Monday, June 8, 2015

Email from concerned citizen about code enforcement, sent to city administration and Commission today...

From:  Jessica Teutsch

Hello.  I hope this email finds you happy and healthy.

     As you know, Ryan Maier was reported to code for doing unpermitted work on his single family house in order to convert it to a duplex.  I am the person that reported him. He did this all without permits (an additional bathroom, kitchen, and an illegal non code compliant wall). He collects $600 per month (utilities included) from a woman named XXX XXXX who works at YYY YYYY, for an unregistered illegal apartment. His house is Homesteaded, which he bought with $54K of CDC funds.  Not to mention he allegedly illegally keeps an endangered species of turtle as a pet in his yard.
     He OF COURSE chose to deny the Code Department access to his home for the 30 days, which speaks volumes about him and what he is hiding. He is brazen in his disregard for the law so this was no surprise to me.
    What does come as a surprise is that his case is now being "swept under the rug" by The City of Lake Worth.  It will not be pursued according to city staff.
    Commissioner Maier ran a campaign on transparency. He swore an oath to uphold the laws of this city.  How can we as citizens expect him to uphold and enforce laws and codes that he, himself, doesn't adhere to. Are there two sets of rules? Is there one set for elected officials and one for average citizens? Is this the standard that our city is setting?
    It is extremely disheartening for me that a person with a wicked sense of entitlement who lies with great ease, feels they are above the law, a person who does NOT pay their fair share in taxes and who condones a dangerous living situation can thrive in Lake Worth. He doesn't just thrive ... he is a sitting City Commissioner.
      The fact that the Lake Worth Code Department refuses to pursue people like this sets a dangerous example.   By this inaction, the City alienates law abiding, tax paying people such as myself.  I try to maintain a level of honesty and decency and should hope I am a prime example of the type of people you want living, working, and raising children here. I strive to keep our City safe and clean, void of neglect and unsavory people. When the City denies a simple request to pursue a code violation for any unscrupulous landlord it hurts me… it hurts many.
      As a mother, my greatest role in life is to protect my child and raise her to be a great person of noble character. I cannot raise my child here if the City turns a blind eye to unethical behavior like that of Commissioner Ryan Maier.
Please re-examine your code department and make decent people's concerns, like mine, a priority.

Thank you,