Saturday, August 23, 2014
Commissioner McVoy Responds to the "Break" video taken at the 8/19/14 Commission Meeting:
Greetings! Regarding video clip from the break during Tue Aug 19 Comm. meeting: Sorry to disappoint, but what I was actually doing is highly boring compared to the interesting theories above.
The break occurred between sections 9 and 10, in particular before 10-B: "amend LDRs." As this was a detailed item, I wanted to review the back-up again. No luck getting to it online, but recalled that other Commissioners often have a hard copy back-up binder.
So, I went to Comm Amoroso's hard copy with agenda in my L hand to remind myself of the section and letter number.
As I recollect, what I found was either too short or too detailed, so I recall giving up fairly quickly.
The texting may not have been as boring, but it was to a friend, with content and friend both totally unrelated to Lake Worth.
My response:
Thank you for commenting here. You must admit it looks odd. I sit on many boards and find myself in the same situation that you describe sometimes, but I never fail to ask permission or ask if someone has a copy that I could use first, rather than just rifle through someone else's things.
Oh, and where did you get that sandwich? It looked yummy!
The break occurred between sections 9 and 10, in particular before 10-B: "amend LDRs." As this was a detailed item, I wanted to review the back-up again. No luck getting to it online, but recalled that other Commissioners often have a hard copy back-up binder.
So, I went to Comm Amoroso's hard copy with agenda in my L hand to remind myself of the section and letter number.
As I recollect, what I found was either too short or too detailed, so I recall giving up fairly quickly.
The texting may not have been as boring, but it was to a friend, with content and friend both totally unrelated to Lake Worth.
My response:
Thank you for commenting here. You must admit it looks odd. I sit on many boards and find myself in the same situation that you describe sometimes, but I never fail to ask permission or ask if someone has a copy that I could use first, rather than just rifle through someone else's things.
Oh, and where did you get that sandwich? It looked yummy!
Excerpts from editorial published in the Lake Worth Herald, August 21, 2014 titled: "VOTE":
"If the bond passes, the city's infrastructure will be greatly improved. If it doesn't pass, the roads will continue to crumble at an accelerated rate. It is up to the voters to determine which path the city takes.
New business, the kind that brings jobs to the community, is more likely to choose Lake Worth if there is sound infrastructure upon which to build. Not fixing the infrastructure will make it more difficult to attract business, and those that do choose Lake Worth will be demanding tax incentives and utility discounts, leaving the rest of the taxpayers to foot the bill."
"Sea level rise, salt water intrusion, and all of the trendy buzz words municipalities and scientists have been bandying around have been considered in this plan. The city is already drilling new wells farther from the coast to protect the water system. The design of the new infrastructure has taken into consideration all of these factors."
"The Lake Worth Herald recommends passage of the bond issue for the future of our fine city."
Visit the Lake Worth Herald at for more on the City of Lake Worth.
New business, the kind that brings jobs to the community, is more likely to choose Lake Worth if there is sound infrastructure upon which to build. Not fixing the infrastructure will make it more difficult to attract business, and those that do choose Lake Worth will be demanding tax incentives and utility discounts, leaving the rest of the taxpayers to foot the bill."
"Sea level rise, salt water intrusion, and all of the trendy buzz words municipalities and scientists have been bandying around have been considered in this plan. The city is already drilling new wells farther from the coast to protect the water system. The design of the new infrastructure has taken into consideration all of these factors."
"The Lake Worth Herald recommends passage of the bond issue for the future of our fine city."
Visit the Lake Worth Herald at for more on the City of Lake Worth.
Lake Worth 2020 event to show how bond would raise property taxes - PB Post Article
Chris Persaud's article, click title for link, is the lead up to today's presentation at the First Congregational Church in the 1400 block of North K Street and North J Terrace put on by the College Park Neighborhood Association. It should be much the same format and information presented at last night's presentation at the Lake Worth Playhouse. I plan to attend with my video camera for this one as well.
Please make sure that you use the TAXABLE VALUE of your property, which is your assessed value from the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's office less any exemptions, to multiply the projected millage associated with the bond. After the three borrowings, that would be 3.14 per $1,000 of TAXABLE VALUE or .00314 multiplied by your property's TAXABLE VALUE.
