Saturday, November 16, 2013

And from the Department of Redundancy Department comes this...

In case there is any question, we now have an official sign from the city that tells us it is "Today" and the fire hydrant is being flushed. The beauty of this communication is that tomorrow can also be "Today", along with any day next week, or three months from now.

It is always "Today" in Lake Worth. The city has discovered eternity. We are truly living in the now, that's why they call it the present - filled with "potential."

Since the piece aired on Channel 5 Tuesday, the hydrant has not been opened. "Today" it is open again. This is done to draw freshly treated water into the lines to sustain "chlorine residuals."

If you are around "today", bring a bucket and take home some free water, fill your toilets and dog bowls!