Despite years of experience and knowledge now spanning generations, it’s still a challenge to describe exactly what sort of actions fall in this category. Generally accepted on the list are endless varieties of blockades, occupations, and sabotage of all shapes and forms (what we refer to as monkeywrenching); though things like mass marches, home demos, banner hangs, costly administrative petitions, and pro-se legal challenges (or paperwrenching), political pranks and miscellaneous deviltry also often make the cut – depending on who you’re talking to.Could "miscellaneous deviltry" also include stealing political signs? Is this part of the fundraising campaign and being more transparent?
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Direct Action: What It Is and Why We Use It | Earth First! Newswire
Mr. Tsolkas shares some "how to" advice on "direct actions." He draws from his significant experience. Would you say that eight years without a workable set of land development regulations is an example of paperwrenching? You might. Here is one of the rare, illuminating paragraphs from the article.