Saturday, September 3, 2016

The former restaurant Rotelli's in downtown Lake Worth: "WATCH FOR WHAT'S NEXT"!

Stay tuned. Everyone's going to be very excited about this.

FYI, having trouble getting your business noticed in The Palm Beach Post? Learn the "5 tips" by their business editor to see what you're doing wrong. It could be as simple a mistake as sending your information to the wrong reporter. Of course, locally there's The Lake Worth Herald, a true community newspaper that does quite well promoting all the wonderful things happening in this little, tiny City.

At next Tuesday's City Commission: Ordinance regulating balloons and sky lanterns on City property—Up to 60 days in jail and $500 fine? Best way to help turtles and educate public?

[Already read this? Thank You for visiting and please scroll down. The latest is if Ordinance No. 2016-24 passes "as is", a violation of the ordinance falls under the "Code of Ordinances' general penalty section, section 16, and subject's a violator to a fine of up to $500 and up to 60 days in jail. However, City staff can add a specific penalty provision to the ordinance if desired." To see this for yourself use this link and go to page 318 on the agenda.

For background on the "balloon" kerfuffle, false media reports, a video from the City Commission meeting where this discussion first popped (pardon the pun), and how the Loggerhead Marinelife Center got involved in all this, use this link. The original post from last week follows:]

There's no need to rehash all the important items that are being addressed and all the others that are looming on the horizon in this little, tiny City. However, imagine my surprise on reading this item on page 9 of last week's Lake Worth Herald, below the fold:

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City Commission of the City of Lake Worth, Florida, will hold a public hearing in the City Commission Chamber, at or after 6:00 PM on September 6, 2016, on the following ordinance:

[and. . .]

At said meeting interested persons may appear and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. The proposed ordinance may be inspected by the public Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 P.M. at the City Clerk’s Office, 7 North Dixie Highway, Lake Worth, Florida.

Meanwhile the Casino complex is hemorrhaging money (and rain water too), the pool building is basically falling apart, deputies tasked with patrolling the BEACH will have a new ordinance to enforce (taking time away from other duties), and if matters weren't bad enough two commissioners want to raise parking rates (will raising rates work? "We'll have to wait and see", they say):
At a recent City budget workshop one commissioner's idea to fix all the problems at the Beach was to raise parking rates "and whatnot".

The City Commission, the majority them anyhow, are working very hard to address all these issues. But you can see how they can be portrayed by the troublemakers as out-of-touch, disconnected, and just "rearranging the deck chairs". Hopefully this item won't take up too much valuable time.

Check back later on for other interesting items on next Tuesday's City Commission agenda and other City meetings scheduled as well.

Lake Worth's 'Weetha Peebull' on fluoride: it's all about mind control (Hitler's concentration camps are 'evidence')

[WARNING: If disrespect to the Holocaust is offensive to you then strongly suggest you not continue reading. You've been warned.]

On fluoride 'Weetha Peebull' combines illogical thoughts, mind-bending fallacies, and conspiratorial nonsense all into a few short paragraphs.

Using the Holocaust to explain silly theories is nothing new. And neither is it new for some to poke fun at one of the greatest tragedies in human history. Here is one more sick example of protected Free Speech in the charming little City of Lake Worth:
Very charming, isn't it? The City of Lake Worth is very tolerant but that tolerance has limits.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Westward Ho! Find your new housing community out in western Palm Beach County. Then onward into the Everglades we go!

Nothing has changed much since the blog post (below) was first posted in April 2015. Western sprawl in Palm Beach County continues at breakneck speed towards, and ultimately through the Everglades. Just the latest example is another massive development west of Lake Worth near the Turnpike. The enviro activists, especially some of the "19 Best Environmentalists [2 from Lake Worth] in South Florida" are in no small part responsible for all this sprawl by forcing development and new housing away from urban coastal areas and I-95 corridor.

Hopefully the public will come to understand how much damage the NIMBY's, especially those in the "environmental community", have done to the environment and quality of life here in South Florida. Without further ado, the blog post from last year that could have been newly posted today for the first time:

Below is a map from The Palm Beach Post. This appears in the "New Homes" section, page R4 (Thursday, 4/30/15):
It's not my intention to beat a dead horse, and no disrespect intended towards all my friends in the environmental community (especially here in Lake Worth). My recent post about the NIMBY's and the "Cost of Anti-Growth Policies" is the proof and you can see it with your own eyes. 

