or most of us, can be happy about.

Also notable about this Commission meeting was the absence of many regulars who always criticize and complain about everything ever since the majority of Mayor Pam Triolo, Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell, and Commissioner Andy Amoroso have been leading the way since 2012. Speculation is the critics' heads would explode if they had to sit there and listen to any more good news.

Public comment consisted of two residents concerned about the prospect of a Wawa gas station at the southeast corner of 10th Ave. North and 'A' Street. Here is that video:It seems there is property assembly going on related to some project. As yet the details are not available. Mixed Use East 10th and 6th is the current zoning designation. That is indicated by the red area on the zoning map, a section of which appears below:
Use this link for the City's Zoning Map. You can find out how your neighborhood is zoned.

A Wawa would be classified under "Automobile Filling Stations." Looking at the permitted use table from the land development regulations that use is not permitted in this zoning district:
A check mark would indicate what could be permitted in the Mixed Use East 10th and 6th zoning district.

Suffice to say there are regulatory hurdles that would have to be cleared in order for this use to go forward in this particular zoning district. Rezoning (unlikely) or a text change and/or other changes would need to approved through the Planning and Zoning Board and then the City Commission.

Only after that process could a site plan be considered. It is worth noting there sure is a lot of consternation about the prospect of a Wawa at that location. However, it's important to remember anyone can bring any project to the City for consideration. Whether it moves forward or not is an entirely different story.

There's no rule against the City and interested parties talking and it's way too early to jump to conclusions. But in my humble opinion, a Wawa at that particular location would face an uphill battle. There's also Dixie Hwy: lot's of great locations along that stretch and I know a lot of people would love to have our own Wawa here in the City of Lake Worth.

UPDATE: The Blueway Trail is a "game-changer" for cities like Lake Worth, Palm Beach County, and State of Florida as well

Update: We learned at the City Commission meeting on October 18th that an advisory committee of some sort may be considered vis-à-vis the Blueway Trail project. The City of Lake Worth has no control whatsoever over the C-51 Canal. So it will be interesting to see how this board is created, its stated task, but most importantly who is on this board and how they're chosen. Stay tuned for more about this. Continue reading to learn more about this project:
Remember, it was a vision by former City Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill to have a kayak trail from the Intracoastal to the Chain of Lakes and beyond. That dream is closer to reality.

The impact of this project, when completed, will be tremendous. From tourism, ecotourism, the marine and water-sports industry, hotel bookings. . . a true game-changer. Get excited and involved. Contact your elected leaders and let them know you support this project. The naysayers and malcontents are already at work—don't let them be your voice.

Use this link for the official Blueway Trail website. Included is a very good video explaining this project.

Below is the latest exciting information about the Blueway Trail from the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) and more information will be forthcoming.

But first, the critics of the Blueway Trail, the few out there, will be ramping up their mis- and disinformation rhetoric to all new levels of nonsense. For example, Lake Worth Commissioner Ryan Maier is suggesting manatees will be at risk, brings up salt water intrusion (the water in the C-51 Canal flows east, not west), and suggests some nearby mangroves will be at risk (more on this and a video is below).

This ridiculousness follows other debunked claims made at the Lake Worth City Commission earlier this year when the TCRPC's Kim DeLaney gave an update on the Blueway Trail. Now for the latest: the following image is the new boat lift conceptual plan. Take note of the kayak launches, boat lift, new fishing piers, and water barrier locations to protect the public (click on images to enlarge):
The current fishing piers are closed due to safety concerns. Along with a boat lift will be kayak launches for the public and eco-tourists.

Below are excerpts from the TCRPC memorandum dated September 16th, "Chain of Lakes Blueway Trail Project Consultant Agreement":

      The purpose of this item is to request Council approval to execute a new contract for professional engineering and related services for the Chain of Lakes Blueway Trail project.

[and. . .]

     For the past several years, Council has been assisting the Palm Beach Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Palm Beach County local governments with the planning and design of a boat lift at the C-51 Canal to enable access for vessels between the “Chain of Lakes” and the Lake Worth Lagoon.

[and. . .]

