Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The high hypocrisy finally makes the print edition today in a paper of record

The Palm Beach Post's 'news' about the City's potholes finally made the print edition today, Tuesday, March 31st. To read more about that look in the right-hand column for, "Low-hanging fruit & stuff that happens during slow news week. . .".

Unfortunately for the public, what's missing in the article is the reason why we're in this predicament in the first place. And that's all thanks to a bond vote that failed in 2014. The reporter briefly mentions the failed bond vote but not the reason it failed by just 25 votes.
"NO NEW TAXES!", they said.
The "high hypocrisy" is one of those interviewed in the today's article was also one of the most vocal in opposition to that bond. Here is a letter he recently had published in the very same newspaper:
1st Ave. South would be a brand new street now, along with updated infrastructure, had the "LW2020" bond passed.
And then we get to the real problem you can read about using this link—reporters, editors, and journalism:
Did the Post provide the information you need to make the best possible decision about your life, community, society, and government? No. Crucial information was not reported.