Saturday, April 23, 2016

Upcoming Crime Walk in the City and a few thoughts about the media and PBSO

The Cultural Plaza is at the intersection of Lake Ave and Federal Hwy.
There is a video below of one of the City's crime walks last year. You may find this interesting: last year published this blog post about all the media that showed up at a protest against PBSO (see image below) and here are the media that showed up to report on it:
  • Palm Beach Post reporter John Lantigua
  • NBC5/WPTV's Katie LaGrone
  • CBS12/WPEC (don't recall reporter)
  • A Spanish TV station reporter
  • A reporter from the Broward New Times
  • Various photographers and independent reporters
But how many in the media do you think showed up to cover this crime walk and other ones, not including The Lake Worth Herald? Zero. None. Nada. Zilch. But the media was falling all over themselves to cover a protest? Note that each one of these crime walks was covered by our paper of record, the Herald.

This is one of the signs carried high at the protest against PBSO:
Sign courtesy of the ever-dwindling Anarchist 'community'.
These crime walks get many in the community to come out and walk the walk. Capt. Silva in the video is now leading Wellington's PBSO. On the upcoming walk would be a good chance for everyone to meet Capt. Baer who now leads Lake Worth's District 14. For more on that look in the right-hand column for "PBSO District 14 headquarters".