When you look at the map along the coast from Northlake Blvd in Palm Beach Gardens all the way south to Boca Raton you see only two "New Communities" close to the coast. Number 21 on the map is the Kolter Group's Two City Plaza in West Palm Beach and number 27 is the Lucenté in downtown Lake Worth by Kennedy Homes. 

Now look at all the new communities out west. I count nine west of the Turnpike; twenty-five total west of I-95. The term "home" is broadly defined (with a few exceptions) as a stand-alone structure within a larger community or a townhome with 2+ bedrooms, a 2-car garage (or three), and are "elegant", in "luxury", "gated", "maintenance-free" and the word "golf" is used a lot. 

Sure, there is construction along the coast to accommodate new residents moving to Palm Beach County but as the article in Planetizen points out, it's "comparatively scarce" in relation to the number of new homes needed. It's hard not to see the trend for home builders, it's "Westward Ho".

If you're a NIMBY or enviro and spend most of your existence in the City of Lake Worth, for example, it's easy to get fooled into thinking you had a part in thwarting some "evil developer" at some point. You didn't. They just went somewhere else. 

Home builders are responding to an economic reality and if they can't build along the coast they'll go further west. It's as simple as that. "Out of sight, out of mind" is just fine for some though.

Tick. Tick. Tick. The editor at the Palm Beach Post on the upcoming November 8th bond referendum

Of late the Post editorial page has been cut back to one page. Back in June or thereabouts it was a 2-page spread every day with musings from the editor on this or that. On June 30th was that editorial about the problems at the Lake Worth Casino that got my blog readers called "dumb", "insane" to "why don't they find some other city to pick on?".

Then, just fifteen days later they wrote ANOTHER editorial about Lake Worth concerning Garlic Fest's move to John Prince Park. Why? Who knows.

Below are my random thoughts in no particular order on that Post editorial. Also look in the right-hand column for On Casino fiasco, Post editor chimes in: "Blah blah blah blah blah."
  • "[Vice Mayor Scott] Maxwell urged the city to hurl lawsuits immediately." Hurl? Really? More loaded language from the Post. The word "file" is a 4-letter word too.
  • "The city’s elected officials are all understandably upset." All? Commissioner McVoy too? Why wasn't he upset six years ago?
  • Editing error I: "the commission voted 3-1 to give the responsible companies. . .". Should read "the companies responsible".
  • Dear Editor used the wrong quote from City Attorney Torcivia. Should have been, "I'm being a nice guy here but frankly your comments are irking me."
  • Understatement by Dear Editor deserving of award: "To make ends meet, it appears some corners were cut." Clever turn of phrase to sidestep the building's "Greenwashing".
  • Editing error II: ". . . the builders [construction company] found more damage than expected." There was only 1 "builder".
  • For years the Post has been a crucial cog in the propaganda machine that the Casino building was "renovated". They finally gave up. They know the truth: it was 94% demolished.
  • It's disingenuous, at best Dear Editor, to care so much after turning a blind eye to all the problems for so long. Too little too late. Lake Worth needed your editorial a long time ago.
  • Why wasn't McVoy quoted?
  • But. . . "Maxwell could not be reached for comment." Why not hold off until he could? Nothing else to opine about Dear Editor?
  • Dear Editor mentions "The $6 million plunged" but not Greater Bay settlement of $1.6 million and City's legal fees.
  • "Lake Worth has been generous in giving the parties until October to fix the very real problems with the upper part of the building." What about rainwater that cascades onto the sidewalk?
As far as Post editorials go there was a time not long ago, in 2014, when the editor looked clearly and thoughtfully at the issues in Lake Worth and saw how and why we're still struggling with so many problems:
From another Post editorial in 2014. . . a rare moment in time when they could clearly see what was needed to improve "the city's basic needs".

Thursday, September 1, 2016

What a City commissioner said about vital pump station in his own district, it's "in pretty bad shape". No it's not. Was completely rebuilt in 2012.

Below is a short transcript of Lake Worth Commissioner Ryan Maier at the August 23rd Budget Work Session. I was unable to attend but was told there was much shaking of heads and curious looks in the Commission chambers after Maier made his comments.

