Here is the latest, an excerpt from the Walkable West Palm Beach blog:
The vibrant public life in Copenhagen is featured in this video [below] from StreetFilms. It’s difficult to describe the livability and life in public that makes this city special without going there, but this film does it justice. Great urbanism, at its core, is really about a quality of life in public spaces. [emphasis added] Fostering that life in public requires a shift in values, from one prioritizing the needs of cars, to one prioritizing the needs and wants of people living life in public. Taming the automobile so that is a guest in a public realm dominated by people is key to any successful public space, whether a square in Copenhagen, Clematis Street, or the Flagler Waterfront.Here is the video referred to in the excerpt above:
Integral with traffic engineering/policy in cities is how and where to park cars. This is a blog post on the Walkable WPB blog titled, "Parking policy with Donald Shoup". A must read that will get you thinking.