They decided not to pay the $6 million to the County. They are going forward with the Conflict Resolution Process with the County. Much talk about conservation of water related to our Emergency Order from the South Florida Water Management District.
Annabeth Carson called green lawns a luxury for the rich if they are not producing food. A lot of talk about rain barrels and catching what rain we get from the sky. Commissioner Jennings wants big signs at the entrance to the city proclaiming water crisis. They also want increased enforcement measures by the Sheriff for violators of watering restrictions (a good idea.) They also talked about going to a modified "Phase 4" (most critical) water restrictions. Commissioner Jennings brought up an idea they implemented in Australia about the length of showers, turning off fountains, etc. And they still talk about hooking up to West Palm Beach water, which is operating under a court order regarding their system.
There is also no guarantee that the city will get a permit for deep well injection. There is no guarantee that we can hook up to West Palm Beach or the County (they even asked if the County would let the city connect to the new line on an "emergency basis")
No one either would or could come up with the complaint that the city has with the County agreement - they'll let staff come up with the reasons. Commissioner Golden said there were lots of complaints.
And we are approaching the County, having not honored our obligation, and expect them to go along with our Conflict Resolution process and at the same time we are going to them to negotiate an extension of our $5 million grant for the beach redevelopment.
Any guesses what will happen next?