Here's a very clever excerpt by Matt Reed in FloridaToday:
I don't know anyone here who would ride it, is what I usually hear in Brevard about passenger rail.
To which All Aboard Florida has responded, You're right. That's why we're not bothering to stop in your county.
To which Brevard has replied, No fair – we deserve to ride, too.
So the company now says, Show us the fare money.
Stop here, don't stop here. Quiet zones, no quiet zones. Those are mostly business decisions now. All Aboard Florida is a subsidiary of the company that has owned the tracks for 125 years and still decides how and whether we may cross its property with our cars. State and local governments can meddle, but they have no real power to block the fast trains.
Nevertheless, Brevard leaders said they have enjoyed good cooperation from All Aboard Florida to secure favorable conditions for residents while the company is still willing to pay. [emphasis added]