Sunday, October 25, 2015

[UPDATE] Lake Worth Commissioner Ryan Maier misrepresents Lake Worth at Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council

[UPDATE: Commissioner Maier, by the looks of it, hasn't been trained well by his handlers and that has now been forever documented by his appearance at the TCRPC last month in the now-approved minutes. In an irresponsible manner he misrepresented the City of Lake Worth on a very crucial matter:
The Planning & Zoning Board and City staff DID NOT recommend "against the changes". They both supported the changes to the City's LDR's.
Continue reading this post (originally published earlier in the month) on how badly misrepresented our City was before such an important board:]

After Maier's debacle vis-à-vis the FEC train horn volume and the "little horns" it was suggested that somebody from Lake Worth should be tasked with attending meetings of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) to find out what Maier is telling people and to make sure the record is set straight. Now this suggestion is now a necessity. Maier is the City's liaison to the TCRPC and he misrepresented (or lied about, if you wish) the issue of 'planned development' in our City.

He misrepresented both himself as an elected official and the City Commission. The following is from the minutes of the TCRPC on September 18th (page 5):
     Commissioner Ryan Maier indicated he is a new commissioner in Lake Worth and is learning about planned development, because in Lake Worth they have discussed allowing them in the city. He stated according to Muni Code, the intent of a planned development is to relax regulations related to height, density, setback, etc. He indicated Palm Beach County currently allows planned developments at 40 percent in the agricultural reserve, and that anything higher could hardly be called agricultural reserve. He noted the planning and zoning board along with staff have recommended against the changes, and he asked Council to support that position. 
What Lake Worth has done is nothing close to what he is suggesting to the TCRPC. No one is suggesting a large, gated community in the City like those that dot the county out west. Making the suggestion is ludicrous and inflammatory. Lake Worth isn't relaxing any regulations on height or density. What is being changed, for example, is that lots of a half acre or larger can have a little more flexibility where the structure is located. Here is the first page of the City Commission agenda from October 6th:
You can read this material for yourself about the changes from the City Commission agenda: read pages 117–134.

Take special note of the following facts:
  • City staff supports the changes
  • The Planning & Zoning Board voted 7-0 in support (August 5th)
  • The Historic Resources Preservation Board voted 6-0 in support (August 12th)
  • The City Commission voted 3-2 in support on September 1st (with Commissioners Maier & McVoy dissenting; no big surprise)
Being the liaison to the TCRPC is a serious responsibility and shouldn't be taken lightly. And the public in Lake Worth shouldn't have to be concerned about how our elected officials are behaving before such a crucial board such as the TCRPC. They are a very important partner and their help has been and will be crucial for our City's future.

And lastly, from the TCPRC minutes Maier stated "he is a new commissioner in Lake Worth". After 200+ days?

Here is more about Maier and his appearance at the TCRPC: inexplicably, he has no clue where the Ag Reserve is located in Palm Beach County.