Saturday, January 10, 2009
Friends Used Book Sale
The Friends of the Lake Worth Library will be holding a used book sale on Saturday, January 31st from 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m. at the Cultural Plaza (414 Lake Avenue) across the street from the library.
There will be books, videocassettes, music CDs, and much more for sale. Prices range from $.50 to $5.00.
The Lake Worth Library is now accepting donations of gently used books, videocassettes, music CDs, DVDs, puzzles, audio cassettes and CDs and magazines. Please bring your donations to the library at 15 North M St., Lake Worth.
The library is closed Sundays and Mondays; open Tuesday and Wednesday 11:00 am to 7:00 pm and Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
For more information please call the library at (561) 533-7354.
More in the stream of information coming from the City of Punta Gorda
If you are receiving this for the first time; this is the city of Punta Gorda weekly report, it is an account of all the activities that have occurred during the past weekand compiled by the city manager. Currently my mailing is reaching well over 1000 residents.If you are already receiving this from one of my colleagues or if you just don’t want to receive it just email me back.
Friends,You have no doubt been reading about President Elect Obama’s financial insentive plan which may fund state and local capital construction projects. In preperation of that possibility we have comprised and are submitting a list of 9 projects totalling $74.5M. I have attached the that list along with the Weekly Report for your information.
Don’t forget the grand opening celebration of the Event Center on Saturday from 11AM – 1:30.
By the way, the reason that I show you this is to present an example of a community that makes a consistent effort to communicate with its citizens - by both its elected officials and its senior staff. Punta Gorda is not unique - it is more and more an example of part of the norm. It's Lake Worth that is out of sync.
If you click on the title of this post, you will be taken to the memo from their City Manager which gives a report of the week's activities. It's funny, but if you read the series of these memos, you end up knowing much more about Punta Gorda than anyone knows about what happened in Lake Worth over the past weeks.
And what are we doing to "front load" our public works projects in order to stimulate the local economy and keep people employed?
Former County Commissioner McCarty fighting for Raymond James bond underwriter
Her husband had connections with Raymond James. Click title for related PB Post Article. The discussion and vote occurred in 2003.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Southern District of Florida
Press Release re McCarty charges, click title for link.
Reminder - Bicycle Network Studio - Presentation at 6 p.m. today
Surfrider Fundraiser - Little Munich - 1/23
Here's a heads up on our next event. There will be more updates soon but I wanted you to have the basics.
On Friday evening, January 23rd there will be a Palm Beach County Surfrider Foundation 25th Anniversary party and fundraiser in downtown Lake Worth at Little Munich restaurant. It starts at 7 PM.
The fundraiser is to pay for the cost of going to court to protect the surf breaks at the Lake Worth Pier from being ruined by the Town of Palm Beach's dredge and fill project planned for the area surrounding the Pier. The City of Lake Worth and ESA are also part of the effort to protect surfing at the Pier. All other dredge and fill projects will be affected by the judge's decision, which could happen any day now.
Members of the band "Truck Stop Coffee" will play, and there will be kegs of beer, raffles and great food all evening. Tickets are available at
26-story Tao Sawgrass in Sunrise sits empty
Resignation creates cloud over event promoting Palm Beach County ethics pledge
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Lake Worth Celebrates “Realizing Dr. King’s Dream”
At 6:30PM, immediately following the March, a Unity Potluck Dinner is planned at Calvary Methodist Church. The church is located at the corner of Federal Highway and First Avenue South. The dinner will provide an opportunity for warm fellowship across religious and racial lines in the spirit of Dr. King. Inspirational musical performances will accompany the shared “breaking of bread.” Participating religious and civic organizations will provide the food and beverages.
Earlier in the day, St. Andrews Episcopal Church will host an interfaith prayer breakfast from 7:30 – 9 AM. A brief spiritual program will feature comments from local representatives of the Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and Baha'i faiths.
At 2:30PM, also at St. Andrews, the presentation of Ain’t I a Woman! is not to be missed. With music and drama Ain’t I a Woman! celebrates the life and times of four powerful African American women: renowned novelist and anthropologist Zora Neale Hurston, ex-slave and fiery abolitionist Sojourner Truth, exuberant folk artist Clementine Hunter, and fervent civil rights worker Fannie Lou Hamer. The musical score is drawn from the heartfelt spirituals and blues of the Deep South, the urban vitality of the Jazz Age, and contemporary concert music by African Americans. Ain’t I a Woman! is a joyful exploration of the trials and triumphs of four passionate and accomplished women.
Dr. King’s Dream encompassed the hopes and dreams of all Americans. Members of every racial, religious and ethnic group in Palm Beach County are invited to join Lake Worth residents in their celebration of the progress that has been made in the realization of Dr. King’s dream. All events and meals are free to attendees. The events are sponsored by the Lake Worth MLK Committee, Kiwanis Club, Lake Worth Interfaith Network and the City of Lake Worth.
Full schedule of events for Monday, January 19, 2009:
7:30 – 9:00 AM - Interfaith Prayer Breakfast, St. Andrews Episcopal
2:30 - 4 PM - “Ain’t I a Woman!” Drama Presentation at St. Andrews Episcopal
5:00 – 6:00 PM – Candlelight March from City Hall to Cultural Plaza
6:00 – 6:30 PM – Program at MLK Memorial in Cultural Plaza
6:30 – 9:00 PM – Potluck Dinner at Calvary United Methodist Church
Transcript: Obama seeks unified fight against economic woes
We start 2009 in the midst of a crisis unlike any we have seen in our lifetime, a crisis that has only deepened over the last few weeks.Nearly 2 million jobs have been now lost. And on Friday, we're likely to learn that we lost more jobs last year than at any time since World War II. Just in the past year, another 2.8 million Americans who want and need full-time work have had to settle for part-time jobs.
Manufacturing has hit a 28-year low. Many businesses cannot borrow or make payroll. Many families cannot pay their bills or their mortgage. Many workers are watching their life savings disappear. And many, many Americans are both anxious and uncertain of what the future will hold.
Residential Real Estate Sales - Last 30 Days - 33460 Zip Code
Boil Water Notice
The reason for water interruption is to repair a broken water valve. After the water service is restored customers will be under a boil water order and are requested as a precaution, to boil all water for a period of three minutes for drinking and food preparation. This will be in effect for 72 hours until 12:00 p.m., Sunday, January 11, 2009. Door hanger(s) have been passed out.
Residents will be notified if additional water samples need to be taken and if the City needs to extend this notice. Door hangers will be passed out.
Should you have any questions please contact the Water Systems Department at (561) 586-1719.
Letter just received by e-mail: "Comm. McCarty is sad to announce her resignation from the County Commission."
As the result of wrongdoing brought to my attention by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida, I will be resigning my position on the Palm Beach County Commission effective at the close of business, January 8, 2009.
Throughout my 18 years as a County Commissioner, I have worked diligently on behalf of the community that I love. I have always believed that public officials should be held to a high ethical standard and I failed in this regard. Within the next week I expect to plead guilty to honest services fraud.
As both a public official and moral person, I had an ethical responsibility to perform my duties free from any violation of law or ethics. Although I never set out to commit any violation or law, I have.
On multiple occasions, I failed to disclose free and discounted hotel rooms that had been provided to me by a company that had business with Palm Beach County. I also failed to recuse myself on bond issues that would benefit the companies that employed my husband. At the time, I rationalized these actions by interpreting their impact in a manner most favorable to me and not that most favorable to the community I was elected to serve. These were inexcusable and, in fact, criminal acts—something for which I should be prosecuted and for which I bear full responsibility.
I am sickened by the fact that my acts will result in continued scrutiny of the Palm Beach County Commission. Being aware of the challenges faced by the Commission following the prosecution of Ray Liberti, Jim Exline, Tony Masilotti and Warren Newell, I am disgusted with myself for placing the Commission that I respect so much in an untenable situation.
It is my sincere hope that by accepting responsibility for my actions and not making excuses, I will minimize the damage that my prosecution will inflict upon Palm Beach County.
I expect to be ordered to serve a significant term of incarceration as a result of my voluntary plea. As frightening as this reality might be, I recognize it as a consequence of my actions. It is my sincere desire to hopefully receive the forgiveness of each County Commissioner and of the community. I realize that this forgiveness will be earned by deed and not word. Please keep both my family and me in your thoughts and prayers as we work through the challenges I have brought down upon us.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Lake Worth museum gets boost from library trust fund
Word from Cara's Camp...

