It's this type of erroneous information that we have to avoid spreading. And, yes I have been in the ocean at our beach many times and encountered the same thing. Could it be debris from a storm in the 40s? A more likely explanation.
it is interesting to me that nobody in the city wants to talk about moving the beach building to the lower level parking lot behind the dune. why? because it seems pretty obvious that a lot of erosion can take place in a short amount of time when you consider that you can take a walk on the old A1A if you just wade out into the surf at Lake Worth Beach about 15 feet. The rocks that line the coast there are the remnants of the old A1A which were overcome by a hurricane in the 1940s. While I hardly think anyone who advocates the GB plan actually uses the beach, I would suggest that they wade out and stand on the nice flat old road and think very hard about whether you should build anything at all so near to the ocean....