Sunday, April 17, 2016

A Letter to the Editor of The Lake Worth Herald about "tiny houses" that are claimed "outright dangerous"

Just in case you missed this. . . the most viewed blog post of the week, from Friday:

Below is an interesting letter written to the editor of the Herald in this week's (4/14) issue. If you didn't know, the Herald is Lake Worth's oldest business, starting in 1912. If you would like to see more of what's in this week's issue, use this link. If you would like to pick up the print edition go to the City's news stand at 600 Lake Ave across the street from Starbuck's. A nice man named Andy will assist you. Without further ado, here is the letter titled, "Tiny Houses Saved FOR Destruction"*:

     "While I applaud community efforts, such as Jill Karlin’s saving of the tiny houses, it should be noted that there are better ways for 'sustainability' than saving plywood structures that are outright dangerous.
     I had a contract on the property where these houses were originally located and had my licensed General Contractor inspect them as part of our due-diligence. These houses are simply unsafe for South Florida and retrofitting them to make them compliant with not Lake Worth building code but South Florida building code was cost prohibitive. 
     The Lake Worth law prohibiting them from being inhabited had nothing to do with them being tiny or dangerous but that they were illegally built in a single family residential zoning. 
     Just to be clear to the readers. Tiny houses is one thing, the charm and feasibility for someone to live there all nice and neat but these two structures were plain and simple unsafe for anybody and certainly not a safe alternative for dealing with our homeless population.
     Martin Wiescholek
     Lake Worth"

*Note that Your's Truly knows very little about this issue of the "tiny houses" mentioned in the letter above; if you have thoughts comment below or send me an email: