But the City still needs to address critical items at the Casino complex related to the leasing of the empty second floor space, how to profitably run the ballroom, add a catering function, and how to keep the maintenance up on the property, etc.—much of which is being deferred due to lack of funds. If we don't then it will be another missed opportunity to fix the financial situation.
Perhaps we will all be enlightened by City Manager Michael Bornstein at the October 20th regular City Commission meeting, again, about the realities present at the Casino complex and pool. Some people have a difficult time understanding that the beach business plan at the BEACH! was never sustainable from the beginning. It was a flawed business plan that is now a failure.
Remember, no one would be talking about the Casino complex and it wouldn't be an item in the news had a previous city commission not dropped the ball and put all of us in this terrible mess:
Remember, no one would be talking about the Casino complex and it wouldn't be an item in the news had a previous city commission not dropped the ball and put all of us in this terrible mess: