At noon today, I went to the CRA retreat that was held at the Lake Worth Golf Course Clubhouse. The "old" board was invited to meet with the "new" board from 12 to 1 p.m. I got there a little before noon and was treated to someone reading a PowerPoint presentation on the do's and don'ts of being a CRA in the state of Florida. The presentation wrapped up around 12:45 p.m. and then we were treated to lunch. Only two other members of the "old" board attended - Mark Rickards and Wayne Marcinkowski. The "new" board quickly reassembled when eating lunch to review goals and action plans. I wish the current board the best, but I thought we'd have more chance to interact with them. I'm disappointed that didn't happen. I leave open the offer to chat with any of the current members if they are interested.
When I got back, two very nice ladies brought over two very nice campaign contributions. Along with additional contributions received this week, things are looking good for the campaign's coffers. More checks came in the mail today as well. If you are interested in making a contribution, please make the check payable to "Campaign to Elect Wes Blackman" and send it to 241 Columbia Drive, Lake Worth, Florida 33460. Maximum contributions are limited to $500 per person or business entity - any contribution over $100 must indicate the occupation of the contributor. Stay tuned for word on an organized fundraiser/ meet and greet coming soon!
I have handbills, stickers and signs to distribute - more go out every day and I am humbled by the warm response I am getting on the campaign trail. Thanks for your continued support - blog readership statistics are through the roof! A very special welcome to all of the new visitors!
Have a great weekend!
Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Wes Blackman for City Commissioner District #3
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Theodore Roosevelt
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
"Citizenship in a Republic,"
Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910
"Citizenship in a Republic,"
Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910
Albert Pike
"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal."
In case anyone is wondering...
For some reason this question is coming up. I have voted for a Democratic Party Presidential candidate since I was able to vote...I'll save you the math...from the 1980 election on. I have voted for Republican candidates for other races, which have all depended on circumstances particular to the individual races. Even then, I tend to lean towards the Democratic candidate. The race that I am in is non-partisan, and my opponent declares no party affiliation.
In a municipal contest, your trash needs to be picked up, on time, when expected - whether you are a Republican or a Democrat.
Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Wes Blackman for City Commissioner District #3
In a municipal contest, your trash needs to be picked up, on time, when expected - whether you are a Republican or a Democrat.
Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Wes Blackman for City Commissioner District #3
Friday, September 25, 2009
I'll be wandering around downtown tonight...

Hint: I'm the tall one!
I'll have handbills and stickers with me so you can tell your friends. Share the support and vote for me November 3rd.
Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Wes Blackman for City Commissioner District #3
Most consistent themes on the campaign trail...
- There is no one we can talk to at City Hall that listens and can address our problems.
- Our utility bills have never been higher - if it keeps up, we'll have to move out of the city.
- No one at City Hall seems to know what they are doing - is everyone new?
- Candidates elected the last time betrayed us - told us one thing and did another.
- No communication about what is going on with the city - do we have to attend every meeting to know what is going on?
- Why is the Commission beating up on downtown businesses? Without them, we wouldn't have a town.
- Why are we just building a parking lot at the beach? Are we going to lose the County's $5 million grant?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Note from resident:
Free Bromiliads in front of my house today, 819 N. Lakeside, Lake Worth. Some really nice plants are destined for green waste tomorrow morning unless they find new homes. Four different varieties.
Click here for Delray Beach's City Commission Meeting Results
After each meeting, the results and votes are posted on the City of Delray Beach's website. There is no reason for Lake Worth not to follow the same practice, unless elected officials like the public being kept in the dark regarding actions of the city commission.
Click here for link to Supervisor of Elections if you are currently not registered to vote in Lake Worth.
Reminder: If you are not currently registered to vote in the city of Lake Worth, the deadline to register to vote in the November 3rd election is October 5th
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Another sneaky 3 p.m. City Commission Special Meeting - this time to spend $25 million on the Reverse Osmosis Plant

And, we have yet another meeting scheduled during the middle of the afternoon instead of during the evening hours.
If you read the back-up, the city's negotiations with Arcadis - which was the firm selected for the design engineering work - failed. We are left not knowing why they failed. We are only left with the realization that the work will be going to Mock Roos - the city's wealthy engineering firm since 1957.
I thought this Commission wasn't made up of the "good ol' boys?"