Throwing out unsubstantiated and unfounded information to the public is nothing new for Maier. When a silly rumor began circulating that Siemens Corporation was taking over our Electric Utility, Maier tried to give it "legs" prompting City Manager Bornstein to say, "I'm picking up on something here" and, "That's just total bs." Read about that using this link.

After watching the video it's unsettling for several reasons: 1) How many of his constituents have been told a vital City facility in Bryant Park has "issues"; 2) What other infrastructure facilities does he need to be educated about? He's been in office now for 17 months; and most importantly 3), Who is advising Maier about important budget issues in this City?

Briefly, there are three wastewater lift stations and each of them has large pumps. The lift station in Bryant Park is a vital one and has four. In the transcript below is Brian Shields, P.E., the City's Water Utilities Director. The discussion is about budgeting in future years and being prepared: 

Brian Shields, P.E.: "They [lift stations] are very expensive, on the order of one-half million dollars each. We have three of those."
Commissioner Maier: "The one that's in Bryant Park, this is one of the units we're talking about?"
Shields: "That's correct."
Maier: "I remember taking a tour of that right when I was first elected. That's about a year and a half and it seemed it was in pretty bad shape then. Is this something that we're. . ."
Shields: "That station was completely rebuilt in 2012."
City Manager Bornstein: "How many pumps do we have?"
Shields: "We have four."
Maier: "So are there issues at that [lift] station currently?"
Shields: "No. It's in very good condition. It's just that pumps have a lifespan, of that magnitude maybe 7 years or so. It's starting to get up in age. So we do have to plan for their replacement. That's a vital pump station."
Maier: "Thank you."
Shields: "OK. Thank you."

Again, that's why elections are important.

PRESS RELEASE: PBC performing artists "WOW" 650 travel professionals at Educational Seminar for Tourism Organizations (ESTO)*

"Boca Raton, August 30 – Palm Beach County performers brought an audience of more than 650 U.S. travel professionals to its feet on Tuesday night, as the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County presented a spectacle promoting arts and culture in The Palm Beaches to attendees of the 2016 U.S. Travel Association ESTO seminar. The performance, which had the crowd and musicians wearing shades and dancing, included a mashup of big band sounds, cabaret, dance and Latin percussion by local artists who appear around the world.""The Cultural Council presents exhibitions featuring Palm Beach County artists and provides additional programming at its headquarters in the historic Robert M. Montgomery, Jr. Building, an iconic Streamline Moderne former movie theater in Downtown Lake Worth. Also at the Cultural Council headquarters are the Roe Green Uniquely Palm Beach Store featuring products by Palm Beach County artists and the Jean S. and Frederic A. Sharf Visitor Information Center, a VISIT FLORIDA designated Florida Certified Tourism Information Center.
     The Cultural Council galleries, visitor information center and store are open 10:005:00, Tuesday through Saturday. Visit our website or call 561-471-2901."

*The Cultural Council is located at 601 Lake Ave. in Downtown Lake Worth. There is free, 4-hour parking along Lake Worth's Downtown streets. There is also a public parking lot on the east side of 'L' Street, across from the Cultural Council's building. For more information ahead of your visit use this link.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Just a few random thoughts on last night's primary results

Dave Kerner won. By almost 70% of the vote. Drew Martin didn't help himself with his comment at the TCRPC that the City of Lake Worth was cutting down mangroves. A very serious accusation. And also very false. And take note of the clever pull-quote.

In no particular order:
  • Congratulations Dorothy Jacks. There is probably no politician or friend of the City of Lake Worth more loyal to us than Shelley Vana. I've always respected her and still do. But in this one particular case I didn't support her. I'm looking forward to seeing her again some time real soon. And guess what? It's not her job any more to correct Drew Martin during public comment at County Commission meetings!
  • How did Drew Martin get 31% of the vote? Congratulations to Dave Kerner on a well-run race.
  • Jeff Clemens. How could anyone vote against the next likely leader of the Florida Senate Democrats? Now Slosberg really doesn't have a reason to move.
  • Sheriff Ric Bradshaw. Even The Palm Beach Post endorsed him after 18 months of the "Line of Fire: Bullets, Badges, and Death on the Street!" He got 66% of the vote. Wow.
  • Tom Sutterfield is in a run-off for School Board. He lost last time to Erica Whitfield. The Post didn't endorse Whitfield. He should reconsider whether a Post endorsement is worth the trouble.
  • Now we don't have to hear any more that Rebecca Negron is a "pediatric nurse". I wonder how many pediatric doctors voted for her?
  • Bobby Powell. Congratulations! For those of us who know him the result was good karma. PBC Human Rights Council? This one isn't going away. A lot of people are very upset about this.
  • Patrick Murphy is the "giant slayer". He gave Allen West a lesson or two and he'll do the same to Rubio. 
  • David Silvers. Class act.
Well, that's it. Those are the only races that really interested me this time 'round. Relax everyone for a few weeks. And one last thought: The results last night were very good for Palm Beach County. A lot of talented and enthusiastic people are leading the way.

