Sunday, February 26, 2017

Welcome changes at Lake Worth City Hall: the Commission chambers has a new, modern appeal.

Next Tuesday is a City Commission Work Session. Either experience these changes on your laptop/mobile device and watch this meeting Live Streaming (details below) or attend this Workshop in person:

Agenda: City Commission Work Session
City Hall Commission Chambers
Tuesday, Feb. 28th, 6:00
  • Roll Call
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Presentations. A) Discussion about crime and crime prevention in Lake Worth and presentation by PBSO Captain Todd Baer. B) Palm Beach Fire Rescue perspective by Fire Captain Houston Park.
There have been upgrades to the audio/video equipment in the Commission Chambers. There are now three sleek “pan & zoom” cameras suspended from the ceiling: two mounted towards the back facing forward and one in the front of the Chambers towards the public podium and crowd in attendance. The camera feed can be seen on wall-mounted flat screens (2) to the right and the left of the dais.

Each screen is easily seen throughout the room. Gone are the days when you had to sit on the right side of the room in order to follow a PowerPoint presentation. The ancient projector is gone! About time.

One camera can be seen above Mayor Pam Triolo showing speakers at the podium along with the audience (see image below):

These improvements really do make the experience attending a City Commission meeting, or any City meeting in the Chambers, more enjoyable and informative. Thank you!

Improvements go beyond this room as well. The City now has its own YouTube channel. This is where one can watch meetings Live Streaming, or archived videos later, and I understand this corrects the issue with Apple devices: another step in the right direction.

A reader of my blog sent the following pictures from last Tuesday’s Commission meeting, scarcely believing the view upon entering the room:

The City now can track how many Live viewers there are. At one point, Commissioner Maier claimed there were “thousands” watching. The number was closer to 10 at the time; these changes are very new for the public.

The camera view changes during the meeting and generally follows who is speaking.