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Second Reading - 2009-2010 Budget - City Commission Meeting 9/23
Lake Worth Candidates Environmental Forum
Dear Lake Worth Candidate,
We are writing to invite you to an upcoming forum for Candidates. The
forum will be held on October 1st, 2009 from 6:30 - 8:00 PM at the
Organic Music Café on the SE corner of 4th Ave North and Dixie Hwy in
Lake Worth.
As you may know, Lake Worth has become known across the State, and
even around the Country, for its stance on the environment, social
responsibility and quality of life issues. This city has become a
battleground over issues of both local and global significance,
-Coastal development and beach access
-Protecting public parks
-Preserving near-shore reefs
-Democratic participation in comprehensive planning
-Local control and accountability of services (water, power, police, etc)
-Rights of immigrant residents
-Addressing climate change
We expect these topics, as well as others, to be discussed on Oct 1.
Please spread this invitation to your friends, family and supporters
The forum will be hosted by the Palm Beach County Environmental
Coalition (PBCEC). PBCEC is a coalition of local environmental groups
and activists that meet locally every month in Lake Worth to network
and organize around improving the planet we share.
We are inviting all the candidates running for the upcoming Lake Worth
city elections. All candidates will have the opportunity to address
important issues and answer questions from the public.
For a Greener Lake Worth,
Palm Beach County Environmental Coalition
Mayoral Candidates (yes, 6 of them):
Loretta Sharpe
Javier Del Sol
Rene Varela
Lawrence Mcnamara
Bill Coakley
Jump Jordon
Commissioner, District 3:
Jo-ann Golden
Wes Blackman
Commissioner, District 1:
Ron Exline
Scott Maxwell
I have RSVP'd and will be attending.
We are writing to invite you to an upcoming forum for Candidates. The
forum will be held on October 1st, 2009 from 6:30 - 8:00 PM at the
Organic Music Café on the SE corner of 4th Ave North and Dixie Hwy in
Lake Worth.
As you may know, Lake Worth has become known across the State, and
even around the Country, for its stance on the environment, social
responsibility and quality of life issues. This city has become a
battleground over issues of both local and global significance,
-Coastal development and beach access
-Protecting public parks
-Preserving near-shore reefs
-Democratic participation in comprehensive planning
-Local control and accountability of services (water, power, police, etc)
-Rights of immigrant residents
-Addressing climate change
We expect these topics, as well as others, to be discussed on Oct 1.
Please spread this invitation to your friends, family and supporters
The forum will be hosted by the Palm Beach County Environmental
Coalition (PBCEC). PBCEC is a coalition of local environmental groups
and activists that meet locally every month in Lake Worth to network
and organize around improving the planet we share.
We are inviting all the candidates running for the upcoming Lake Worth
city elections. All candidates will have the opportunity to address
important issues and answer questions from the public.
For a Greener Lake Worth,
Palm Beach County Environmental Coalition
Mayoral Candidates (yes, 6 of them):
Loretta Sharpe
Javier Del Sol
Rene Varela
Lawrence Mcnamara
Bill Coakley
Jump Jordon
Commissioner, District 3:
Jo-ann Golden
Wes Blackman
Commissioner, District 1:
Ron Exline
Scott Maxwell
I have RSVP'd and will be attending.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Request in to City Clerk's office...
Sunday, September 20, 2009 interview already archived -
Click on the #1 link under "Wes' Crystal Ball" in the right-hand column. Please post comments or questions under this post!
Click here for yours truly, live on the Internet 7 to 8 p.m.
Taking your questions from the UTalkNews discussion board.
Still laughing over this one!
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