Last night, I just got back from Park(ing) Day in downtown and happened to look down the street. Who did I see but Jo-Ann Golden with someone else going door-to-door on my street. I waved at them and asked if I could see what they were passing out. Jo-Ann agreed and we met in front of my house. I also gave her the handbill that I am using. She commented on my loquat tree - the largest she had ever seen and we talked about the two lychee trees across the street.
Now, I am not going to show all the handbill here, but there are parts that I just can't believe a sitting Commissioner in this economy would put in her literature. There is another item that is an out-and-out fabrication - and actually attempts to take credit for something that I did while on the CRA.

This is part of her statement on the front of the piece - which also features City Hall. I thought we couldn't use city buildings on our campaign materials, but I'll let that slide. Look at the quote. How has she been the driving force for new jobs? Has she seen the vacant stores in our downtown, the vacant property along Dixie Hwy or our languishing Park of Commerce? Does she not know that we have been through what amounts to a depression and record rates of foreclosures while she was in office? Does she realize the city lost 24% of its taxable property value last year - the second highest rate of any municipality in Palm Beach County? I'm not suggesting she is to blame for our national, even worldwide, recession but to refer to our "
vibrant economy?" Where has she been living?

Then we have what appears on the back under the heading "Commissioner Jo-Ann Golden LEADING THE WAY..."
This is so outrageous - she claims taking the lead in the $25 million grant money from the Neighborhood Stabilization Program - 2. She even got the amount wrong. This is the grant the CRA applied for since THE CITY COMMISSION WOULDN'T! Click the title of this post for the CRA meeting minutes from July 7, 2009 for a full account. Here are some excerpts:

I actually was one person that acted to approve the $25 million grant application while on the CRA. The city barely lifted a finger and none of the commissioners or Mayor were there for input, support or comment.
Then, later, at the City Commission's July 20th meeting when the discussion took place surrounding the disposition of the CRA, Commissioner Golden commented that she wasn't sure the NSP-2 grant was a good idea, since we'd have the federal government telling us how to spend the money and that the city knows better. Strangely, the minutes from July 20th are missing on the city's website - which might even be a Sunshine Law violation, since minutes need to be kept for all meetings. I'll look into that more - meanwhile, I am going through the audio of the July 20th Commission meeting and I invite you to as well.
Where is July 20?
Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Wes Blackman for City Commissioner District #3