     The C-51 Canal lies on the border of the cities of West Palm Beach and Lake Worth,
and the Chain of Lakes includes a series of inland lakes in central Palm Beach County (e.g.,
Lakes Ida, Eden, Osborne, Clarke, and Pine Lake), all of which are connected by waterways and canals. Within the C-51 Canal, a saltwater control structure, installed in the 1970s, currently prevents boating access between the two waterways. [emphasis added] 
     A preliminary analysis completed by Council on behalf of the MPO in 2015 concluded a boat lift to move motorized and nonmotorized vessels around the control structure was a feasible method to reintroduce access between the two waterways. This improvement would expand mobility, improve recreational and fishing opportunities, and provide economic enhancement in the area.

[and. . .]

     Improving access within regional waterways will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the transportation network, expand ecotourism potential, and enhance opportunities for economic development and quality of life. The Chain of Lakes Blueway Trail project and boat lift concept for the C-51 Canal could serve as a model to enhance connectivity in other locations within the region and across the state.
Just a few of the benefits.
Note location of the S-155 Spillway in relation to Dixie and Federal highways. West Palm Beach is north and Lake Worth south of the C-51 Canal.

Now back to Commissioner Maier's claims. He was at the TCRPC meeting on September 16th and he chose to focus on some public comment. Apparently someone claimed that salt water intrusion was a risk due to this project. Just one problem. The water in the canal flows towards the Intracoastal. So unless the planet starts spinning in the opposite direction this will not be an issue.

Manatees at risk? Nonsense. Mangroves at risk? Again, nonsense. Water has been flowing past the S-155 Spillway structure since the 1970's. As far as homeowners east of the Spillway along the C-51 Canal it won't be like, "Hey, we were just thinking of putting I-95 right there" as Lake Worth Commissioner Chris McVoy, PhD, said at a City Commission meeting. It's true. He really said that.

Oh, and by the way, both commissioners Maier and McVoy may be up for re-election next year (March 14th, 2017). No word yet on what they plan to do. Enjoy the video:

[UPDATE] Post's blog "Central Palm Beach County" is almost all about just the little City of Lake Worth. Why?

There's news about Greenacres in The Palm Beach Post today (10/19). Really, it's true. Page B3, local section, above the fold or use this link. At the end of this blog post is the reporters contact information if you have more news about the goings-on in the fine City of Greenacres or the Lake Worth Corridor. But the question remains, why is the City of Lake Worth so very, very special?
Along with Lake Worth's special status every Monday in the print edition, the newspaper that claims "REAL NEWS STARTS HERE" has a 'Central' PBC blog almost ALL about Lake Worth.

The print edition of The Palm Beach Post's Lake Worth Very Very Special Monday Collector Print Edition (LWVVSMCPE) comes out on Monday. Every Monday. Again and again and again and no one knows why. It's never been explained why the little City of Lake Worth is so special and cities like Greenacres and Palm Springs aren't.
Why can't Greenacres be special too? Why just Lake Worth? We'll be happy to share some of our news coverage with our friends out west.

Imagine you have news in Greenacres and you've been trying everything to get the attention of their beat reporter. You grab that morning's paper and it's another story about Lake Worth. Really! This weekly spotlight (that we never asked for Greenacres!) just keeps rolling like the Energizer Bunny. Along with LDub's special status in the print edition with the LWVVSMCPE each and every week they also have a blog called, "Central [sic] Palm Beach County". Here are the numbers looking back from yesterday, Saturday, October 14th:
  • Stories on Lake Worth: 66 (88%)
  • Stories about unincorporated 'Central Palm Beach County': 5 (6%)
  • Stories on other cities in 'Central Palm Beach County': 5 (6%; 1 story each about Palm Springs and Greenacres, 3 from West Palm Beach)
You have to go back to October 7th to read a story about another city other than Lake Worth, the City of Greenacres. If you didn't know any better, you'd think the only city that matters to the Post is Lake Worth. Is this fair to citizens of the City of Greenacres? Suburban Lake Worth? Lantana? Palm Springs? Lake Clarke Shores?

Does your community have news to share with The Palm Beach Post? Here is how you contact the beat reporter for 'Central Palm Beach County', Mr. Kevin Thompson:
  • Email:
  • 561-820-4573
  • Twitter: @kevindthompson1

Only two spaces available! Plus more information below about the Park of Commerce in Lake Worth

Click image to enlarge:
Contact Christina Morrison, P.A., CPM, at Carmel Commercial Real Estate & Management, Inc., at 561-573-7083. To learn more about Lake Worth's Park of Commerce use this link.

