“Most times there is not a problem, Mabel. It’s only a problem when it rains. Call that reporter again!”
In Lake Worth Beach if you are having problems with water drainage in your neighborhood don’t wait until the next major weather event to call CBS12 or a reporter from the
Post. They cannot help you.
What will help is contacting the City’s Stormwater Division at the Public Services Dept. You can contact the supervisor and/or the office if you have a problem. For
all that information click on this link.
Whilst on topic here is an idea for the Public Services Dept. in this City: A clever way to get the word out.
“Thank your storm drain for all it does for you.”
Have YOU thanked YOUR storm drain today? |
From the City’s website: “Lake Worth was platted in the early 1900s with an extensive network of alleyways. Historically, alleyways were used as service corridors for utilities and deliveries in the back of homes and businesses. Alleyways also provided a rear access to a property where a garage may have been located in residential areas.
While times have changed — deliveries may no longer take place in alleys and garbage collection takes place out front — many of Lake Worth’s water and electric lines are still located in the alleyways.
Lake Worth alleys are narrow, ranging in size from roughly 10 ft. in residential areas up to 15 ft. wide in commercial areas. They are barely wide enough to accommodate the big, burly trucks, equipment and teams for the efficient delivery of utilities services when clear.”
Who is responsible for
the alleyways?
City’s Responsibility:
- Mow and grade alleyways.
- Keep power lines clear of foliage.
Citizen’s Responsibility:
- Keep alley clear of all trash behind your property.
- Dispose of any bulk items in the proper manner. Not in the alley.
- Keep hedges, shrubs, and trees trimmed. Out of the alley.
Two items from the Q&A:
What is an easement?
Portion(s) of a property owner’s land where the City is provided legally granted access for utilities or other City essential services.
Who owns the easement anyway? The property owner or the City utilities?
Property owners own the land. As a property owner, it is your responsibility to keep all areas of the easement free of debris and structures so City utilities crews can do their work.