I tried just a bit earlier tonight and can say, without a doubt, it is one of the things that you need to taste while you live in South Florida. Perhaps it should even make it on your "bucket list."
So that others can sample this delicacy, I am offering a jar to the first four (4) people who can come up with a positive contribution to the Lake Worth community that is easily implementable in a short amount of time, with little or no investment and one that would result in a noticeable improvement for those living, working and/or playing in the city of Lake Worth.
We will call this "Lake Worth's Low Hanging Fruit Award!"
Please submit your entries to me at wesblackman@gmail.com. Winners will be announced here and, if really exceptional, will be presented during a future City Commission meeting's Public Comment on Un-agendaed Items by yours truly.
Put on those thinking caps and get ready for some tasty jam! All decisions final, void were prohibited!