This month's TCRPC meeting and why it's important to know who is representing (or misrepresenting) you outside the City as well

The next Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) meeting is this Friday, October 21st. To see the agenda use this link.

How the City of Lake Worth is represented by the elected's outside the City limits is vitally important. Since the topic of the FEC tracks that run through Lake Worth is a "hot" topic again the public deserves accurate and factual information. What you'll read below is a very poor job of communication vis-à-vis Brightline and the Florida East Coast (FEC) right-of-way.

The video below is Commissioner Ryan Maier's report to the City of Lake Worth about his attendance at a TCRPC. He claimed that the topic of "train horns" took up "most of the meeting". Just one problem. That's not true.
Maier was confused about train horns, quiet zones, and even thought (and may still believe) Lake Worth can make an ordinance controlling train horns in the City. That is not possible or even legal but how many people's expectations were raised by Maier that the City Commission had control over what happens on the FEC tracks? Laws concerning the FEC right-of-way are federal jurisdiction.

Lake Worth's liaison to the TCRPC is not to be taken lightly. It is very important to make sure that the City is not misrepresented about what is happening here, for example, false information about mangroves being cut down by the City at another Council meeting.

Now back to the FEC tracks: Maier 'explained' to the public (video above) that train horns have "bells" and changing the volume of the horns "is an easy fix". Again, not true. Train horns are made of chimes and changing the design is a difficult engineering task. And, once again, these are federal regulations. Do you recall the news the horn pitch/frequency are within the guidelines set? That's why the horns "sound" louder. It's not because the volume was increased.

Maier goes on to refer to Brightline as a "mass transit train" like a subway or some other form of mass transit. Again, not true. Maier may be confused with the Coastal Link to follow after AAF is operational.
Learn more about the Coastal Link and also watch an excellent news segment by former WPTV reporter Brian Entin using this link.

Then he made at least two references to "it's only going to get worse". What a comforting message for the public.

The topic of train horns, the FEC corridor, and Brightline are crucial topics that deserve careful study and an attention to details. The facts would be a good place to start, especially coming from an elected commissioner.

Royal Poinciana's monthly neighborhood meeting is today (Wednesday, 10/19). Been to Couco Pazzo yet?

Note: Neighborhood meetings in Lake Worth are open to everyone, not just residents of the neighborhood hosting the meeting. Try attending this meeting to get ideas on what you can do in your neighborhood. Below is a message from Royal Poinciana:

Our meeting location is Couco Pazzo at 915/917 Lake Ave.

Hi Royals,
     Just a reminder about tonight's meeting. On the agenda are guest speakers from Citizens of Lake Worth with details on new changes coming to our oceanside town.
     See you all at 6:30, guest speakers start at 7.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Presentation by the City Manager and staff: Upcoming November 8th bond referendum to fix our roads

Please Note: The next presentation will be this Thursday starting at 6:30 at C.W.S. (located at 522 Lucerne Ave.).

Lake Worth's Parrot Cove and Mango Groves neighborhoods teamed up last night (10/17) in a meeting at the Beach Club restaurant. There was a report from PBSO, other neighborhood business, then the main event: a presentation on the November 8th bond referendum.

Note: The videos (2) of this presentation along with the Q&A session that followed are at the end of this blog post. Have questions about the bond? Send an email to:

In the first video, City Manager Michael Bornstein introduces his team at the City and the engineer involved in the condition survey of our roadway network. He also reminded those assembled (a rather large crowd) about Hurricane Matthew and the City's efforts during the storm. He has received heaps of praise how the City performed, particularly relating to the Electric Utility: above and beyond expectations.

Lake Worth was able to keep the power on despite the expectation we would experience widespread power outages (only the College Park neighborhood had an outage of any significance). It's justified those involved take a "victory lap." He also gave credit to the "wobble" in the storm's path that lessened the potential impact in this area.

Regardless of where you stood on the previous bond vote back in 2014 you need to watch these videos. The whole process by which the condition of the existing road network is reviewed. Also addressed is how the City will maintain the road system when upgraded. Engineer Brent Whitfield describes the investment it takes to maintain a road system and explains how this process will work over time.

Many very good questions were asked by those in attendance. The feedback in the room I've received was this was one of the most informative presentations given on the bond issue.

