Will the Muslim faith, Muhammad, and Islamic extremism be an item up for a vote at the Lake Worth City Commission? Either intentionally or unintentionally Maier is confusing the public about the purpose and intent of the Sunshine Law. Commissioner Chris McVoy has been trying to confuse and mislead the public on this issue for several years now.
How far will this nonsense go? If an elected official is having dinner at Callaro's and another elected just happens to show up do they have to send the City Clerk an email to "publically [sic]" notice their dinner or lunch? How about a church service? Do we need another layer of policing to follow elected officials around at the ready to fire off an email to the City Clerk? Here is an email sent from Maier:
From: Ryan Maier
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Silvina Donaldson; Glen Torcivia
Subject: Quaker Meeting House event [use this link to learn about tonight's (6/2) meeting]
Hi there,
I hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day Weekend. I am writing to the two of you because there is an event at 7pm on this coming Thursday at the Quaker Meeting House on A ST [sic] titled “True Islam and the Extremists,” and I wanted to find out whether there would be any Sunshine Law conflicts as the event is not publically [sic] noticed.
Silvina, if there are no conflicts associated with our attendance, would you please invite the Mayor and other Commissioners to the event as well?
Thank you,
Ryan Maier
Commissioner, District 4
Once again, the Sunshine Law explained: