When the item last appeared on the City Commission agenda (under "Consent Agenda"), the item was pulled and discussed. There was a lot of talk about what is triggering the need for the improvements, why the improvements haven't been done anyway, why this wasn't considered before entering into a lease and prior to the opening of the center, how the certificate of occupancy could be pulled in a month if the improvements are not funded, where the estimates came from and who would do the work, etc., etc.
All of these items are questions worthy of discussion. The staff back-up does little to address these issues other than to provide a rough breakdown of the proposed expenditures. There is a suggestion that some of the work would be done by the City's own labor force - but if that happens what are they being taken away from that might be of a higher priority. And, who gave the bids and how did that abide by our procurement procedures?
By way of contrast, look at Compass and the work they are doing to the former Senior Center. They, not the City, are putting in at least $1.5 million into a city building in the way of mold eradication, installation of an elevator, and other building improvements without any compensation from the City's coffers. Another non-profit that has a favorable lease due to the services they will provide the community.
Now, according to the regime in charge on the dais now, anyone who raises any question about the "resource center" is a racist or a "sleazy lackey for corporate greed and fascist xenophobia." How can we expect to address any of the pressing issues that face our City if we rely on divisiveness to reign on our Commission? I wish more people had thought through their vote before casting it for the likes of Commissioner Cara Jennings et al.
But I can see how the voters could be fooled by Commissioner Jennings - on the campaign trail it was an "employment center" - one that everyone in the City could use and one that was needed in this tough economy.
Yeah, right.
How about we all meet up there and see what sorts of services are rendered for the benefit of all citizens?