Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Breaking news from The Lake Worth Herald and news about City’s official website forced to be taken down.

In Brief: What is happening in City of Lake Worth Beach is ‘legal extortion’ and Mayor Pam Triolo is angry as hell. She said, “I’m p■■■■d off !”

WARNING: Do not bring thumb drives to Lake Worth Beach City Hall. One City resident is advising others in the community to do just that but don’t do it. Please keep your thumb drives at home and use instead.*

Lake Worth Beach Mayor Triolo is not
an elected official prone to anger.

She is a four-time elected mayor in a small town
known for tough small town politics and
she always manages a smile.

Would you like to learn more about this elected body? Too bad that part of City website had to be taken down too and not available for the public.

The reason why the City’s website was taken down is a terrible story about the modern legal system much like what happened earlier this year when all the successes in tackling the sober home crisis came under assault by one ruling by one judge in Palm Beach County threatening a ‘relapse’ after 2½ years of very hard work.

And now the 6 sq. mi. City of Lake Worth Beach is under assault once again. To find out how and why that is a YouTube video is below of the City Commission meeting from last evening at City Hall.

Support LOCAL small town journalism in Lake Worth Beach, nearby municipalities and in metro Lake Worth region in Central Palm Beach County.

LOCAL newspapers matter. This week’s Herald is in production; here are last week’s headlines. Consider becoming a subscriber to the Herald today. Print edition is still ¢50. Call editor Mark Easton at 561-585-9387 or by email at:

Here is the news from the Herald last evening:

Until the City’s website calendar of meetings and events is up and running The Lake Worth Herald has kindly agreed to include a weekly calendar of City advisory board meetings and City events every week from now until the City’s official calendar is back online.

This is what LOCAL and locally-owned community newspapers do!

Look for this news in this week’s Lake Worth Herald available by subscription ($25 per year) and at Andy’s newsstand called Studio 205.

Studio 205 is located at 205 N. Federal Hwy. in Lake Worth Beach. Call the proprietor at 561-533-5272 to see if this week’s paper is out. The parking lot for Studio 205 is located off 2nd Ave. North just about 100′ from the traffic light at Federal Hwy.†

To watch and hear the very sad news about why the City’s website cannot go public watch the YouTube video below and please listen very carefully to Lake Worth Beach City Attorney Glen Torcivia:

Please share this terrible news with everyone you know in your neighborhood and community.

And get ready to read the news in this week’s Lake Worth Herald.

Footnote Section.

*Per City officials please keep City Hall ‘e-clap’-FREE. In the meantime use what is called can be defined as the old-fashioned way when people with mobility issues got around to acquire information prior to floppy disks, magnetic tape and 30-lb phones anchored to the wall with mechanical dials that kept falling off. What these people would do is put on sneakers, grab the walking stick and then head on out. For historical reference the song by Bad Company titled, “Silver, Blue & Gold” was available on Eight-Track.

For some reason the proprietor at Studio 205 became news in The Palm Beach Post today for no apparent reason and many in the public are scratching their heads right now.

What the Post reported was a complete non-story about a truly non-event. To learn more about that silly news published in the Post print edition today click on this link.