Wednesday, September 16, 2009

EDITORIAL: Take the deal, Lake Worth

Please click title for link to PB Post editorial. An excerpt:

"Commissioners Cara Jennings, Jo Ann Golden and Suzanne Mulvehill hope that the county will go for a greener design. [The degree to which this latest design is "green" is subject to interpretation] Sure, green space is great. And maybe if this weren't a last-minute deal, it would be a good point to negotiate. But the appeal of the beach is the ocean. The amount of nearby grass and shrubs is secondary. And while Lake Worth residents always have wanted somebody else to pay for "their" beach while retaining all control and access, that isn't going to happen.

The county, with good reason, is losing patience. The city should take the money and provide the open parking spaces. Lake Worth and its residents still will benefit tremendously. The city is figuring out how many decal users are likely to be at the beach at one time. If it's high, and the county agrees to set aside a few more decal spaces, that would be generous. But passing on $5 million for the sake of a few parking spaces would be another example of Lake Worth missing an opportunity to improve the beach."