Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Lake Worth Herald editorial: Bad Behavior

This editorial appeared in the last edition of The Lake Worth Herald ( on 3/26:
     Tuesday night [3/24], the decorum of the Commission Chambers took a big step back. The audience was disrespectful to the commission and the governmental process. Rudeness filled the room with loud comments being made at different commissioners from every direction. [emphasis added] This behavior is immature and has no place in a governmental meeting. 
     Those attending the meeting are given an opportunity, all be it two minutes to voice their concerns on any subject they choose, and another two minutes on each item before the commission. 
     Refraining from outbursts will make the meeting progress at a steady pace and will facilitate more business being accomplished. 
     This behavior is not tolerated in any other commission or council chambers in the area, and will continue in Lake Worth until people are removed for poor conduct. 
     Lake Worth Commission meetings will rapidly become the laughing stock they used to be if this behavior is allowed to continue. 
     It is time for the Mayor to take a firm stand and bring the meetings back to order. More respect will be gained for the City and the process when order is restored and the City will be able to accomplish its business in an orderly fashion. 
     Ninety-nine percent of those attending the meetings are adults and it is time everyone started acting like it. Speak when it is your turn and give others the courtesy to be able to speak when it is theirs.
Due to a prior commitment was unable to attend the last city commission meeting. From time to time was able to watch the meeting on streaming video and was appalled at the behavior of some in the chambers. The video stays framed on the dais and you cannot see who from the public is making the ruckus, although I can guess who two or three of them were.

On a completely different topic, below is a video from a city commission meeting on February 17th. This video comes from a post originally published on February 20th. During breaks at city commission meetings the video continues to record, however, the sound is turned off (the classical favorite Night on Bald Mountain is added for your listening pleasure). Pay particular attention to what happens starting at the 5:15 mark to the 5:45 mark.