Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Chicken Run in Lake Worth: Cara Jennings, Ryan Maier, and the Urban Chicken

Former Commissioner/Anarchist Cara Jennings was a big proponent of raising chickens within the municipal boundaries of Lake Worth. Below is one of Tom McGow's classic photoshops, note the image of Cara Jennings (top right).

One of the District 4 candidates challenging Incumbent Commissioner John Szerdi is Ryan Maier. Mr. Maier founded the Facebook site Lake Worth Chickens. You can read the article here about Ryan Maier where Cara Jennings is quoted saying:
"There's a whole clandestine chicken army out there," said former City Commissioner Cara Jennings, who mother-henned the 2009 effort but is lying low this time.
Ryan Maier is a reminder of an era in Lake Worth we would all rather forget.
This is Ryan Maier prior to his new political campaign look.
Onto the important business in front of us as a city, like fixing our infrastructure, streets, sidewalks for kids walking to school, and the water pipes throughout this city (to name only a few necessities).