Friday, December 5, 2008

Pics from Today's Groundbreaking Ceremony on 10th Avenue North

This was fun to do today. I'm the tall guy in the line-up. You can click on the frame above for a full size slideshow if you wish.

The project is following the same pattern as the 6th Avenue South improvements completed about a year and a half ago. The $8.5 million dollar project, with a $250,000 grant from Palm Beach County will completely redo the right-of-way along 10th Avenue North - one of the gateways to the city from I-95. The CRA funded project will replace existing archaic water, sewer and drainage infrastructure, install wider sidewalks and landscaped area along the edge of the road itself. Overhead utilities will be placed underground - making for more pleasing aesthetics and hardening of the electric distribution system so that it is more impervious to hurricane damage.

This effort has been long in the making and also includes newly rezoned land on the block immediately north and south of 10th and north and south 6th Avenues. The rezoning calls for mixed use office and residential projects that will provide a visual and sound barrier from the heavy traffic on the major thoroughfares - protecting the interior neighborhoods.

The improvements will run from A street to Dixie Hwy. and include pavers and other pedestrian improvements. The project will take a little over one year to fully complete.