Monday, September 4, 2006

Special Announcement

Tuesday, September 5, 2006, 1 p.m. east side of City Hall, 7 N. Dixie Hwy., L.W., Florida

Don't forget to vote!

"Political advertisement paid for and approved by Wes Blackman for Commissioner – District #3"

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Great News!

We have made another step into the 21st Century. The September 6, 2006 PZHRPB agenda and related staff reports are available now on the City's website. Click here for the direct link to the 2006 Planning and Zoning Board agendas. The packet is a series of .pdf documents. I was able to download the agenda page itself and all the related attachments were downloaded at the same time. So, you don't need to be online in order to review the packet. I'd be interested in knowing if you are successful in your attempt to download and view the packet. I have Adobe Acrobat Professional - if you have the regular version, try it and let me know if it works for you.

This has been a long time in coming and I want to thank our busy staff for taking the time in setting this up. It is important to have as much information as we can have regarding the work of our Board readily accessible to the public.

"Political advertisement paid for and approved by Wes Blackman for Commissioner – District #3"