Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Congratulations Greenacres! And Kevin Thompson's opening paragraphs of same story: on-line versus print editions

Congratulations to Greenacres for making what had to be a hard, but necessary, decision. Their city commission voted to merge with PBSO last night; it was a 4 to 1 vote. No doubt the great work PBSO does in Lake Worth made their decision easier.

Now to The Palm Beach Post's Kevin Thompson article about the PBSO vote in Greenacres; here is the first paragraph in the on-line edition:
The city’s law-enforcement officers next year will trade in their dark blue uniforms for money-green outfits.
Money-green? Here is how the paragraph reads in the print edition:
The city’s law-enforcement officers next year will trade in their dark blue uniforms for forest-green outfits.
Anyhow, here is another excerpt that explains why Greenacres decided to merge with PBSO:
     Councilwoman Lisa Rivera said the move was long overdue.
     “Our police department is incredibly understaffed,” she said. “The department is used as a training ground to gain knowledge and experience. We want officers to stay with our city, and we can no longer afford (to operate) a small-town police department.”
The PBSO critics in Lake Worth that continue to fantasize about our City having its own PD can never find a way to solve this problem: if we recruit and train new officers and can't afford to pay them what PBSO pays then all the good ones will leave after they get experience and we'll be left with the rest who PBSO isn't interested in.

That's a big problem.