But first, before we get to what appears on today’s front page of The Lake Worth Herald it is “Worth Noting”:
Now that the General Election midterms are over and done with, for the most part, it’s time for everyone in this City of Lake Worth to become familiar once again with the term, “nonpartisan elections”.
At the end of this blog post is a refresher.
The following excerpt appears today on the front page of the Herald penned by the ubiquitous Pelican Pete in the weekly column titled, “From Where I Sit”.
Pelican Pete can sometimes be cryptic and added some links to the excerpt that will hopefully guide you through today’s musings. Without further ado sans the multiple ellipsis. . .
Education in Lake Worth, meeting with [PBC School] Board was eye opening. Thanks Erica Whitfield forbringing a strong team. Meeting ran long but only because some time was wasted with politics. OK, a lot of the time was wasted with politics. Now the mid-terms are over, the next meeting can be as productive and stay on schedule. High hope politics won’t come into play.
Same goes for City Commission meetings. We elected non-partisan candidates only to have to sit through a triple dose of political maneuvering which only wastes valuable meeting time. Let’s get to City business for the good of the residents of Lake Worth and stop the political infighting and efforts to spread the politics of a particular party. The commission meetings are not the place for it. Go stand on a corner on your own time and politic, but don’t waste our time.
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The Herald print edition is still ¢50. Pick up the paper at the City’s newsstand located at Studio 205 at 205 N. Federal Hwy. |
Now to the refresher:
City of Lake Worth holds what are called
“Nonpartisan elections”.
This is “Worth Noting”.
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If you’re not exactly sure what ‘nonpartisan’ means, please contact the City of Lake Worth’s public information officer, Mr. Ben Kerr at 561-586-1631 or by email: BKerr@lakeworth.org |
From City of Lake Worth’s
City Charter. . .
“Lake Worth, Florida — Code of Ordinances —
Part I, Subpart A, Article V (Qualifications and Elections), Section 1, “Nonpartisan elections”:
All qualifications and elections for the offices of mayor and city commissioner shall be conducted on a nonpartisan basis without regard for or designation of political party affiliation of any nominee on any nomination petition or ballot.
From the City’s website:
According to the provisions set forth in the City Charter, Lake Worth operates a Commission–Manager form of government. Authority is vested in an elected City Commission, which, in turn, appoints the City Manager.
The City Commission is comprised of five members who serve staggered three-year terms and are elected on a nonpartisan basis by residents of the City. The Mayor is elected by a city-wide vote to serve a three-year term as the presiding officer at City Commission Meetings and as the official head of the City of Lake Worth for legislative and ceremonial purposes. The City Commission is responsible for passing Ordinances and other policy directives necessary for the operation of the City.
As always, Thank You for visiting today and hope you found this information helpful.