Saturday, November 21, 2015

Video: Glen Torcivia's "boring" observations that are anything but—More on the prayer issue at City meetings in Lake Worth

For more of the background on this use this link and this one too. The Lake Worth City Attorney, Glen Torcivia, at the City Commission meeting on 11/10 asked to "bore" the others on the dais with an explanation on a U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) case to help guide the decision-making process vis-à-vis invocations/prayers at the beginning of City meetings.

The video below is enlightening to say the least. Mr. Torcivia explains a case that went to SCOTUS concerning the Town of Greece in New York. What is so interesting is that public perception is the city lost that case and that is not true. The Town of Greece won the case on a split 5-4 vote despite their invocations at city meetings being overwhelmingly given by Christians in the town.

Note that Mr. Torcivia talks about certain standards that can be applied to invocations which the insulting atheist, Preston "I'm an Atheist!" Smith, chose not to adhere to. Instead of explaining atheism's role in society, or more broadly, why it should serve a legitimate role in our country, he chose to demean people of faith.
A side note: Is Preston "I'm an Atheist!" Smith a spokesman for the American Atheists?
The video below is a little over 7 minutes and would encourage you to share it (using this link) with anyone you know who has an interest in this debate and wants to learn more:

Lastly, I've written quite a lot about this subject and in case you're curious my personal opinion is invocations have no place in government meetings. Then-candidate Ryan Maier agreed with me and after he got elected to a Lake Worth city commission seat he changed his mind. Another example of how muddled things can be when you mix religion and government.