Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Annual Midnight Sun Festival begins this Friday and end on Sunday.

The Midnight Sun Festival began in 1983,

“[F]ounded by [former] Lake Worth Mayor David Hinsa, who is Finnish-American, to celebrate Lake Worth’s rich, century old, Finnish heritage. The greater Lake Worth area has more people of Finnish descent than almost anywhere else in the United States. Lake Worth even has a sister city in Finland, Lappeenranta!”

And more important information. . .

Please update your event calendar: Monthly Lake Ave. Block Party in Downtown L-Dub has been rescheduled.

A significant change of plans:

This month’s Lake Ave. Block Party will be held on Friday, March 8th (not first Friday of the month this month). Please inform all your friends and family. And for additional news about archery, anlace and the atlatl please click on this link.