Although Mr. Persaud references that $162,695 amount as the average taxable value of a home in College Park earlier in the article, he later throws in this sentence, which could be misleading.
Here are some snips from last night's presentation which may help explain what goes in to taxable value:
Please make sure that you use the TAXABLE VALUE of your property, which is your assessed value from the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's office less any exemptions, to multiply the projected millage associated with the bond. After the three borrowings, that would be 3.14 per $1,000 of TAXABLE VALUE or .00314 multiplied by your property's TAXABLE VALUE.
Although Mr. Persaud references that $162,695 amount as the average taxable value of a home in College Park earlier in the article, he later throws in this sentence, which could be misleading.
For a $162,695 home, that’s an extra $510 a year.That "$162,694 home" is not the market value of your average home in College Park. I guess we have to trust his word that it indeed is the average taxable value. However, no one property has what that average is. Don't go around thinking that means that you will be paying that much per year. In my case, I will be paying just a little over $300 per year. Make sure that you know what the taxable value of your property is before you vote. Use the city's calculator on their website and let me know in the comments if you have any questions.
Here are some snips from last night's presentation which may help explain what goes in to taxable value:
Notice that there are also "caps" on non-homesteaded residential properties and commercial properties |
Lake Worth 2020 Plan Presentation at the Lake Worth Playhouse - 8/22/14
There were over 100 people that attended the presentation last night. Many questions were answered. Please watch the entire series of three videos - the total time is about 1 hour and 13 minutes.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Today's High Noon in Lake Worth show with Mayor Pam Triolo and City Manager Michael Bornstein - LW2020 Plan
New Politics Internet Radio with High Noon in Lake Worth on BlogTalkRadio
Mayor Pam Triolo and City Manager Michael Bornstein on the Lake Worth 2020 Plan 08/22 by High Noon in Lake Worth | Politics Podcasts
Click title for link to live show between 12 and 1 p.m. tomorrow (Friday, August 22nd) to hear more about the Lake Worth 2020 plan and get your questions answered. The election is next Tuesday, August 26th. Leave questions as comments below. You can also hear the archived version of the show after it airs by clicking the same link.
Thanks and be sure to tune in for another episode of High Noon in Lake Worth!
Thanks and be sure to tune in for another episode of High Noon in Lake Worth!
Foul! Desperate measures to misrepresent the truth - CAUghT again...
If case the above confuses you, the quotes from the Palm Beach Post come from the editorial article in which the editorial board voiced their support for the bonds that will appear on the August 26th Lake Worth ballot. You can read the entire article here which is titled Editorial: Approve much-needed road repair bond in Lake Worth.
The quotes from the article are cherry-picked to make it seem like the Post is against the bond issue. Granted, we can all agree that this is complicated and serious issue, one that requires examination from all angles. But to blatantly misrepresent the entire premise and message of the article, print a postcard with the misleading quotes and send it out to the entire world is reckless at best, despicable at the worst. But, hey, that's what we have come to expect.
People who play by the rules would ask permission to reprint the editorial like I did back in 2009. Here is the letter I received from the Palm Beach Post when I asked for that permission:
Notice item #2: "A strict condition of the reprint permission is that the article may not be edited or altered in any way. You must reprint the entire article - including the writer's byline - and use the headline that appeared with the article." So much for following rules.
Speaking of rules, there are rules against putting political signs on public property. Here we have one of the CAUghT PAC's signs adhered to the public fence at our public golf course and the east of of 13th Avenue North, a public right-of-way.
Like I said, so much for playing by the rules.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
The Sun Sentinel Thursday, August 21, 2014 The Sun Sentinel editorial page
Lake Worth bond issue: Vote YES
The city that bills itself as the county's geographic and artistic center needs street improvements and upgrades to its water and sewer pipes. Over the years, Lake Worth officials have put off making needed repairs to the point where something has to give.
The estimated cost: $63.5 million. The city wants to issue general obligation bonds to be repaid with property tax revenue. Unfortunately, relying on general revenue won't fix long-deferred repairs and meet day-to-day operations. If Lake Worth wants to shine as an arts and cultural destination, it had better get its drains, pipes and roads in order.
Give city officials credit, they've come up with a conservative, workable plan that makes sense and addresses imminent needs. Voters should endorse the plan.
The city that bills itself as the county's geographic and artistic center needs street improvements and upgrades to its water and sewer pipes. Over the years, Lake Worth officials have put off making needed repairs to the point where something has to give.
The estimated cost: $63.5 million. The city wants to issue general obligation bonds to be repaid with property tax revenue. Unfortunately, relying on general revenue won't fix long-deferred repairs and meet day-to-day operations. If Lake Worth wants to shine as an arts and cultural destination, it had better get its drains, pipes and roads in order.
Give city officials credit, they've come up with a conservative, workable plan that makes sense and addresses imminent needs. Voters should endorse the plan.
Just to be clear
The Lake Worth Herald, the Sun-Sentinel and the Palm Beach Post all say vote FOR BONDS in Lake Worth on August 26th. April is voting yes too, btw.
Yet another opportunity to hear and learn about the Lake Worth 2020 plan - This Sunday at Noon!
Can't make the Lake Worth 2020 presentation at the Lake Worth Playhouse on Friday night? No worries, another one has been scheduled! Join your friends & neighbors for a fun family event & learn more about Lake Worth 2020.
Sunday, August 24 at Noon. Wimbley Gym - 1515 Wingfield Street.
Commissioner Reports as part of last Tuesday's Commission meeting (8/19/14)
Included here is a long-winded presentation by Commissioner McVoy on what he has brought back from the League of Cities conference held in Broward County, a portion of which dealt with sea level rise. He made the point that Lake Worth should be farther along in adapting to climate change. I'd just like to remind the Commissioner that he is halfway through his second term. How have you helped? Later in the meeting, Commissioner Szerdi responds to how the city is up-to-speed, more than McVoy thinks, in dealing with the anticipated changes.
College Park NA Neighborhood-wide Crime Watch Video
This was part of CPNA President Mary Lindsey's presentation from last Tuesday's City Commission meeting. Yours truly assembled the various jpegs and added music to help promote the program.
In case anyone is interested...
I was re-appointed to the Historic Resource Preservation Board on July 1, 2014. Below is the action agenda from that meeting showing the consent agenda being approved. I am also including the memo regarding the appointments to various boards that were ratified with that action.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
These are the salad days for the Florida hospitality industry...
Wouldn't you love to own your own B&B in a small south Florida coastal city? One right by a golf course and the Intracoastal? A breezy walk to the beach? You'd run at 98% occupancy and live life in regal splendor!
Average daily room rates in Palm Beach County are up 8.4% from the same quarter last year!
An important benchmark for hoteliers is revenue per available room, which gives an average of what visitors pay based on actual occupancy. In the second quarter, it was up by 8 percent in Palm Beach County, tourism officials said.We can wish. We can dream.
Visit Florida the state’s tourism marketing arm, estimates that the record number includes 2.8 million visitors from overseas and 1 million Canadians.Click here for the Palm Beach Post article.
Scott [Governor Rick Scott] has pushed to increase spending on Visit Florida advertising to try to boost the state’s tourism industry. This fiscal year the state set aside $74 million for the effort.
Last year nearly 95 million people visited the state. Scott aims to boost that number to 100 million even though legislators did not increase funding for Visit Florida as much as he wanted.
One thing you can say...Dee knows how to dress for a sign waving event
Page 6A Palm Beach Post reports Lake Worth Florida's 35% property tax increase,rents!
Dee McNamara
Commission intends to give themselves $800,000,- cash,
of the $63,500,000 Bond they want to shove down Taxpayers' throats,if we vote to give them the $63,500,000,- double our Annual Budget,
to use to make improvements in their districts!????
You must pay all they tell you to.
Dee McNamara,one of the many highest tax payers of lake Worth.
property values up 13 1/2 % but:urence and I made the house impeccable,
a monied element is showing up at my Open Houses,among others 2 Swiss architects , with a Contract for jobs in Florida,opening an Office in the area, heard Lake Worth Art Center of palm Beach County. A lady with her husband moving down to Florida(in Lily Pulitzer dress and Celine,French bag, and architects' brother, rented 710 N.lakeside Drive(no view) for $3000,- a month!,
till she finds a house she wants to buy with water view .
I need to do two OPEN HOUSES from September on, as the number of prospects is increases,of a better financial level.Patience will get us the highest possible price as they increase with the re-opening of the Gulfstream Hotel. I make the house sound very gracious, impressive,having been British tutored helps!Laurence and I organized a PAC to beat that Bond,our signs to vote AGAINST THE BOND,
PAC:Citizens Against Unfair Taxation abbreviated to :CAUT for contributions.I hope Jerry gets the fab job in popular Key Largo.
Laurence and I would like to come and do dinner at your place.
When is a good time?
Good luck,
Click here for the Lake Worth 2020 Plan Laid Out One Year Ago
This was the first proposal which included many more projects (like city buildings) that weren't ultimately contained and included in the $63.5 million bond issue. There are many of the key assumptions that the bond issue is based upon. Remember, this comes from early on in the process and many of the assumptions have been updated - like the 3.14 millage rate.
It is important to review since you can see the results of a systematic evaluation of the conditions of streets and there are more cost breakdowns in this document than I have seen in others. Leave questions as comments below.
It is important to review since you can see the results of a systematic evaluation of the conditions of streets and there are more cost breakdowns in this document than I have seen in others. Leave questions as comments below.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Video: City's District #3 Presentation on the LW2020 Plan from May 21st
Worth watching with the caveat that some things have changed since then. Find out more at one or both of the City presentations this week.
Herman's "Point of View"
Excerpt from Herman Robinson's Point of View in the Palm Beach Post that was published recently.
[...] "there is also a tradition of fear and loathing in the Lake Worth voting public that somehow bonds are an “open checkbook” for those running the show. Past activity does not bear this out, and the current bonding plan on the Aug. 26 ballot is as basic and non-frivolous as it gets: keep our water pure, dispose of sewage in a sanitary manner and keep our streets safe. The parameters of the bonding issue address what the money can be used for; there are legal requirements that address oversight and quality control (not done by city personnel) and the need for the repairs is immediate.
Vote 'yes' on the bonding issue. If we don’t believe in our city no one else will, either.' "
"Doster girls on the Jupiter & Lake Worth Railway Company steam engine #1."
![]() |
State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory, |
Shameful example of "journalism"...
Yesterday on the 11 o'clock news, Channel 12 ran a story about the movie "The Purge." In the movie, during a fictional 12 hours, people are allowed to carry out any crime with abandon. Louisville, Detroit and other cities have been threatened with this "purge" period, and nothing has happened. Channel 12 found out that our own Lake Worth is on the list, so they came here, interviewed a Commissioner, talked about anarchists in Lake Worth, etc. The conclusion was when the reporter talked to the anarchists here (?), they said that they were political, not criminal.
This is news? Irresponsible seems too tame of a word. You have a story where just the dissemination of it could cause trouble and you put it as the lead of the 11 o'clock news.
And it turns out that this came from a high school student's "oddball" tweet. You can read about it here.
This is news? Irresponsible seems too tame of a word. You have a story where just the dissemination of it could cause trouble and you put it as the lead of the 11 o'clock news.
And it turns out that this came from a high school student's "oddball" tweet. You can read about it here.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Excerpt from the NPR Ethics Handbook:
"News outlets are 'driven by deadlines, and under time pressure, you are sure to make mistakes — about names, affiliations, places, and so on. These errors are regrettable, and you should always correct them. … But they are not nearly as serious as failing to be fair and unbiased. That may not only discourage people from listening; it can undermine your station’s or network’s reputation — one of its greatest assets. Even occasional lapses have serious consequences. The price of good journalism is eternal vigilance.' "
Jonathan Kern in Sound Reporting. [Excerpt from the NPR Ethics Handbook,]
Jonathan Kern in Sound Reporting. [Excerpt from the NPR Ethics Handbook,]
Post article title: "Most Lake Worth 2020 city ads don't show costs or tax hikes"
The above is the title as it appears on the latest Post article re the bond. I would like to put a question mark behind it. Also, why does it begin with the word "most?" By using that word, I would assume that "some" do show costs and tax hikes. Which the city does in an interactive way. You have to read the article all the way to the end of the page to find out that the city has a bond impact calculator on its website. And, in the end, the city is not doing anything wrong.