Free Workshop
On Wed Jan 14 from 5 to 7 pm I'm giving a free workshop in Lake Worth. Here are the details -
Whether you have a shop on the avenue, an Internet-based business, or just sell things out of your home, this information will give you a way to get discovered by more people and turn more of those people into paying customers.
Introduction: How the Internet has changed the world of marketing, and how you can take advantage of it
Secret 1: Auto-connecting with the people who are looking for your product
Secret 2: Broadcasting your niche & brand-identity difference
Secret 3: Under-the-radar publicity
Secret 4: Social & viral marketing techniques
Secret 5: Search engine optimization (“getting to the top of Google”)
Secret 6: Honor-based relationship building
Secret 7: Super-conscious messaging
Secret 8: Upstreaming
Secret 9: Affiliate and associate programs
Conclusion: Putting it all together & making it grow
Presented by PJ Rebhan (Reb Han)
PJ is a successful artist, writer, composer, business owner, teacher and Fortune 500 consultant. He’s used these techniques to build his own career and to help others build theirs.
824 Lake Ave (between Dixie and J Street)
Lake Worth
Date & time
Wed January 14
5 pm to 7 pm
Best wishes to you for a great 2009,
PJ Rebhan
Comments by yours truly last night re Gulfstream appeal...
The Gulfstream's importance to our community is reflected in many ways. It's one of the few individual listings on the National Register for Historic Places, it's on the waterfront at the one of the entrances to the city, it's one of the taller buildings that exist in the city and it's a strong example of 1920s Florida "boom" period architecture. It is also part of the historic economic fabric of the city.
The Historic Resource Preservation Board has done its job. Please deny this appeal request as it creates one more obstacle in getting this property back on line and serving out-of-town guests that will contribute to our local economy.
Pictures speak a thousand words - Gulfstream item tabled
Pay to play anyone?

