Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The City of Lake Worth's Wikipedia page: Hijacking of the City's page continues—Mis- and disinformation being added

First, I want to thank the person(s) who have been adding all the incredibly detailed historical information to the City's Wikipedia page. Some time in the near future will promote that work on this blog; Thank You very much.

If you've been following the news about the monkeywrenching of the City's Wikipedia page you'll remember when a radical 'church' in Lake Worth hijacked the City's page earlier in the year. This was fixed and the page continues to be monitored to ensure no further attacks occur. There have also been smaller and more clever ways someone or some group have attempted to hijack the page to further their own efforts to confuse and deceive the public.

Somebody has been particularly diligent keeping false information on the page, putting the misinformation back on the page each and every time it's been deleted (under the heading "Later history"):
"After a short period of neglect and decline in the 1980s and 1990s, the downtown area has seen a huge resurgence in interest and now sports an array of art galleries, sidewalk cafés and night clubs—so much so that Village Voice Media recently dubbed Lake Worth "The Coolest City in South Florida.[18]"
When you click on footnote 18 this is what you find, a link to a Broward New Times article, NOT THE VILLAGE VOICE! The writer of that article in the New Times no longer writes for them; this was the next to last article posted by that writer and it might give you a clue as to why he/she is no longer a writer for them.

Here are two charming excerpts from the "Village Voice" article cited on the City's Wikipedia page:
Chamber of Commerce types throughout Palm Beach County have long laid the rap that Lake Worth never gets anything done, that city government is a terminal clusterfuck [link added by this blogger] where businesses don't get respect from the obstinately retrograde natives. What about capital "P" progress, they cry?
[Very charming, isn't it? And. . .]
And for all the city's governmental difficulties and screwups, they've still got a municipal beach with fine new casino and amenities [link added by this blogger], and, most impressive of all, city-owned power and water. When the day comes, El Dub can declare independence, with electricity and good drinking water to survive on.
Please understand, the City's electric utility is owned by the City but all the power is purchased off the grid from coal plants, nuclear power plants, and other types of electric produced by fossil fuels.

Oh, and by the way Steve, at 9:00 a.m. this morning (10/28) the false information about the 'Village Voice' was deleted again. Watch this video about the Village Voice: