For those of you who don't know, the Lake Worth Museum is again open two days a week - Wednesday from 1-4 p.m. and Friday from 1-4 p.m. It's on the second floor of the City Hall Annex building, right next to the cultural plaza. Historian Helen Greene is there to greet you and answer questions on Wednesdays and Judy Reed, former head librarian, is there on Fridays. Arrangements can be made for school groups and others to visit the museum during other times, as well. I was there on a Friday to pick up some postcards images that had been scanned to add to my collection. I'll be putting these together for a slide show for the upcoming "Dance through the Decades" event on February 16th at the NEW Lake Worth Casino ballroom.
Here are some pictures inside the museum for a glimpse of what is there - it really is worth a visit.
Here's Judy Reed in the Museum's office at the top of the stairs. |
Plaque on the landing outside of the Museum's office. There was much submarine traffic off the Florida coast during World War II. |
A large portion of one room is dedicated to Lake Worth High School memorabilia. |
Some frightening images from the devastating 1928 hurricane. |
A few examples above of what you can find there.
The following two pictures (from the Lake Worth Museum archives) show the height difference between the old bridge and the "new" or current bridge across Lake Worth.