We were reminded once again, in answer to a question, the City of Lake Worth has no debt related to the General Fund. The debt it does have comes from the utility side of operations. That money was used to fortify our electric distribution system (we experienced that benefit during Hurricane Matthew) and also funded the City's reverse osmosis plant. The City Manager was quick to point out that debt is paid off through utility revenues and did not require a vote of the electorate.

The bond issue on the ballot this November is a general obligation bond that requires a referendum of the electorate to approve. A very important distinction.

A big Thank You to The Beach Club for being such wonderful hosts. The two videos:

How to watch today's City Commission meeting Live Streaming and agenda excerpts/highlights

To watch this meeting Live Streaming use this link at 6:00 and then click on, "Video of Public Meetings". If video does not appear wait a few minutes and try again.

Have you always wanted to give an Invocation to open a City Commission meeting? To learn more see below for the link "Invocation or Moment of Silence". Today is Commissioner Chris McVoy's turn to choose. To contact him call 561-398-6115, email

Below are excerpts and highlights from the meeting (use this link for entire agenda):

City Commission Meeting, City Hall Commission Chamber
Tuesday, October 18th at 6:00
1. Roll Call
2. Invocation or Moment of Silence: Led by Commissioner Christopher McVoy 
3. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Commissioner Christopher McVoy
4. Agenda: Additions/Deletions/Reordering
5. Presentations (there is no public comment on Presentation items)
A. Proclamation declaring October 18, 2016 as Historical Society of Lake Worth Day
B. Proclamation declaring October 23-31, 2016 as Red Ribbon Week

[and. . .]

9. Consent Agenda (public comment allowed during public participation of non-agendaed items)
A. Resolution No. 48-2016 - document the levy of municipal special assessment liens for unpaid boarding and securing charges
B. Resolution No. 49-2016 - document the levy of municipal special assessment liens for unpaid demolition charges
C. Resolution No. 50-2016 - document the levy of municipal special assessment liens for unpaid lot clearing charges

[and. . .]

J. Contract with Environmental Services, Inc. for Phase I of the Historic Preservation Survey update

[and. . .]

10. Public hearing
A. Ordinance No. 2016-28 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - amend the Sister City Board composition

This Commission meeting should be over by 8:00 or 8:30 at the latest. Unless, of course, the meeting gets monkeywrenched or the City Attorney has to explain what the Sunshine Law is. Again. If you plan on attending you might want to grab something along the way, like a plate of baked ziti just in case. And know it's bad form to eat in the Commission chambers as well:

Monday, October 17, 2016

Lake Worth Commission Workshop on Casino is November 3rd and discussion going forward on how to fix all the problems

The Workshop that was cancelled due to Hurricane Matthew has been rescheduled to November 3rd. It was the lack of vision and proper planning back in 2009/2010 that made this important Workshop necessary. Now it's time to get it right:


You're all too familiar by now of the construction "Greenwashing" that went on, the deficiencies in parking and traffic flow, and of course our municipal pool that was never included in the overall plan. All of these mistakes and oversights contributed to our "Charming Casino at the Beach!"

What are your ideas? Ways to make the Casino complex more functional for the public? Below is one intriguing idea, an excerpt from the Project for Public Spaces written by Cheryl Millard:

     "Young people use public spaces just as much as anyone else, if not more. And yet, too often young people, or young adults between the ages of 12 to 25, are not included in the process of Placemaking and end up “loitering” in other spaces. [emphasis added] Some communities frown upon loitering, which can create a negative image for young people and just contributes to the stigma surrounding them, especially those who are at risk. By being actively engaged in youth-friendly spaces, young people can feel like they have investment in their community and they can develop a strong sense of ownership in these places.
     Parks and public spaces are often built with small children and adults in mind, with an emphasis on playgrounds for the children and benches for the adults watching them. Alternatively, some public spaces are simply devoid of activity or amenities – conducive to picnicking or maybe playing ball, but offering little else for young people. With nothing to do after school, they hang out at train stations, shopping centers, and local parks."

What could be at the Casino complex to attract more young people and keep them excited? Not all of the younger people get excited about laying around the pool, sunbathing, or surfing. How about a skate park? There is plenty of space for one. Volleyball courts with stands for the community to watch? An outdoor auditorium for plays and other activities? Shuffleboard courts?
Photo of Lake Worth Casino Complex by Skyline Aerials, LLC. Spread the word about this City Workshop and hope to see a huge community turnout.

TODAY: Parrot Cove neighborhood to host City Manager Bornstein for Q&A on upcoming November 8th referendum

Take note: This monthly meeting by the Parrot Cove neighborhood will start promptly at 7:00. Be early to get a good seat.

     "Our monthly meeting will be held this coming Monday, October 17th at 7:00 pm at The Beach Club restaurant located at the Lake Worth Golf Course on 7th Ave. North.
     This month we will have City Manager Michael Bornstein to talk about the upcoming bond referendum and to answer your questions about this important topic.
     Please join us for this Q&A session so you have an opportunity to hear what is being presented and to have your questions answered.
     We are having a joint meeting with our neighbors to the west, Mango Groves, so we expect a full room. Please arrive early to make sure you have a good seat as we will be starting right at 7:00."

Sunday, October 16, 2016

"Conservation and Rehabilitation Program" for needy homeowners, many of them seniors, IS NOT a broad conspiracy to steal homes

Worth another look and more on that 'G' word. . .

To hear Lake Worth Commissioner Ryan Maier tell it (use this link for video) this new program for needy homeowners, many of them seniors, is a broad-based conspiracy by Adopt-A-Family, the City of Lake Worth, CRA, the Electric Utility, Siemens Corporation, and who knows how many others to steal people's homes in the City.

On the pretense of "gentrification", Maier suggested Adopt-A-Family is involved in some sort of nefarious undertaking. So that's the definition of gentrification now? Fixing windows, installing A/C, a washer and dryer, a workable toilet and shower for an elderly citizen or poor family? For more about "the 'G' word" and the "Politics of Fear" read the blog post following this one or use this link.

Are these the people Maier is referring to? The one's out there on the front line trying to make a difference in Lake Worth:
Maier read some stuff on a blog and, apparently, that was the information he used as 'basis' to prove a conspiracy of some sort (misinformation in red):

No where does it mention the total estimated cost of this program regarding implementation and constant supervision in a city that has no money. How many residences are they anticipating to be included in this program and how many houses need a lot of help? 5,000? More? Where will all the money come from?

Joan Oliva, the CRA Director, answered all this nonsense quite clearly:

     "The process starts at electric utilities. It is not a wide open program for anyone to apply. If you call the CRA or the City we will direct you to the Utility dept. Its about teaching conservation and not just residential rehabilitation. The program doesn’t start until next fiscal year. The City is contributing $75K, the CRA $50K, Siemens $50K for a total one year program of $175,000.
     Similar to NSP in nature this is not an easy process. It can be lengthy because of all the paperwork and the reviews we have put in place. We tried NOT to make it too bureaucratic but we also have to be good stewards of taxpayer money. I don’t expect to do more than 8–10 per year plus conservation training."

Then there's this from a recent front page article in The Lake Worth Herald:

     "Lake Worth has a tremendous need for a local housing rehabilitation program. This can be evidenced by the large number of households, especially those headed by seniors, which have required financial assistance with their electric bills and have been assisted by Community Partners and Adopt-A-Family."

Maier may or may not run for re-election next year. Many of his former supporters may have a thing or two to say about that. Look in the right-hand column for "March 14th, 2017—Election Day" or use this link.

Later today: "Chamber Music Coming to St. Andrew's", news in this week's Lake Worth Herald

To subscribe to the Herald use this link or pick up the print edition (still ¢50!) at the City's newsstand located at 600 Lake Ave. across from the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County.

     "This Sunday, Oct. 16, at 4 p.m. enjoy light food, wine, coffee and other beverages in a casual environment while listening to music of today written and performed by South Florida musicians!
     The inaugural event of Zimmermann’s Café Chamber Music takes place in the parish hall of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, at the corner of Lucerne Avenue and Palmway, in Lake Worth, just three blocks west of the Lake Worth Bridge."

[and. . .]

     "Zimmermann’s Café Chamber Music will present new works and works-in-progress by Palm Beach County composers Kevin Wilt, Gregory Stepanich, Clare Shore and Marshall Turkin. The performers for the event are South Floridians Dina Kostic, violin; Susan Moyer Bergeron, cello; and Mary Kathleen Ernst, piano."

  • Tickets are $20 (cash/check) sold at the door only.
  • Students admitted free with ID.
  • Call 561-586-0532 for additional information.