The public has spoken.

Things that make the little City of Lake Worth so unique: Have you ever been to Spillway Park?

To get to Spillway Park (picture below) take Federal Hwy north to Maryland Ave. (last street before the C-51 Canal and West Palm Beach) and then go left (west); the park is at the end of the road. So, why is Lake Worth so unique. . .
The CRA's Artist Lofts. (This image and those following from the Jim Stafford Collection.)
Spillway Park has a walking trail, picnic tables, BBQ grills, pet station, parking, and restrooms.
The City has its own municipal golf course along with a spectacular restaurant and community space, The Beach Club.
Publix is located in the downtown. The empty lot in the foreground is now the Lucenté Townhomes.
The Street Painting Festival is in February each year.
. . . and some of the best surfing in Florida.

Reason not to renovate the Gulfstream Hotel: It might get sold to ISIS? Or Chinese? A Russian oligarch?

This is not a joke. Below is an actual quote by a woman who was opposed to the redevelopment of the Gulfstream Hotel last January to save the hotel, a comment at that City Commission meeting:
"We could actually end up selling our City to the Chinese, or a Russian oligarch, or ISIS to finance their operations."
You can hear this at the 1:25 mark to 1:35 in the video (see below).

Fortunately, after this comment everything went uphill from there from the public that turned out in big numbers to save the Gulf Stream hotel from the wrecking ball:

Here are more highlights you'll see in the video:
  • At the 4:30 mark to 6:25 a co-owner of Brogues Downunder speaks in favor of the rezoning.
  • At 7:55 to 8:25 a woman who voted "Yes" to limit heights in downtown Lake Worth said she would have voted differently had she known all the facts.
  • At 12:55 to 15:00 another woman who also lives in Washington, D.C., explains why she is so excited to see the Gulf Stream hotel project move forward.
  • At the 22:15 mark, Bonnie Miskel, the attorney representing the owners of the Gulf Stream hotel begins speaking and near the end of her remarks says this:
     "I have to tell you, in 23 years I've never, ever seen so many people come out, leave their homes at dinner time to speak in favor of an application. It just doesn't happen. 
     People come to speak against, but people don't come to speak in favor. So I am overwhelmed by the volume of people that have been here this evening."
Enjoy the video, with the exception of the ten second comment at the 1:25 mark to 1:35:

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

CONGRATULATIONS, JEFF! Your message got through all the noise:

Lake Worth friends,
     I have represented you to the best of my ability, in one form or another, since 2007. I represent 15 municipalities but my office is on Lake Avenue for a reason. I love what I do and I would love the opportunity to do so one more time.
     I am up for re-election to the Florida Senate in an August Democratic primary and have drawn an opponent that doesn't live in the new Senate District 31 (which includes ALL of Lake Worth), and wouldn't know the difference between Bryant Park and the Park of Commerce.
     This will be my last term, as I am term-limited. I could use your support. Thank you for letting me be your voice in Tallahassee.

Note some of Jeff's endorsements:

Monday, August 29, 2016

Check out and subscribe to my Lake Worth YouTube channel

Use this link to visit my Lake Worth YouTube channel and then click on the red icon near the top of the page to become a subscriber. You'll get notified when new videos have been uploaded. So far my channel has 130+ subscribers and I am very appreciative. Thank you.