How about that "Pay to Play" ordinance Commissioner Cara Jennings?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
1920s Postcard Showing the Gulfstream Hotel

But for now, we have a chance to help out one Lake Worth's own signature historic properties from that era get back in service to the community. Please come out and voice your support for allowing the owners of the property to go forward with their plans to renovate the Gulfstream Hotel . If you cannot make the meeting tomorrow night, please contact any one of the Commissioners or the Mayor about the importance of denying the appeal of the Planning, Zoning and Historic Resource Preservation Board approvals related to the property.
From the barber's chair: A view of the economy and other tid bits
This is a barber shop that a regular run-of-the-mill haircut is $12. I usually tip $3. It's also one that's been around for at least 20 years.
And, back to Lake Worth for a moment: Can we all agree that a shopping mall never was proposed for the beach? There is a "blogger" - how she refers to yours truly - that insists that a shopping mall was proposed to be built at the beach. And, this "blogger" insists that the no lease over twenty years of City property charter amendment that was passed a couple of years ago was somehow violated since the Greater Bay agreement talked about a lease of 19 years and 360 or some such number of days. This somehow violated the spirit or intent of the charter amendment. This always begs the question with me - then why didn't you include more restrictive language in the Charter Amendment? Or is it just never quite right regardless of whatever is done? This was the impetus behind the lawsuit filed by certain aggrieved citizens - the status of which is unknown.
Take a magical local history tour: Can you find these historic markers?
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Important Item on City Commission Agenda 1/6/09 - Gulfstream Hotel

What the owner of the property plans on doing is to restore the historic hotel and establish four (4) unlighted tennis courts on the hotel's western property (along South Lakeside), along with a small tennis pro-shop along Lake Avenue. The owner has agreed to drop plans for the larger spa/hotel that was planned for the same part of the property. What is being requested are changes that will allow this historic hotel to operate and contribute to the economic vitality of Lake Worth for the foreseeable future.
Please try to attend the meeting and speak in favor of allowing the property owner to continue their renovation plans and to deny the appeal. This is one of the few properties in the city that has individual placement on the National Register of Historic Places. It is integral with the identity of Lake Worth and is sorely missed when not in operation. If you cannot attend the meeting, please e-mail or phone your elected representatives on the Commission and tell them how strongly you feel about getting the hotel operating once again.
Below is how the item appears on the Commission's agenda.

More on the Gulfstream Hotel - Site Plan and Elevations

Remember to click on the images for greater detail.

