You can read Mrs. McNamara's first letter to City Manager Bornstein concerning
her racist rant (her use of the 'N-word') at the swearing in ceremony at
Lake Worth City Hall here. Whoever is tasked with keeping Mrs. McNamara away from the keyboard has failed. Here is her latest email to Lake Worth City Manager Bornstein [emphasis in red]:
From: Dee McNamara []
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 3:27 PM
To: Michael Bornstein;; Christopher McVoy; Lynn Anderson; Dennis Dorsey; Jesse Santamaria; Steven L. Abrams; Joseph Abruzzo; Katie Kkss21; Debra Smith Kimo; June Evans;; Jennifer Marchal;; ''; '';; Retha Lowe; Andy Amoroso; John Szerdi; Pam Triolo; Scott Maxwell; Margaret Menge
Cc: Christy L. Goddeau; Clayton Lindstrom; Dolores Key; Germaine English; Jamie Brown; Joan Oliva; Juan Ruiz; Larry A. Johnson; Pamela Lopez; William Waters
Subject: Re: Lake Worth's 20 Acre Palm Beach Island Beach front land;Deeded to Lake Worth exclusively, not to Hudson Holdings or its'employee.
M [City Manager Michael Bornstein],
You are misinformed.
Your anonymous city employee entered the Commission chambers where I had been seated in my usual place during the ten years I regularly attended Commission meetings, front row left aisle, on the side of the winning candidate I had supported.
Although Laurence and I were the only ones in the room, this light haired, white woman immediately took it upon herself to tell me, and not Laurence, to move to the back of this totally empty public forum room.
As a non-white or brown person myself I have been referred to by racial slurs regularly from early childhood through adulthood in both Europe and America and I asked her if she was viewing me through the eyes of prejudice, which I believe she was.
If an apology is required from anyone, it is from this nameless City employee, who overstepped her authority and insulted a taxpayer who regularly pays her salary.
Mrs. Dee McNamara
Here is City Manager Michael Bornstein's response:
From: Michael Bornstein
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 5:32 PM
To: 'Dee McNamara';; Christopher McVoy; Lynn Anderson; Dennis Dorsey; Jesse Santamaria; Steven L. Abrams; Joseph Abruzzo; Katie Kkss21; Debra Smith Kimo; June Evans;; Jennifer Marchal;; ''; '';; Retha Lowe; Andy Amoroso; John Szerdi; Pam Triolo; Scott Maxwell; Margaret Menge; 'Kleinberg, Eliot (CMG-WestPalm)'
Cc: Christy L. Goddeau; Clayton Lindstrom; Dolores Key; Germaine English; Jamie Brown; Joan Oliva; Juan Ruiz; Larry A. Johnson; Pamela Lopez; William Waters
Subject: RE: Lake Worth's 20 Acre Palm Beach Island Beach front land;Deeded to Lake Worth exclusively, not to Hudson Holdings or its'employee.
Dee [Mrs. Dee McNamara]
There is no form of twisted logic you can muster to justify using this word, twice, in the Chambers. I can attest to the character and experience of the employee however, you have demonstrated a flagrant pattern of behavior in your written communications to the City that suggest a deeper set of issues than you can explain away. As just one example, the previous City Manager Susan Stanton wrote to you regarding a cartoon you copied to her and several others comparing dogs to people who receive government assistance. It states that are “mixed breed, unemployed, lazy, can’t speak English and have no frigging clue who their Daddies are.” Susan wrote back, “Please don’t send me this stuff. I find it offensive…” I am proud Susan for taking this position and I am proud of my employee for demanding an apology from you during this incident. I am taking the same position in stating that the word that you are now apparently admitting you uttered is offensive and will not be used in City Hall. Period.
The rows were clearly marked RESERVED and was intended for the families of the elected officials.
M [City Manager Michael Bornstein]
Stay tuned. I understand that there are over 800 emails from Mrs. McNamara to public officials over a 90 day period. Should be some interesting content. Also note that Mrs. McNamara has removed two Facebook pages that contained the offensive material reported on this blog.