Sunday, June 29, 2014

Bad cellphone records, free food highlight Lake Worth audit... |

This is a very thorough article on the findings of Ken Oakes, Lake Worth's Internal Auditor. Click title for link. It is a position required by the CHARTER that reports directly to the City Commission. The Best-Commission-Ever agreed with the Best-City-Manager-Ever's opinion that the city didn't need anyone else pointing out problems. Meanwhile, dead people were making cell phone calls, along with former employees. This is evidence of an institutional culture that was clearly off-the-rails and previous Commissions were complicit by not funding the Internal Auditor position. The same people that supported the Best-Commission-Ever were generally the ones that worship that same CHARTER in an attempt to enshrine height limits within it. That election was made "null and void" by a 2013 state law. Perhaps this is what we should call this group of naysayers - "The Null and Voids."