Part I: Reflections on the "New" Beach Proposal
Right now, the status is that the City is waiting for an "RFP" - request for proposals - to be prepared by an engineering firm. This is expected by the end of January and then the RFP would go out to architectural and engineering firms that would respond by the end of February. It's my understanding that, according to the proposal but together by Straticon and from the comments by the City Commission at the December meeting when this was discussed, that the proposal will entail rebuilding the existing structure in some manner, in the same location. At the one regular December meeting, the Commission directed that a feasibility for the site work also be part of the proposal.
You can refer to the post summarizing the Straticon proposal but the basics are a building of 50,000 s.f. with an estimated cost of $10,000,000. A feasibility study is underway for a possible bond issue, as well.
My comments to the City Commission at the time were that by doing this they are saying that the building is o.k. in this general location and that there isn't a better location for it on the property. With the proposed expansion of the existing building footprint to the east, there could be real issues related to the Coastal Construction Control Line. I reminded them that they did have to go out for bid for architectural services and couldn't just sign up Straticon without going out for bids from other firms/teams. I also urged them to consider what will happen with the entire site and not just the building. I thought that the sitework might well equal the $10,000,000 estimated for the building. Also, the financial workings of the project - what the lease rates will be for the tenants and what subsidy that represents needs to be calculated and made part of the overall equation. I then suggested, as I have here, that if they really want a "green" project on this public property, they should eliminate or greatly restrict the amount of parking on the property itself. Parking for the beach could be provided downtown and then a shuttle arrangement could be devised so that the portal to get to our beach would be through our downtown commercial district - encouraging beach traffic to stop in our downtown, hopefully spending money there along the way. It would also provide surplus parking for visitors to the downtown in the "non-peak" times of beach usage - i.e., at night. This would coincide with the peak parking demand in the downtown due to the number of restaurants we have there.
Now, a couple of comments regarding this quote from Mayor Clemens in the January 1, 2009 edition of the Lake Worth Herald. Here is the quote:
"It's the beach - always the beach." Mayor Jeff Clemens says, "But at least we have everybody approaching from the same angle and I think we will really get something accomplished this time."You know, dictatorships are one of the more efficient ways to govern. Democracies are by nature, inefficient. I am not sure that "everybody" even knows what is being proposed. Didn't we have many public meetings, subcommittees, workshops, design charrettes on the more recent proposals? So far, there has been one meeting regarding this proposal.
I also think it is too early to say that the City gets a free pass in voting to terminate the public/private partnership with Greater Bay. What is to say that Greater Bay wasn't capable of doing the same plan that is envisioned here? I am not an apologist for Greater Bay, but I think it is foolhardy to think that we have heard the last from them.
The next installment: Part II: The Three "Rs" of Historic Preservation.
New Year’s Resolution: Read Agenda for a Sustainable America
Widener Law School Professor John Dernbach has pulled together what may be the most important book of 2009 for lawyers, planners, officials at all levels of government and the general public – Agenda for a Sustainable America. With thoughtful contributions from 41 leading scholars, scientists and lawyers, a compelling case is made that we are indeed at a tipping point when it comes to sustainability, and that the United States can and must take a leadership role at home and in the international arena.
As Professor Dernbach explains in Chapter 1, “This book starts with a simple but powerful premise: Sustainable development would make the United States more livable, healthy, secure, and prosperous. Policies that promote sustainability would reduce risks to our national security, improve our economic efficiency and productivity, enhance our health and communities, improve the lives of the poorest among us, and foster greater human well-being in other countries. And it would achieve these things while protecting and restoring the environment for our generation and for generations that follow.”
The book not only includes an assessment of how the United State is doing with respect to sustainable development in 28 areas of American life—including forestry; transportation; oceans and estuaries; religion; and state, local, and national governance (which is not as good as people might want to believe), but it offers lawmakers, policymakers and members of the public more than 100 concrete recommended action items for the next five to ten years that will make a difference. These recommendations, which can be organized around the following ten themes, are explained in detail throughout the book:
1. The United States should systematically reduce its ecological footprint.
2. The United States government must adopt, as soon as possible, greenhouse gas emission reduction programs that will reduce U.S. emissions to our fair share of safe global emissions.
3. The United States should create more employment opportunities in environmental protection and restoration, and make it easier for unskilled and low-income persons to enter and remain in the workforce.
4. Sustainable development should be an organizing principle for all levels of government.
5. Nongovernmental actors should play a major role in achieving sustainability.
6. Individuals, families, and consumers should have more sustainable options in the decisions they make.
7. Sustainable development should become a central part of public and formal education.
8. The United States should strengthen its environmental and natural resources laws.
9. The United States needs to play an international leadership role on behalf of sustainable development.
10. The United States needs to improve the information and data available to the public to make decisions for sustainability.
This book, published by the Environmental Law Institute, is set to be released the week of January 12, 2009, and can be ordered from Island Press here. The book will also be available through Amazon here. This book is a follow-up to the 2002 Stumbling Towards Sustainability.
For more information, visit the book’s website, http://www.