Sunday, January 3, 2016

[UPDATE] Make plans to attend the City Commission meeting this Tuesday to save the Gulf Stream hotel in our downtown

[UPDATE: Below is the legal notice published in The Lake Worth Herald for the upcoming City Commission meeting to address the zoning change required to save our Gulf Stream hotel. Make plans to attend this meeting on Tuesday, January 5th! A very small group will be attempting to monkeywrench this process and claim to be "the voice of the people". Don't let these malcontents be your voice. We need people TO SHOW UP! If you're not comfortable speaking in public you can have your comments read into the record. Here is the link with the contact information (email/phone number) of the five elected officials below:
  • Mayor Pam Triolo SUPPORTS the rezoning
  • Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell SUPPORTS the rezoning
  • Commissioner Andy Amoroso SUPPORTS the rezoning
  • Commissioner Ryan Maier IS OPPOSED to the rezoning
  • Commissioner Chris McVoy IS OPPOSED to the rezoning
Don't let a few malcontents be 'your voice' on this crucial issue of the future of our historic Gulf Stream hotel.
You can learn more using this link on how the planning process gets hijacked by very small but vocal groups. Continue reading more from the blog post below first published in early December:]

This is the meeting that featured the quasi-judicial hearing on the re-zoning of the property next to the Gulf Stream hotel:
The re-zoning request for the Gulf Stream hotel is the tiny white dot the white arrow is pointing to. 
The two quotes by Maier (hear his comments at the 15:00 mark to 17:00 in this video):
     "It's a really big deal for this City that we have, an essentially vacant parcel of land, we almost never get to do this in the City. We've been built out for so many years that we would approach this and do it the very best way possible."
And. . .
     "This really is the future of tax revenue for the City of Lake Worth. So, the success of this project is hugely important."
The quotes above are not referring to the Gulf Stream hotel. He's commenting on a very large hotel/business development project west of I-95 WHICH HE VOTED IN FAVOR OF:
Commissioner Ryan Maier supports a hotel/business development project west of I-95 in the City's Park of Commerce.
So, Maier sees the "potential" and "opportunities" west of I-95 but can't see the potential and opportunities for vacant lots right in downtown Lake Worth? Maier voted "No" on the re-zoning for the Gulf Stream hotel project. 

His reasoning for voting 'No' is because of the "overwhelming" support to keep the height limit next to the Gulf Stream hotel at 45':
"Overwhelming" support? And note this 'Heights' vote was declared "null and void" by the state legislature.
Note that Commissioner Ryan Maier (District 4) is up for re-election in March 2017. You can reach him at 561-586-1734 or send an email.