What you'll find interesting is WPB was recently praised for their efforts to help the homeless by a former commissioner in Lake Worth:
At the 40 second mark JoAnn Golden praises the mayor of West Palm Beach and their city for all their efforts to aid the homeless. Unfortunately, at the 1:15 mark she goes off the rails making a terribly unfair characterization of the citizens here in Lake Worth.
When it comes to aiding the homeless, is it really a matter of enough is never enough? And since when did the rights of the homeless trump the rights of business owners and the customers who frequent those businesses? This is a matter of debate here in the City of Lake Worth and think you'll find this interesting—what happens when citizens, even those supportive of helping the homeless, get pushed to the breaking point.
A tourist walks past homeless passed out on pier in City park trying to take photographs. Is this the future you want for City parks? |