Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The historic Gulf Stream hotel in Lake Worth and another big step forward

Despite attempts to monkeywrench, stall, and otherwise delay the process, the vote was 3-2 last night (1/5) in favor of restoring the Gulf Stream hotel to its former glory. The commissioners opposed to the restoration, Ryan Maier and Chris McVoy, still are hanging onto the claim that an overwhelming 'heights vote' that was declared "null and void" by the state legislature is still relevant:
The "overwhelming" vote for height limits in 2013 is a debunked myth. You can read about that nonsense here.
Interestingly, one of the people who voted "Yes" attended last night's meeting and said she wouldn't have voted that way had she known what she does now. Stay tuned throughout the week for videos from that meeting and especially for the one where The Other Blogger (TOB) loses her temper at the podium and almost the entire crowd breaks out in laughter.

Another video you'll see is a woman claiming that the Gulf Stream hotel shouldn't go forward because there's a risk the building might be sold to ISIS. Not kidding. She really said that. I heard it with my own ears.

It was a very large turnout last night in support of the Gulf Stream hotel. So much so that an attorney involved with this matter claimed she had never seen anything like it before. Usually crowds turn out to oppose zoning changes—not the other way around. On my behalf, speaking for myself, want to thank everyone who came out last night to show their support. It sends a powerful message going forward.

Whereas the opposition showed up last night with the same faces we see all the time, over and over again, there were many new faces that attended the City Commission meeting who came out on a cold night to show their support for the Gulf Stream hotel. That also sends a powerful message. 

Thank you.