This is from the latest of the long string of beat reporters for Lake Worth, Chris Persaud, sent by the Palm Beach Post to cover issues here. Seems to me that we are veering towards another Willie Howard with this reporter. The city has come up with a solution to our long-term infrastructure and is put in a difficult place. In order to issue General Obligation bonds to fund the work, it needs its citizenry to vote affirmatively (50 percent plus 1 at least) to go ahead with the program. To do so, it needs to educate its voters, while not directly advocating for the bond. And the City Manager is right, it is impossible to send out bundles of information on all the assumptions and risks inherent in such an obligation.
My recommendation to you is to do your best to attend the presentations being put on by the City Administration this Friday at the Lake Worth Playhouse, 7 p.m. and this Saturday at the First Congregational Church at 5 p.m. Much more information can be provided in that format and questions will be allowed. I will be there to capture the events on video and upload them on YouTube if you can't make it.
The greatest absurdity of the article is referring to the chair of the Lake Worth Yes PAC, Herman Robinson, as a "developer." We know in Lake Worth calling someone a "developer" is like waving a red cape at a bull. Their reputations here are below that of a lawyer and a used car salesperson. Click title for link to article.
It appears to be an orchestrated come back to calling out Dennis Dorsey, treasurer of the Citizens Against Unfair Taxation as a resident of Atlantis.
This is from the latest of the long string of beat reporters for Lake Worth, Chris Persaud, sent by the Palm Beach Post to cover issues here. Seems to me that we are veering towards another Willie Howard with this reporter. The city has come up with a solution to our long-term infrastructure and is put in a difficult place. In order to issue General Obligation bonds to fund the work, it needs its citizenry to vote affirmatively (50 percent plus 1 at least) to go ahead with the program. To do so, it needs to educate its voters, while not directly advocating for the bond. And the City Manager is right, it is impossible to send out bundles of information on all the assumptions and risks inherent in such an obligation.
My recommendation to you is to do your best to attend the presentations being put on by the City Administration this Friday at the Lake Worth Playhouse, 7 p.m. and this Saturday at the First Congregational Church at 5 p.m. Much more information can be provided in that format and questions will be allowed. I will be there to capture the events on video and upload them on YouTube if you can't make it.
The greatest absurdity of the article is referring to the chair of the Lake Worth Yes PAC, Herman Robinson, as a "developer." We know in Lake Worth calling someone a "developer" is like waving a red cape at a bull. Their reputations here are below that of a lawyer and a used car salesperson. Click title for link to article.
Copenhagen's bicycle "snake bridge" makes urban cycling even safer...
Click title for link to slideshow. I wonder how this was paid for?
Simon Sinek
"Weak leaders have the luxury of looking after themselves. Great leaders have the honor of looking after others."
Classes scheduled starting September 2 in Lake Worth – The Armory Lake Worth Annex.
The Armory Art Center has classes scheduled starting September 2 in Lake Worth in its new expanded location – The Armory Lake Worth Annex. The year-long lease of the 5,000 square foot building at 1121 Lucerne Avenue, to locals known as the shuffleboard courts, was awarded to the Armory by the Lake Worth CRA. This award gives the Armory the opportunity to further enhance the thriving and dynamic Lake Worth art community.
The September session will included both one-time Art on the Go! workshops and eight-week classes. Armory instructors will teach classes in drawing, painting, mixed media and photography. Classes are offered for both youth and adults.
Liza Niles, Director of Education said “…originally the armory planned to have a total of 23 classes running six days a week…we have refined the schedule to start with 15 classes running 4 days a week to get established.” Niles said “going forward the armory goals for the annex are: to target local artist with teaching experience to be instructors, and to have offerings that will appeal to a diverse community”.
Exhibits are in the planning stages for the Annex. “The Lake Worth Annex allows us to complement our existing exhibition programming with more alternative, experimental and community-based exhibits and programs. We look forward to working very directly with the vibrant local and tri-county arts communities” said Hans Evers, Director of Exhibitions and External Programming.
For more information, contact Jeanne Martin, Director of Marketing Armory Art Center 561.832.1776 x 21
Genesis Neighborhood Association invites you to their quarterly meeting.
Genesis Neighborhood Association invites you to their quarterly meeting.
Monday - August 18, 2014 at 6:30pm
St. Andrews Lutheran Church 928 South E Street
Presentations by City Manager and Staff: LW2020 and August 26, 2014 Bond Issue
Very important meeting you should not miss.
Bring all your questions and concerns for these issues that will affect our city for years to come.
"Genesis Neighborhood Association neither supports or opposes LW2020/Bond Issue. This quarterly meeting we invited the City Manager and staff to bring the facts to the voters of the Genesis area on these issues that will affect our city.”
Refreshments will be served courtesy of Hospice of Palm Beach County and Hospice By The Sea, now serving the community as Trust Bridge Health.
Click here for link to Mark Parrilla's blog.
Monday - August 18, 2014 at 6:30pm
St. Andrews Lutheran Church 928 South E Street
Presentations by City Manager and Staff: LW2020 and August 26, 2014 Bond Issue
Very important meeting you should not miss.
Bring all your questions and concerns for these issues that will affect our city for years to come.
"Genesis Neighborhood Association neither supports or opposes LW2020/Bond Issue. This quarterly meeting we invited the City Manager and staff to bring the facts to the voters of the Genesis area on these issues that will affect our city.”
Refreshments will be served courtesy of Hospice of Palm Beach County and Hospice By The Sea, now serving the community as Trust Bridge Health.
Click here for link to Mark Parrilla's blog.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Here are the facts; how Citizens Against Unfair Taxation PAC is coloring outside the lines of the law.
In Thursday's Lake Worth Herald the article, "City Resident Files Complaint With Elections Commission", it was explained how the Citizens Against Unfair Taxation (CAUT) PAC was formed illegally. I will go into this in more detail later but will lay out simple FACTS for the time being. The purpose of the PAC is to defeat the City's LW2020 bond question on the August 26th ballot.
FACT: On 6/16/14 Atlantis resident Dennis Dorsey (Treasurer) and Katie Mcgiveron (Chair) formed CAUT with the County Supervisor of Elections instead of filing with the City of Lake Worth. One of the duties of the City Clerk, Pam Lopez, is to handle such matters. (Note: The YES PAC which supports the LW2020 Plan was registered with the City by our own Lake Worth City Clerk.)
FACT: It was only after CAUT was discovered did they begin publicly stating their intentions in Lake Worth. In other words, CAUT was raising money and spending money "under the radar," or so they thought.
FACT: A reader of my blog informed me a PAC had been registered with the County with a Lake Worth connection by looking at the Supervisor of Elections website. It took a drive to the Supervisor of Elections office by me on July 15th to get the particulars and I reported the existence of CAUT to my readers.
FACT: For 29 days CAUT was raising and spending money to defeat the City's LW2020 Plan unbeknownst to the City and the public.
FACT: CAUT states the nature of their organization as: "Education against unwanted, unneeded taxation."
FACT: CAUT lists their issues as OPPOSING "Inappropriate tax burdens to the citizens of Palm Beach County." They are doing more than educating, they are persuading people to vote one way or another in an election.
FACT: In none of CAUT's formation documents do they cite any issues or any interests to do with Lake Worth, FL. None.
FACT: The Florida election statutes, in section 106.03(3)(c), state clearly that PACs formed to support or oppose municipal issues are to be filed with the municipality, not the County.
FACT: They have not specified a registered agent as required by state statutes. See below:
Florida Statutes
Title IX: Electors and Elections
Chapter 106: Campaign Financing/Section 03
106.03: Registration of political committees and electioneering communications organizations.
(3)(b): Except as provided in paragraph (c), a political committee which is organized to support or oppose candidates or issues to be voted on in a countywide election or candidates or issues in any election held on less than a countywide basis shall file a statement of organization with the supervisor of elections of the county in which such election is being held.
(c) A political committee which is organized to support or oppose only candidates for municipal office or issues to be voted on in a municipal election shall file a statement of organization with the officer before whom municipal candidates qualify.
Chapter 106: Campaign Financing/Section 022
106.022: Appointment of a registered agent; duties.
(1): Each political committee, committee of continuous existence, or electioneering communications organization shall have and continuously maintain in this state a registered office and a registered agent and must file with the filing officer a statement of appointment for the registered office and registered agent.
(2) An entity may change its appointment of registered agent and registered office under this section by executing a written statement of change and filing it with the filing officer. The statement must satisfy all of the requirements of subsection (1).
(3): A registered agent may resign his or her appointment as registered agent be executing a written statement of resignation and filing it with the filing officer. An entity without a registered agent may not make expenditures or accept contributions until it files a written statement of change as required in subsection (2).
