Contest: The next ESA Palm Beach County District contest, sponsored by Ocean Magic Surf Shop in Jupiter, is set for Sunday, December 7th in Jupiter. Entry deadline is 5 P.M. Wednesday, December 3rd. All ESA divisions will compete for Regional qualifying points. Backup date is the weekend of December 13th and 14th. Entry forms are at, Ocean Magic, or your local Palm Beach County Surf Shop. ESA Palm Beach County District Directors Jen Surgener, Jim Miller and Tom Warnke remind everyone that in order to qualify for Regional slots at Sebastian this spring, all memberships must be current or renewed in December! PBC District info line is 561-324-2812.
Legal ruling: This week ESA will receive the judge's ruling on the legal battle to save surfing at the Lake Worth Pier. ESA, Surfrider Foundation, The Snook Foundation and the City of Lake Worth have all been battling in court over plans by the Town of Palm Beach and DEP to bury the areas surrounding the Lake Worth Pier with poor quality, muddy, dredged material. After weeks of court hearings, and many thousands of dollars in legal fees, December 3rd is the deadline for the judge to rule on this precedent-setting case.
Party: By coincidence, December 4th (Thursday evening) is the "Respect The Beach Party", hosted by the Palm Beach County Surfrider Foundation Chapter. It's an open-to-the-public fund raiser for that same legal battle, and includes the presentation of four "Ocean Warrior Awards" for people who have significantly helped protect our local ocean, waves and beaches. The awards will be presented to Kane Baker, Ed Tichenor, Don French and Jay Cashmere during the party. A week in Tamarindo Bay, Costa Rica, fishing trips, scuba trips and a new surfboard will be part of the items offered at the raffle and silent auction. The Respect The Beach Party is at The Palm Beach Steakhouse, 191 Bradley Place, in Palm Beach, (on the island) from 5:30 until 9:30, and dress is business casual. For more info click on or call 561-236-0155.