This first video is a powerful one of Mayor Pam Triolo reading a proclamation on Sober Homes, definitely not your typical kind of presentation given at City Commission meetings. Her comments following the prepared words are very topical given the many overdose deaths recently:
This next one is titled "Scary when people like this talk to the press". This 'impromptu' TV crew showing up at a Lake Worth City Commission meeting was clearly planned out in advance and even more curious are the ones who hammed it up for the camera. Did they practice in front of a mirror? Make sure all their "talking points" were in synch with the press? The following video is, by far, the most talked-about of all time, ever. On schools in Lake Worth, PBC School Board Member and Lake Worth resident Erica Whitfield gives a presentation to the Lake Worth City Commission:So many times something will happen at a City Commission meeting and the social media/news spin machine will kick into overdrive. With these videos you can watch what happened and be your own judge.

For instance, the last City Workshop on the upcoming November referendum to fix our roads and potholes? Use this link to watch that 35-minute meeting yourself.

Video and Update: The "Living Shoreline" in Intracoastal off Bryant Park in Lake Worth and mangroves: Issues explained.

This topic has generated quite a bit of interest. There has been public confusion and, quite frankly, misinformation spread throughout the community about mangroves. Much of that was put to rest by a representative from the County:

Daniel Bates, the Deputy Director of the Palm Beach County Dept. of Environmental Resources Management did a very good job summing up the issues. He gave a very good presentation at the City Commission meeting on August 16th. There are, or were, a lot of misconceptions about what's going on vis-à-vis the Snook Islands, the "Living Shoreline", mangroves, and environmental efforts.  

Drew Martin didn't do much to help the situation when he falsely claimed the City was cutting down mangroves: not true.

There are many others who believe, falsely, that these environmental efforts are City projects. Again, not true. The County is responsible for these projects and for the ongoing maintenance as well, pruning for example. It should be noted that Commissioner Chris McVoy was absent for this entire meeting.

The issue of mangroves, one part of the presentation and many questions that followed by the elected's, is one of competing interests. On the one hand you have enviros who want the Intracoastal au naturel vs. property owners, park visitors, and the public being able to enjoy the water vistas.

Commissioner Andy Amoroso stated quite clearly he wanted a solid agreement going forward on the maintenance of mangroves so they don't grow out of control. And he made another good point also: when the mangroves aren't pruned it makes cleaning the shoreline very difficult because volunteers can't get through the branches to pick up the trash, balloons, and other items that wash up.

This is the link to my YouTube channel (click the red "Subscribe" button to get noticed when new videos are published). Enjoy the video (the first 30 seconds is staff trying to fix an equipment problem):

Blueway Trail to link our waterways: "Creating Access For All" and a video explains project

"The vision for the Chain of Lakes Blueway Trail experience is to finally link Palm Beach County waterways by providing two-way access for small boats and non-motorized watercraft between the Chain of Lakes, Lake Worth Lagoon and the Intracoastal Waterway, which is just a few hundred yards away. In Palm Beach County, 80 percent of registered small boats meet this criteria – and that doesn’t include the thousands of kayakers, paddleboarders, canoers and others who use the local waterways every year."—Quote from the Chain of Lakes Blueway Trail Project website. Video at end of this blog post.

The Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) recently gave an in-depth presentation before the Lake Worth City Commission. Read about that using this link. From the Blueway Trail Project website, benefits of this project:
  • Direct, two-way connectivity between the Chain of Lakes, Lake Worth Lagoon, Intracoastal Waterway and the Atlantic Ocean
  • Potential for additional forms of ecotourism by linking our Greenways and Blueways
  • Improvements to existing fishing piers (now closed for safety reasons)
  • Restoration and preservation of wildlife habitats
  • Increased commerce and job opportunities
To say this is big news is an understatement. Should the C-51 Canal become navigable by pleasure craft and small boats, canoes, and kayaks this will be a game changer for us in Lake Worth, West Palm Beach, and western communities like Palm Springs and Lake Clarke Shores.
The S-155 (spillway structure) is on the C-51 Canal east of Dixie Hwy and separates West Palm Beach from the City of Lake Worth. Did you know the term "spillway" is not accurate? The water released actually flows underneath the barriers, not over.
This idea has been talked about for quite some time and now it's advancing with the help of some people many of you will be familiar with. Here is an excerpt from this article last December titled, "Lift at spillway would allow boat traffic from inland lakes to ocean":

     State Rep. Dave Kerner and State Sen. Jeff Clemens [emphasis added], both D-Lake Worth, whose districts include both sides of the spillway as well as parts of the chain of lakes, are working to get the money, Kerner said.

[and. . .]

