Thursday, December 31, 2015

With 75 days until elections in Lake Worth (from 12/31) how and when will the allies of the Anarchists roll out their PR campaign?

The Lake Worth Herald (an excerpt is below) accurately portends what is to come starting very soon in Lake Worth: the monkeywrenching, disruptions, and the political wedge strategies designed to divide and pit one community against another. Whereas some politicians seek unity for political strength the Anarchists gain their political power from division and, well, Anarchy. One of their latest efforts, the "too-White" Cuban-American boy on the mural at the CRA's La Joya Villages, turned out to be a complete disaster and backfired in spectacular fashion. They've been very quiet and licking their self-inflicted, damaged egos ever since.

But there's plenty more in their bag of tricks. The Anarchists have allies in the local print and TV news media that will be helping them. There are several newspaper reporters in the local paper of record that are sympathetic with the Anarchists and at least one editor who can be counted on to "carry the water". A local TV news station also has a reporter who will do whatever is needed to further the cause, especially in the 2–3 months prior to an election. The support from the Palm Beach/Broward New Times is a given—they're overeager puppy dogs for everything and anything Anarchist.

The Anarchist candidate from the horizontally-structured Everglades Earth First! (EEF) that is challenging Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell for the District One seat can't deny he's an Anarchist and the reporters/editors are going to have to acknowledge that fact. So what is the strategy going to be? I think I know: They're going to re-make the Anarchist candidate into the Good Anarchist as opposed to the Bad Anarchist. For instance, their PR will be This Anarchist is really just the "social justice" type and cares and loves everyone. This Anarchist isn't anything like the others who try to hurt people or damage property. But there's a little problem with that: here is one of the co-leaders of EEF, Peter "Panagioti" Tsolkas, at a recent rally in Palm Beach Gardens following the killing of Corey Jones:
A message from EEF to the community: "This County [Palm Beach County] Could Use an Uprising".
With only 75 days to go (from today, 12/31) the press' PR campaign will have to begin soon. I predict we'll be treated to two, maybe three, fluff articles about Good Anarchists (one appearing on a Sunday) culminating with an editorial strongly in support of the Good Anarchists and denouncing the Bad Anarchists. The TV news segments will be timed as needed. Will it work? Who knows. Only time will tell.

Would this be part of the transformation?
The Anarchist candidate before his Hipster makeover.
The Anarchist candidate after his makeover.
Anyhow, it will be interesting to see how the PR campaign is rolled out and who gets the byline. As it develops will keep you updated here on this blog. Below are two excerpts from the latest Lake Worth Herald editorial dated 12/31 on the EEF's month-long "Workshop" scheduled conveniently prior to elections in Lake Worth:

     "Why would Everglades Earth First choose Lake Worth to hold a month long workshop to piece together the parts for a musical “Earth First!” The Musical Winter Workshop that will take place in Lake Worth where there are “mango-tree-lined streets and February weather you’ll want to sleep outside in according to their plea for participation from across the country.
     What timing, isn’t there an election taking place in March? Begs the question, What type of musical is this if it is a musical at all? The call for performers and builders and voices of all sorts seems innocuous enough. The call for Musicians, actors, singers seems logical. But experts with ropes, and the most intriguing of all, experts with phone calls makes one wonder if this is for a musical at all or is it another little green army assault on Lake Worth politics and an effort to get “their” (the ones who are being introduced to Lake Worth for the cause and will leave Lake Worth when they are through) candidate elected."

[and. . .]

     "This gathering smells of pure Anarchy, conjured up by a few in Lake Worth who have no respect for other people’s property or quality of life.
     Maybe this should serve as a message to Sheriff Ric Bradshaw to begin making room for those who decide the laws of society in Lake Worth don’t pertain to them. Just hope PBSO is prepared to follow through with the trips to Gun Club Road to provide camping space for those attempting to disrupt the peaceful lives of the citizens of Lake Worth.
     The attendance, and disruption, will begin increasing at City Commission meetings as the elections near."

Now you can't say you are surprised when EEF puts their efforts into high gear starting in just 4 weeks.