CORRECTION/CLARIFICATON. The mayor of Lake Worth, Florida DID NOT take an ‘MAU’ [networking Multiple Access Unit ] to the capital in Tallahassee. She took an “MOU” which is a networking Mobile Operating Unit. A small but very significant difference in the Acronym community. Hopefully this explanation will satisfy Chris McVoy, PhD.*
Readers: The previous version
of this blog post.
Last updated on Friday, February 22nd, 2019 at 2140 hundred hours.
Let us proceed.
What do Lake Worth Mayor Pam Triolo, Lake Worth City Manager Michael Bornstein and Director Gabriel Alsenas at SNMREC all have in common? And State Senator Lori Berman and State Representative Mike Caruso in the Florida House of Representatives too?
You see. There was a topic of discussion in Tallahassee last week. And another one this week. And more meetings coming up next month.
To get to and from Tallahassee where the capitol of Florida is located, Mayor Triolo used a “MAU [sic] with FAU” meaning a vehicle repurposed as a Multiple Access Unit (networking device) with someone from Florida Atlantic University.
Correction Worth Noting once again: It WAS NOT an ‘MAU’. It was an “MOU”.
And whilst on topic what does the 46th Governor of Florida and the Office of Policy and Budget fit into this topic today? And State Senator Wilton Simpson? The Committee on Innovation, Industry, and Technology in the Florida Senate? And a whole lot of other elected officials, staff and offices in the Florida capital too like the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy?
What do they all have in common? This story officially began just over two years ago. It was a meeting held in the ballroom at the Lake Worth Beach and Casino Complex on the morning of February 12th, 2017. There were many elected officials present including then-State Representative Lori Berman who would later succeed then-State Senator Jeff Clemens who was formerly a state representative during the former Gov. Ric Scott administration and formerly to that was the mayor of Lake Worth, Florida.
The last sentence above is a bit complicated but elections in Palm Beach County can be that way sometimes.
But Clemens’ indiscretions are old news. What the public focuses on now is Clemens’ bold decision ten years ago to disband the LWPD and merge with PBSO; that was truly significant.
And thankfully Mr. Mark Easton, the editor at The Lake Worth Herald, showed up at the Lake Worth Casino two years ago. Because no one else from the press or news media did. But a blogger also showed up at that meeting too and took some photos as well.
Would you like to learn more about what is happening up in Tallahassee?
Then please re-visit this blog some time time in the near future..
And once again, Thank You for visiting.
*Chris McVoy, PhD, is a former elected official in Lake Worth, Florida and was recently appointed to the prestigious Lake Worth Tree Board by Mayor Pam Triolo. Lake Worth is a tolerant City and welcomes FREE SPEECH even when those like McVoy promote Socialism and political repression in other countries. For example, in 2015 McVoy demonstrated his unwavering support for Presidente Nicolás Maduro and proclaimed it was good for democracy in South America.