Friday, February 1, 2013

Everything you wanted to know about Transit Oriented Development in 251 pages

Click title for link to report recently put together by the Environmental Protection Agency on transit oriented development (TOD) projects.  The possibility exists for Lake Worth to have, at some time in our future, four possible TOD transit stations with mixed use components at four different locations.

Ed Koch dies...

Access a sticking point for South End dune work |

Years ago, when Marc Drautz was Mayor, the Town of Palm Beach came knocking at our door.  Then Mayor MacDonald of Palm Beach had approached Mayor Drautz about using the Lake Worth beach for access for sand replenishment of their beaches in the area.  From what I remember, Mayor Drautz indicated that it shouldn't be a problem long before the matter came before the City Commission formally.  When it did, with the Mayor of Palm Beach in attendance, they were greeted with the "Lake Worth Shuffle" and Commission summarily refused to provide access for beach re-nourishment.  I am glad to read that our current Mayor was in attendance at this meeting.  Click title for link. 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lantana bridge replacement facing unexpected costs - South Florida

Oh, oh - this could mean continued higher traffic volumes through our downtown area.  There seems to be a fight brewing between Palm Beach County and the Town of Lantana.  Click title for link.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pics and a story from the beach...

Yesterday, a friend of mine ventured to the beach.  Click here for some pictures of the improvements around the property that are coming to a close.

Let me introduce you to the white elephants living at the property:  The Pool and Pool Building.

According to my friend, one of the lifeguards there said that he hasn't heard anyone talking about what is going to happen with the pool.  The lifeguards had been using the pool for training purposes - in its existing condition.  They were still able to swim in it in its current condition but were told to stop using the pool about a month ago.  He said that you can see how one corner of the pool is lower than the others and it wasn't that way before they started construction (destruction?) of the Casino building.  He thought it was all the banging, perhaps during demolition?

Now, for training, they have to spend time in the ocean which puts them at a higher risk of man-of-war stings and other ocean pests.

If anyone can add anymore information to this post, please do so under the comment section below.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Stacy Ritter Calls For State Probes Of Laud Lakes :

Former "High Noon in Lake Worth" guest Chaz Stevens gets help from a Broward County Commissioner to investigate Lauderdale Lakes and its CRA.  Click title for link.

Culture clash, or culture convergence? Rightist survivalism meets green urbanism | Kaid Benfield's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC

Click title for link.  Seems that our local anarchists would find a lot to like about Glenn Beck's idea of a "planned community."  Self-sufficiency, self-policing, resiliency, no national brands, a moat - virtual or otherwise around the community.  They say that the road through anarchy eventually leads to oppression.  Perhaps we see the sprouting of that here?

Maybe you can catch up on the locals' plans at the next Monkeywrench Cafe, coming to a neighborhood near you!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lake Worth voters to decide on elections, building height limits |

Click title for link to annoying PBP article.  The following will likely be misread to construe that the Comprehensive Plan can be changed by the votes of two people on the City Commission - instead of by two readings and a majority of affirmative votes.  Here is the section:
Proponents of height limits say they need to be in the charter to preserve Lake Worth’s low-rise, small-town feel. The comprehensive plan can be changed by two votes of the city commission — though the process requires public hearings and state review and takes at least six months.

High-rise Palm Beach: Changes in altitude

Worth reading in light of the ballot issue coming this March.  Think of the area south of Sloan's Curve to the border of South Palm Beach - it is more dense and much of it built on fill (the west side of A-1A).  Guess what - we are not in a development vortex.  Hardly - one could say that Lake Worth has been left behind and many would say that is good thing.  But the ballot measure does nothing other than to perpetuate the "developer" behind-the-bushes myth.  It is fear mongering at its worst.

Click title for link to article.

Lake Worth Museum Visit - A Centennial Year "Must Do"

For those of you who don't know, the Lake Worth Museum is again open two days a week - Wednesday from 1-4 p.m. and Friday from 1-4 p.m.  It's on the second floor of the City Hall Annex building, right next to the cultural plaza.  Historian Helen Greene is there to greet you and answer questions on Wednesdays and Judy Reed, former head librarian, is there on Fridays. Arrangements can be made for school groups and others to visit the museum during other times, as well.   I was there on a Friday to pick up some postcards images that had been scanned to add to my collection.  I'll be putting these together for a slide show for the upcoming "Dance through the Decades" event on  February 16th at the NEW Lake Worth Casino ballroom.

Here are some pictures inside the museum for a glimpse of what is there - it really is worth a visit.
Here's Judy Reed in the Museum's office at the top of the stairs.
Plaque on the landing outside of the Museum's office.  There was much submarine traffic off the Florida coast during World War II.
A large portion of one room is dedicated to Lake Worth High School memorabilia.
Some frightening images from the devastating 1928 hurricane.

A few examples above of what you can find there.

The following two pictures (from the Lake Worth Museum archives) show the height difference between the old bridge and the "new" or current bridge across Lake Worth.