     Kerner it could take as long as five years before the lift is in and operating. But, he said, “We’ve been moving quickly. We’ve got a great coalition.”

More facts about the Blueway Trail and limitations for boats that will be using the newly constructed boat lift:
  • Can be no heavier than 3.5 tons dry weight
  • No longer than 25′ in length
  • Cannot exceed 5.5′ above the water line
Enjoy the video and spread the word. Most importantly, contact your elected officials and tell them you support the Blueway Trail and "Access For All"!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Bill Bone Tropical Triathlon in Lake Worth is September 18th and benefits Lake Worth High School

The race is only 21 days away. Volunteers will be crucial, as they are every year. Below is contact information if you would like to help out. Hope to see you there.
For this year's course use this link. Registration and sponsorship information is below.
Funds from this event go to the Friends of Lake Worth High School* whose mission is to raise money for the Arts and Sports Programs. To learn more about the race contact Nadine Burns at 561-358-8501 or

"The Bill Bone Tropical Triathlon is a USAT Sanctioned sprint race consisting of a .25 mile swim a 13 mile bike and a 5k run on the most beautiful course in Palm Beach County. Race route includes spectacular ocean vistas, a bike course that includes a bridge challenge along with a fun downtown loop in the fast 13 mile course. Finish with a run that includes a view of the Snook Island preserve and an Intracoastal path as you sail through Bryant Park and Historic neighborhoods. On your return to the beachside you will be awarded category Medals including 'Finisher' medals for taking part in this fast race register, and celebrate your accomplishments. Rain or shine event. No refunds or transfers for this race."

To register for the race use this link. To become a sponsor use this link.

*Help the Friends of Lake Worth High School by making a donation that pays for students to train, for equipment, and to compete in events. Your generous donation provides more opportunities for furthering the education of our youth.

"Letter to the Editor" from a Lake Worth resident last June that never stood a chance of getting published in the Post

But that shouldn't discourage you! For instructions on how to get a "Letter to the Editor" published, which includes the special trick, use this link. Joanne Kelly of Lake Worth wrote a letter that never stood a chance of getting published for obvious reasons. Please continue reading, first the instructions that accompanied the letter: 

"Dear editor, please make the headline for this letter something like 'Objection: Don’t insult Lake Worth again.' Okay? Thanks."

Below is the letter written which included all the required information (address, phone number, etc., but may exceed the recommended 250 word count):

     "With all last week’s sad happenings it really seems mundane that I was insulted about the headline to an article titled "Lake Worth body leads to man’s murder charge”. [emphasis added] I held my breath in anticipation of what street nearby this occurred. Turns out the body was found west of Florida’s Turnpike and north of Lake Worth Road. Please inform Hanna Winston*, the staff writer, that area is not Lake Worth, regardless of what the zip code may be there. The town of Lake Worth is bordered on the west partly by Lake Osborne and the Intracoastal on the east except for the ocean bordering our beach.
     Lake Worth is a good place to be. A town with its own beach, library and 45 little free libraries, its own utility and water department, an interesting and real downtown with great restaurants, a boat ramp, kayakers, sailers, beautiful expansive parks, and our own golf course. And best of all many groups of diverse peoples with at least 10 neighborhood associations. Lots of people bike or walk to get around.
     The person whose body was found was from Miami and the alleged killer from Opa Locka. What did this have to do with Lake Worth?"

The headline above was in the online edition. Near Lake Worth? Near Greenacres or Wellington is more like it. The headline in the print edition was, "Lake Worth body leads to man's murder charge". Does their newsroom have a map? 

     "This is a town of active citizens, a good city manager, and a City Commission who for the most part attempt to work together to solve city problems. Wednesday’s Palm Beach Post showed a photo of the candlelight vigil held to honor the Orlando victims. You quoted our Commissioner Andy Amoroso who said 'we’re doing this because it’s just right. It doesn’t matter what a person’s color or religion is. Or whether or not they are gay or straight. Hate is just hate, and we need more love.' If you want to use the name of our town, use it there, not on an incident 8 miles away that had nothing to do with Lake Worth."

Good point. Couldn't have made it better myself. Thank you Joanne for taking the time.

*Here is the lesson for reporters to learn what the municipal borders of Lake Worth are, which also includes helpful maps. 
Use this link for the City of Lake Worth's official zoning map. The City's borders are clearly noted.