FACT: On 6/16/14 Atlantis resident Dennis Dorsey (Treasurer) and Katie Mcgiveron (Chair) formed CAUT with the County Supervisor of Elections instead of filing with the City of Lake Worth. One of the duties of the City Clerk, Pam Lopez, is to handle such matters. (Note: The YES PAC which supports the LW2020 Plan was registered with the City by our own Lake Worth City Clerk.)
FACT: It was only after CAUT was discovered did they begin publicly stating their intentions in Lake Worth. In other words, CAUT was raising money and spending money "under the radar," or so they thought.
FACT: A reader of my blog informed me a PAC had been registered with the County with a Lake Worth connection by looking at the Supervisor of Elections website. It took a drive to the Supervisor of Elections office by me on July 15th to get the particulars and I reported the existence of CAUT to my readers.
FACT: For 29 days CAUT was raising and spending money to defeat the City's LW2020 Plan unbeknownst to the City and the public.
FACT: CAUT states the nature of their organization as: "Education against unwanted, unneeded taxation."
FACT: CAUT lists their issues as OPPOSING "Inappropriate tax burdens to the citizens of Palm Beach County." They are doing more than educating, they are persuading people to vote one way or another in an election.
FACT: In none of CAUT's formation documents do they cite any issues or any interests to do with Lake Worth, FL. None.
FACT: The Florida election statutes, in section 106.03(3)(c), state clearly that PACs formed to support or oppose municipal issues are to be filed with the municipality, not the County.
FACT: They have not specified a registered agent as required by state statutes. See below:
Florida Statutes
Title IX: Electors and Elections
Chapter 106: Campaign Financing/Section 03
106.03: Registration of political committees and electioneering communications organizations.
(3)(b): Except as provided in paragraph (c), a political committee which is organized to support or oppose candidates or issues to be voted on in a countywide election or candidates or issues in any election held on less than a countywide basis shall file a statement of organization with the supervisor of elections of the county in which such election is being held.
(c) A political committee which is organized to support or oppose only candidates for municipal office or issues to be voted on in a municipal election shall file a statement of organization with the officer before whom municipal candidates qualify.
Chapter 106: Campaign Financing/Section 022
106.022: Appointment of a registered agent; duties.
(1): Each political committee, committee of continuous existence, or electioneering communications organization shall have and continuously maintain in this state a registered office and a registered agent and must file with the filing officer a statement of appointment for the registered office and registered agent.
(2) An entity may change its appointment of registered agent and registered office under this section by executing a written statement of change and filing it with the filing officer. The statement must satisfy all of the requirements of subsection (1).
(3): A registered agent may resign his or her appointment as registered agent be executing a written statement of resignation and filing it with the filing officer. An entity without a registered agent may not make expenditures or accept contributions until it files a written statement of change as required in subsection (2).
Just a reminder,,, This Friday and Saturday... Lake Worth 2020 Presentations...
Friday the 22nd, 7pm Lake Worth Playhouse
Saturday the 23rd, 5pm Congregational Church @ 14th and N. "J" Terrace and N. "K" St.
Sarah Ranger with her daughter Phyllis at "The Dollhouse" in Lake Worth, Florida.
West Palm Beach committee: restore Dixie Highway’s glory
Click title for link to Eliot Kleinberg's article in the Palm Beach Post regarding recommendations for improving Dixie Hwy from Okeechobee Boulevard to the Lake Worth line. Lake Worth needs to follow some of these recommendations and make sure they continue into our city. I'm attempting to track down the report and recommendations now. At the end, it points out the importance of the highway in our area's history and that would be honored/promoted in the various projects. From the article:
Dixie Highway, that grand boulevard that’s carried residents, tourists, snowbirds and new transplants through central West Palm Beach for a century, is an aging artery in desperate need of a makeover, a committee says.
Fixes for the 4.2-mile stretch of South Dixie, from Okeechobee Boulevard south to the Lake Worth line, range from the dramatic and costly — burying power lines — to the cheap — urging people to park on side streets.
“Yes, there are a lot of things that will cost money, but there are a lot of things at little or no cost that can be done now,” Michele Jones, chairwoman of the South Dixie Corridor Implementation Strategy Committee, told city commissioners at a workshop Aug. 11.
The committee worked on the plan for two years and made about 100 recommendations.
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